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“The 9 SECRET WAYS To Make Him Worry About LOSING YOU!” | Stephan Speaks

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9 ways to make him worry about losing you…In this dating advice for women video, I will breakdown how to make him worry about losing you. It can be during first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process that you exude the value that makes a man fear losing you. Take heed to these dating tips for women, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I want you to experience being cherished, loved, and respected. Learning how to make him fear losing you isn't about tips and tricks that puts fear in his heart. This dating advice will help you tap into your true potential, allow him to see your amazing value, and create a healthy relationship.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– How to make him worry about losing you
– Ways to make him worry about losing you
– How to make him fear losing you
– Make him fear losing you
– Online dating
– Make him worry about losing you
– How to make a man worry about losing you
– Relationship coach for women
– Dating coach for women
– Relationship expert
– Dating advice for women
– Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "9 Ways To Make Him Worry About Losing You"

Watch this video next dating advice video "The 4 SECRETS To Get Him ADDICTED To You!"

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  • Brittany B says:

    If a man doesn’t truly love or care about you, no matter what you do, he wont care if he loses you or not.

  • Miss May says:


  • Stephan Speaks says:

    ❤️ Get your copy of “How To Get A Man To Cherish You…” today! CLICK HERE 👉 http://www.becherishedbyhim.com?sl=YTC​​ 👈 Don’t let the title trigger you. This book is genuinely helping so many women.

  • Simone Michelle Lloyd says:

    Great points: 1) Be your own peace in order to be his peace 2) Speak love and positivity into him 3) Find out and tend to his desires and needs 4) Take care of yourself 5) Be transparent & learn to listen to him 6) Create your own world in your relationship 7) Learn how to find balance in the relationship as a team 8) Give consequences and rewards 9) Be willing to walk away . Powerful instructive words to execute and see if he is truly the correct man. Thanks.

  • Yvonne B says:

    Stephen I’ve learned no matter how positive, uplifting and encouraging I am to my Kings. If they’re struggling with their own Demons nothing positive will manifest except for the peace of leaving. I’m Happy and wish blessings and Happiness to all!!! Life is too short to deal with ANYONE man OR woman that don’t know, love or respect themselves.

    • Myles Holland says:

      Yvonne I have learned that as well. You said the right thing”demons”. I have been there, gone thought it for years with a few people and being a growing Woman in Christ … It is what it is then battling with demons

    • AboveRubies says:

      Yvonne, well said! Yes and amen!

    • Florence Arong says:

      You are correct I was all this to a man who has demons, insecurity issues, gossip like a woman etc.

    • Happiness50 says:

      Amen exactly what i just dealt with. I loved my husband with all my heart but he’s dealing with his own demon/issues so i had to leave

  • Miriam C says:

    1 be his peace. 2 speak love and positivity 3 needs and desires 4 take better care of yourself 5 appearence 6 have your own world 7 balance in the relationship 8 consequences 9 be able to walk away.

  • Laura Pedro says:

    I’ve catered to this man. I’ve loved him. I’ve fed him. I’ve been quiet. I’ve spoken calmly. And I’ve gotten nothing but a man that takes. He’s under the belief that I’m here to serve him and has given just enough when he deems the time right. Flowers on Valentine’s Day and my birthday. Because that’s “common.”
    The only time I get the proper attention from him, is when I lose my cool. THEN I get reciprocation. This is not the type of relationship I want. I don’t want to have to get angry to be properly attended to and loved. Who does that?
    I refuse to keep repeating myself.

  • J k says:

    A woman treats you how she wants to be treated first. Then she treats you how you treat her.

  • Whoweare documentary says:

    After 18 years, my former became someone who I did not know. It was not worth endangering my life, so I:” learned the lessons;, forgave him,; forgave myself; closed the doors and left”. Peace is what’s important. No harm, no foul.

  • Sandra Green says:

    If a man really loves you, he will never let you walk out of his life and if he knows that he’s the cause of all of the problems but doesn’t want to be held accountable, then that’s when he’ll let you go. I realized that i was a gem and i wasn’t valued or appreciated, so i left.

  • SimplyNena says:

    A goddess doesn’t chase. We attract. Be the Energy you look for in others & fulfill yourself with that. You then will attract the energy you “seek”

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate that ❤️

    • Katrina Carson says:

      I was married 23 years. He got everything he wanted. Sat on the couch drank or was golfing . Expensive gifts. When it came to what i needed and desired. Nada dang thing. He would say he was the king. Well i asked for counseling. I paid for it. No matter what day it was he had a problem at work for 7 months every week. So i did not go to counseling that week i drove to the divorce lawyer. I even held thru his cheating. I was a hot fun wife.. but he refused showers, brush his teeth. Takes 2

    • Maya Mendoza says:

      Not always. Some horrible men will see you have good values and good energy and will be attracted to you due to those traits. No matter how good you carry yourself or how much you love yourself can keep bad away.

    • Zelma says:

      Wow. Great point ❤

    • KenyattaTheChosen1♒️ says:

      You’re so right Goddess we don’t chase we attract

  • EbbyGerl says:

    No wonder some relationships are so draining. You do your best and they take you for granted. It seems that the only time they are afraid of losing you is when they are actually losing you.

  • Naimah Q says:

    While you might have clicked on this video to “keep him” if you implement these changes to yourself, you grow to be a person NO ONE wants to loose. This is a manual on how to increase your value for yourself and others via self growth. Aye 🙌🏽⚡️

  • l. says:

    It’s not that difficult: show love, be his shoulder, ear & rock, don’t threaten his stability, be affectionate, forgive without throwing things in his face & be his friend. If you have a real friendship the rest happens naturally anyway

    • Brenda Minichello says:

      Our relationship is satisfying but at 70 yo my husband gets frustrated & depressed. It effects his mood & he’s always had a sharp tongue and I’m sorry, afterwords. I finally realize that it affects my attitude towards the relationship now and it’s difficult I imagine for both of us we’ve been together for 43 years and I see how this is a negative affect on our relationship that we didn’t have over the years. Sure we had our ups and downs.

    • Nance Okech says:

      All of that?

  • Korlu Saye says:

    So true. I have work, kids and school. But I have dedicated myself to loving myself. I’m down three dress sizes, I’m working on myself and asking the Lord to help me in the areas where I’m struggling. And I have cut off all the negative folks. I have decided to be by myself.

  • Dezi A says:

    The part about being my own peace and making sure I didn’t have my own demons deeply resonated with me. No one wants to come home to war, but you bring home war when you walk with your own war all the time. Thank you for this perspective, you’re so insightful

  • Tammi Tamm says:

    Pray that God sends you the Man that’s for you! That’s how you get the man you deserve! Blessings Everyone❤

  • BOO Diamante says:

    If they really Love you they will not make it hard for you. They will not make you feel confused or left out. How they treat you is how they feel about it. So no matter how smart, sexy, beautiful if they are not into you it will show on how they treat you. Lets focus on our own self and make a better version of ourselves.

  • Devine Beaut says:

    Nobody wants to deal with war but what do they expect when they stopped being who you met? People create havoc amongst themselves and then blame you for not allowing them to play on you and your emotions. Like you said, you have to be your own peace.❤Thank you.

  • rojamillerover says:

    No amount of peace of positivity can make a man appreciate you and not want to lose you. It’s about them and what he wants and what’s to be at that particular time. Women don’t bend over backwards always, these men treat us like trash nomatter how soft, feminine, loving etc we are

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