The HARSH TRUTH About Dating TODAY! | Stephan Speaks

Ready to hear the best dating advice ever? Listen to this piece of dating advice on you needing to stop wasting your time in dating. These dating tips can save you from a lot of headaches.

So often we ignore the red flags in dating. We give chances to people who don't belong in our lives, and we begin a process of wasting time. I don't want that to be you.

This is important dating advice and relationship advice for you to take heed to. When it comes to dating and relationships, I want you to stop wasting your time with the wrong guys and the wrong women. So that you can focus on your growth, and be able to receive the person who is truly best for you.

I'm providing this dating advice because I want to make sure you don't fall into the trap of wasting time dating. Take heed to these dating tips, and you will be able to experience more success and you'll know how to save time in dating.

I want to meet you in person! Join me for the "You Deserve It Tour". Get your tickets here 👉 👈 Tickets are selling fast!

These aren't just dating tips for women. Men need to take heed to this dating advice as well. So embrace this dating advice for women and men to help improve your dating experiences, and generate better results.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– How to stop wasting time dating
– Truth about dating
– Best dating advice
– Best dating advice ever
– How to stop wasting time in dating
– Online dating
– Online dating tips
– How to stop wasting time with men
– Best dating tips
– Relationship advice
– Dating advice
– Dating advice for men
– Relationship advice for women
– Dating advice for women
– Dating coach for women
– Dating coach
– Dating tips
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "BEST DATING ADVICE EVER – Stop Wasting Your Time!"

Watch this video next "Do You Need To Lower Your Standards in Dating? 🤔"


#StopWastingYourTime #DatingTips #DatingAdvice #RelationshipAdvice #DatingAdviceForWomen #OnlineDating #DatingCoach #StephanSpeaks


  • Spritual Speaker Priyanka Nagpal says:

    Sometimes God send you wrong person so that you can realize you Self-worth. Don’t waste your time with Wrong Person

    • LaShonda Rochell says:

      GOD will not send you the wrong person, GOD is not “The Author of Confusion” satan is!!!

    • Monica says:

      @LaShonda Rochell I was just about to say the same thing…. the only thing I will add is…. the devil will send you the wrong crazy person disguised as the “right” person.

    • Monica says:


    • Mr. J M says:

      God did not send you the wrong person, usually you get with the wrong person because you tried to help GOD out. Bad idea!

    • 33Lady RAM says:

      💯💯 facts!!! I’m a testimony of being with the wrong person and putting up with toxic behavior. I learned a lot about myself that I never knew but I know now 💯😊

  • Lexus Black says:

    We got stop learning the same “lessons” over and over again. It’s called insaniety. We have to do better!

  • PH Ugly Duckling says:

    “You will never be good enough for the wrong person….when people do not see your value, they’re not for you. Get them out of the way.”

    • Healing Handz says:

      That’s powerful n deep when u think about it . But yet so Tru 💯

    • Healing Handz says:

      We gotta let that sizzle n our spirit

    • PH Ugly Duckling says:

      @Healing Handz facts. Women should not have to go through emotional suffering all in the name of love. Women ought to know and value their power …by CEASE AND DESIST with sticking around in a dead relationship all in the name of CONVINCING someone we are worthy of love…long suffering through the motions all in the name of HOPING THAT guy will “come to his senses” and realize we are “that chick” and make us #1.

      Exscuse my language…F 🖕 that!!!

    • PH Ugly Duckling says:

      @Stephan Speaks Thank you, Stephan. I am so “woke”…when it comes to all that you speak about in this latest video of yours.

      I’m not 1 of these dumb azz, “well, you do things when you’re in love” type of women. My species actually believes one has to suffer when it comes to emotions, when it comes to a man, when it comes to worthyness .

      Uhhhhhh…..I…THINK…NOT, SS❤🖤💜💛💚💙 Hoping to see you in concert when your tour comes through to NYC 🗽

    • Deme Ann Nelson says:

      That spoke volumes to my Soul , I had to pause.

  • Coolkidz Media says:

    He speaking facts there are a lot of people in 10 year relationships that are not going no where

  • Betty Tanner says:

    Hate when people in Bad marriages try to judge like I should pick the wrong person like they did

    • Yane Lopez says:

      😂😂😂SO TRUE!🖒

    • Kenya From Cali says:

      Omg!! My friend that vents for 3 hours about her own husband every time we get together tried to hook me up with a mutual old college friend. I said he’s not a person of strong character and confidence from what I’ve seen over the years.
      She said he’s been on his job for 20 years and he recently got his masters degree. But he still works in the AT&T store (no judgement, but that’s not particularly matching my ambition and you don’t need a masters even to be a manager.) Also, she’s said he’s called her husband a few times in the past 2 years because he “ran out of gas.” Not because he’s necessarily broke, but his gas gauge doesn’t work and he hasn’t gotten it fixed or purchased a newer more reliable car. Now why would I want a 44 year old man who can’t be responsible enough to not run out of gas. She says she thinks he just needs a good woman. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️😂😂😂

    • Betty Tanner says:

      @Kenya From Cali That’s the problem too many people think a partner is supposed2 fix problems; naw he need a financial advisor i suggest Charles Schwab

    • Rob T says:

      Misery loves company

    • Rob T says:

      Kenya From Cali Trust me, that same man will in future be more settled in his life, maybe even cash 💰 in his retirement, perhaps set up a small online tech business and he will be attracted to a younger version of you. A man has a far longer trajectory on the sexual market place. Turning down a hard working fellow now because of the things you see in the media is a poor mistake.

  • Danielle says:

    “You will never be good enough for the wrong person” Damn!! #facts

    • Nadine Martin says:


    • MAURINE SAMOEI says:

      Veganwithmuscles the truth hurts

    • jackassfat says:

      or maybe WE are the wrong person !!!!
      stop blaming others!!!

    • Miss Priss says:

      @jackassfat If we wouldn’t date ourselves, then yes, we are the wrong person. If there are genuine things that we need to work on that would make a healthy relationship impossible with us (habits, attitudes, etc.), we are the wrong person. However, if we are emotionally and spiritually healthy and a certain person doesn’t want us, the problem is not that we aren’t good enough for them. The problem is that we are not for them.

    • jackassfat says:

      @Miss Priss Wow !!!!Just loved your reply. Thanks a lot!!

  • edwinjones1000 says:

    In this increasingly matriarchal society, I have eliminated dating altogether , went back to college for a 2nd degree, started working out more and eat organic. I have not had a girlfriend in 10 years or sex in 6 years. It was difficult at first but I have never felt so good mentally , physically and spiritually in my life.

  • Jackie K says:

    I’ve done this multiple times, trying to force things to happen with the wrong person! Lesson learned! Doing the same thing over and over and expecting better is insanity! Stop wasting time with the Wrong men ladies! 💯👌

  • K Hodges says:

    It will be difficult for a broken woman or man to know if the “right” person came along. Let’s fix ourselves and the focus on dating. Those who use us and waste our time are probably broken and the cycle continues.

    • Emmanuel Bamidele says:

      Kimzii Hodges awesome

    • Emmanuel Bamidele says:

      Hodges the cycle does keeps going on. The sooner we fix ourselves and get out of the sorry state, the better..

    • William Walton says:

      True that’s why I don’t date women who still mad about what they ex did. Waste of time

    • M Rei says:

      Yea, everybody (men/women) need to take care of themselves first; if you seek happiness in a relationship, you already lost. I’m not looking for someone to make me happy or be my super dream wife. I’m looking for a partner, life companion that is serious about starting a family etc.
      But I will not marry (again).

    • Honey Dove_484 says:

      This the one

  • Love Goddess says:

    YES!!!! Use your intuition/gut feeling ladies! It will never steer you wrong! I dated a guy for 3 months last year n should have dropped him sooner. I knew he wasn’t the one although he was FINE!😂🥰 But he had wandering eyes and I knew he was love-bombing me. Most likely he was a narcissist cuz he even admitted to me that he wanted to get me hooked. No thanks! The devil is a liar!

  • Malik Webster says:

    Applies to friendships too. Stop hanging out with people who don’t value you.

  • Selena Rivera says:

    Remember: The signs you ignore in the beginning end up being the reasons you leave later

  • Sheilla Jeptum says:

    Moral of the story “when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time… and walk”. Thank you for this.

  • Beautyby Nisia says:

    “You will never be good enough for the wrong person.”

    • Love Rebel says:

      Have You ever wondered Why One Love becomes Prayer in Church & Other Love becomes like a Poison? The reason is people don’t know how to Love & then they blame love as it is easy to blame others same way they blame love ,as People don’t know how to love & then blame love as the cause, No People don’t know How to Love, Love means Full Freedom with absolutely no Possession Otherwise Love becomes nothing but a Jail in Which You can only Go In But You can’t come out & then if You can’t come out You Suffocate, Love has to Be Like a Church in Which You can come in & Out with Your own Wish, Love is Completely Unconditional with No Expectations & When You Expect You are doing a Business & in Business There Might Be Profit & Loss But Unfortunately No Love, Love is Like a Ladder to Heaven & if You Don’t know How to Love then the same Ladder will Bring You Down to hell, So Its People’s Fault Not Love’s Fault but People Don’t know How to Love so They Blame Love as it is Easy to Blame Others So They Blame Love,Love Should be Inside & IF there is something with You ,You Don’t need to ask Outside as Love is an Insiders Thing,beggars can’t give anything, Only Kings can donate, Love is a Donation of heart & its ripples should generate in Your Heart with Yourself then Only it can spread outside just like a stone thrown in pond generates ripples from stone to the whole pond,Love is a part of Your intrinsic nature & should not be confused with instant sate of mind just as an Aroma of Rose is for EveryBody, The MoonLight is for EveryBody just as the Chirping of Birds at Sunset is for EveryBody Same Your Love is For Whole World it can’t be for someone specific if it for someone it might be Your Attraction Nothing Else & Attraction Lies in Imagination & For Imagination Freedom is required that’s why the Men or Women appear Far Appears to be More Attractive than the Closer Ones as You still Have Lots of Freedom From Them To Imagine,There is always a picture of man or woman of imagination in our mind & whoever resembles to it we are attracted to them only until we get them ,after getting them there is nothing left to think & soon our attraction dies & we start getting bored,clothes is also an attraction & creates Imagination whereas Nudity or naked kills Imagination as You don’t look at animals as they are naked sameway You won’t look at man or woman if they are naked ,clothes are illusion to create big & tight, which is small ,irregular & loose,Nudity is mans’ imagination whereas woman’s love lies in absorption that’s why woman close their eyes at the time of sex or kiss as they are more interested in knowing their inner feelings rather than looking at man whereas man want to see woman, Woman’s love is micro & gets deep with time & like man’s over all personality or attitude, whereas man’s love is physiological & sheds off as woman gets old, woman’s coordination is with her body man’s coordination is with his hear that’s why man drinks more when they are hurt in love,Sex is just a biological sport which lies in imagination,a woman playing basketball with 10 men won’t look bad even if she is loosing energy but having fun but if she is loosing energy & having fun with 10 man at the same time doing sex then society will consider it as sin,sex is creation & can never be wrong,just as man need many partners woman also needs but cant express due to consider criminal that’s why acts as dead during sex to avoid interest,man or woman are made of same hormones just ratio is different in each other & same piece of flesh outside in man flipped inside makes a woman, both are same in childhood & old age just to continue human race they show few changes in youth, actually man & woman is a psychological illusion, imagine you are born in jungle ,nobody told you anything you will never know any wrong things & your smile would be open & beautiful, man & woman both comes from half man & woman so both are half man & half woman always,what is bad for woman is bad for man as well as bad is bad for everyone,Now if You have loved this man or woman as you love man or woman but if you won’t love other man or woman then you won’t love your own man or woman as after all they are also just a man or woman ,love lies in your every breath & if you won’t breath in front of other man or woman by the time you will reach to Your own man or woman you will be a dead body with no soul, & no man or woman can satisfy your every expectation forever,only you can satisfy yourself,the eternal lover lies within your own eyes within your own heart that’s why you feel other man or woman less or more proportionate compared to your eternal inside lover & it will go on till your last breath, even if you will find right love at last breath that last breath of love is equal to eternity of love in itself as love is beyond time, Love is Journey & a Destination in itself & there is nothing Beyond or below Love as You have Loved Someone then the matter is Finished there &f is nothing left to expect,say or to feel more,IF You will Ask For Love Outside You will Never Find Outside or You Might get Hurt terribly sometimes in the Process as well,as Love is Inside You a big ocean a Big Universe of Love & You just need to Unleash Unravel Your Inner World of Love, You don’t need to will never find a Find Drop of Love Outside desert When You Have Ocean of Love Inside. So Find Your Inner Treasure Now

    • king srk says:

      There r 7 billion wrong person then

    • Henry says:

      @Jonothan Doezer I’m in stitches at your comment!

    • Rochelle Keels says:

      Amen, Amen,Amen

  • nicole Crawford says:

    “Don’t internalize rejection “ a word 🙌🏽

  • Nana says:

    I have loved someone for almost 2 years… I spent a year trying to prove to him I was good enough….. he still never stepped up…
    All that time though, it was about him and never about me, I want to love myself again, find that happiness within me but man.. is it tough when you give you’re all to a person and they just toss it aside … people can be horrible

    • BxN cvsper says:

      Like what my aunt to me. Dont put all your trust in one person. Theres 7.2 billion people on this Earth. Dont focus on one. I understand tho being in a relationship with someone over a year but at the same time it doesnt really feel like you to are dating. I hate it when they waste my time. If u do not want to be with me just say it and we will go on our separate ways and lives.

    • Tonya Miller says:

      Not really. Never regret giving ur all and loving with all ur heart. Just be careful not to fall for a swine & pay attention to red flags in ppl in all types of relationships, not just lovers. Also come back to urself & give that love to u 1st as well.
      When ur God sent twin flame comes into ur life then you’ll know how to love them with everything. Never let the wrong person break apart ur heart (even the bible says not to give our hearts to swine, but to protect it) The 1 who’s waiting cant wait to feel every piece of u

    • Mattjoe says:

      You just need to move on. It’s hard but it’s best for you.

    • Danielle Danielle says:

      OMG!!!!!!!!!! This is exactly how I feel!!!!! Wow!! I’m going through this right now!

    • Roland Edwards says:

      Try 25 lost my job and car then she divorce me.gave everything I could and still NO DEAL.SMMFH.

  • P Chin says:

    Daaaamn!!!!!!! Could’ve saved a lot of years & tears!!!😔 EXCELLENT advice👍👍👍Need to be taught to teenagers in schools before they start the dating scene. This would certainly help us all in understanding what HEALTHY relationships are about.💖🙏

  • Naughti Awol says:

    “You meet someone and you know something is missing but you hang around anyway”

    Words spoken to me directly.

  • Diminished Counselor says:

    If you see red flags in the beginning of the relationship or anything that makes even remotely uncomfortable, address them! You may think it’s stupid or little, but if it matters to you, it should matter to your partner, and they should be willing to speak openly about your concerns with you. If you don’t address them now, they will come back later and cause problems. Just remember to speak through your issues.

  • Stephan Speaks says:

    💯 For more insight and advice be sure to visit me at 👉 👈

    • Allyson Kelloway says:

      I feel discouraged dating at 37 divorced, recovered from abusive relationship and left. And 3 yrs lata want to date, but old school values

    • Allyson Kelloway says:

      Old school values seems gone, and new school tech stuff is so depressing. And like disconnect, u feel same way? Or advice

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