The Perfect Way To Observe and Compliment Women

In this Hayley Quinn video, I'll discuss the perfect way to observe and compliment women. Observe, Assume, Relate is my one stop shop for detailed, specific, unique conversation starters. Let's UNITE to change how we experience dating! Join UNITE now:

NOTE – this is a REALLY old video, make sure to check out my new ones! Dating advice changes with the times!

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Hayley Quinn Bio:

Hey there!

My name is Hayley Quinn, I give modern, progressive and ethical dating advice to men and women. It’s about meeting in real life, breaking free of how you think you should behave and getting a dating life that is both exciting and respects others! I am a dating coach, TED speaker, and entrepreneur.

If you're ready to let me change your life for the better, get in contact!

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  • timesmash says:

    I like how you used a number of actual, practical examples. You seem like a very helpful, thoughtful person. 🙂

  • Stewart Rap says:

    After watching this once, I notice that it’s a lot easier to think of things to say to open strangers when I’m out in public, which is a skill that I’m working on for my business. I can’t open everyone, but I can think of something to say to perhaps 1 out of 4 strangers, which is better than I was able to do a couple days ago.

  • Esat Akan says:

    THANK YOU very much for this! Its really awesome and useful…

    I like that you know so much about people and socializing.It seems like you have a very observant and assuming personality while being relatable..Me on the other hand,I lack a lot in this area, so I’m trying to improve myself.. ;))

  • Hayley Quinn says:

    Keep going Esat- I used to be rubbish socially but developing curiosity in other human beings is a great starting point to overcoming that

  • AJDM MOZ says:

    I have a thing for brunettes so I’m biased but I think your stunning Hayley. And actually one of the things I love about women in general is their ability to diversify their looks. I think its creative.

  • Andy George says:

    Finally! Hayley you got it right! This short video has better and more useful information than all the others I have seen combined, and I’ve seen a lot. It has a simple, easy to remember structure with practical advice and solutions, its adaptable to any girl anywhere, and it has specific examples of each. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  • spoonman73 says:

    This was actually really good. A lot of this I do naturally but have never seen it broken down like this before. Thanks for sharing.

  • Alejandro Arevalo says:

    Thanks for the advice. Usually I get puzzled trying to find something unusual that allows me start a conversation; but the examples given demonstrate that simple day-to-day details are themselves a good source.

  • Mahmud Hasan says:

    I think this is one of the most useful daygame related video I have ever watched. Thank you so much for the great tips. I was thinking to stop trying the daygame because of constant failure but, your video gave me hope. Now I really wanna try this technique tomorrow at the mall 🙂

  • Strong Bear says:

    This is extremely helpful information and an easy acronym to remember with so much packed in. Although I’ve seen similar techniques used in other guys’ videos on approaching women, it hasn’t been condensed into a simple formula like this one which you don’t have to struggle to remember. Thanks very much for this.

  • Lion Heart says:

    Thanks for your advice, really clear straight forward and to the point. I’ m not really into meeting any women atm but this stuff can come in handy when just simply making conversation with women.


  • Gypsy Tale says:

    This is honestly more helpful than half the stuff on the topic. I am tired of running into pick up artist pages, do not get me wrong I will watch something that interesting, but a lot of what they teach is common sense. I assume basically women are women and are attracted to men that are men. I mean seriously let me go to the mall, raise my shirt and rub my belly. The matter of the fact is I do what I want to do. Talking for me is awkward, I am a writer.. I love to talk and have conversations.

  • Hector Smith says:

    Hi. I like how you know that we guys need help in this area. And I like that you are actually doing something to help us. Very unselfish! I’m guessing you grew up around brothers and their clumsiness with women drove you to do something for all us. I only had one sister, and one brother, but could not learn anything lol!

  • Demetrius Darvile says:

    Your advice is far more genius than a man’s, it is more accurate to the women’s psychology. Your very insightful and I think the key underlining is to approach from her point of view. Sometimes us men spend more time thinking how to relate to women rather than how to comprehend them first. I enjoyed your video !!!

  • Ich Habe Genug says:

    Hayley, I just had an excellent thought in relation to this whole video.

    Practice makes perfect, and you need to do things that allow you to practice more effectively. So, what if you simply spent a lot of time imagining yourself as someone else? You might make this thought-cycle automatic, so that when you see someone for the first time, almost instantly you can understand what they are feeling and can likewise have a mastery over the situation.

    Basically, it’s a big cognitive empathy bump (not emotional empathy).

  • Secret Guy says:

    Getting to the conversation stage would only happen if the girl likes you just by looking at you. The look on their faces would sum up their personalities straight away.

  • Let's Grow Together says:

    Hayley, your observations are so precise and organized. I like your attention to details. I am observatif towards women but I never tought I could express my feelings and observation in such a simple way

  • mcdee56 says:

    I really like how you are sincere and open, Haley! You seem comfortable being yourself. I value my own authenticity and it makes me want to get to know you better! Sincerely!

  • Matthias Hepworth says:

    Ignore the negative comments. This has been most helpful. Thank you. This video has made me realise the need to viualise interactions (without psychoanalysis) to be in a positive and complimentary frame of mind. I’ll start with my work colleagues!

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