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These 5 Charismatic Qualities Are Huge Red Flags | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and These 5 Charismatic Qualities Are Huge Red Flags

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5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove


  • @shaniquapittman7287 says:

    Thank you for dropping another amazing video Matt. I had an entanglement with a narcissist in the past. A huge red flag, outside of those specified in this video, was his need to butter me up anytime he could tell that I was questioning his behavior 🤔🧐 He would start giving me compliments, but the norm was talking about him. He would even try to get me to laugh at him in one way or another. His energy, to simply put it, was draining 😢 Lessons can be learned from a narcissist 😊

  • @linnah3152 says:

    Thank you so much Matt! I have seen one & live with this kind of person. You are very right ! All the 5 charismatics you talked about are so True!

  • @mariagiakalis4615 says:

    Thank you so much Matt. The timing is perfect for me. Intuition is key but sometimes we get confused. Thank you. ❤

  • @blue.orchid.coaching says:

    Did you read my journal? LOL! Many scenes and tales from my dating life! Thanks for putting words and common sense advice to these often overlooked realities.

  • @janecamilon489 says:

    Great advice. I went out with someone who didn’t ask any questions about me. He felt asking questions is being nosey. Weird.

  • @annae.9006 says:

    You are seriously the most brilliant relationship coach out there these days… What an amazing video, thank you Mat!!!!

    • @matboggs says:

      I’m soaking in the compliment. Thank you ❤

    • @bananarama480 says:

      ​@@matboggsI wholeheartedly agree. During my last dating phase, I discovered you here, dear Mat.
      Because of destructive self-assumptions, insecurity, and confusing experiences in the past, I sought some guidance and enlightenment in this field. And thanks to this channel, I managed to recognize my sweetheart at just the right time and not let it go. That was five years ago, going strong.
      I watched at a lot of dating coaches at the time, but Mat, you are clearly the best one of them all, hands down. I still come here from time to time. Keep up the great work! Your advice is important and I appreciate you very much for that.
      All the best wishes from Germany

  • @arleenromano7786 says:

    I have always been drawn and destroyed by this type of guy…. time and time again. Thank you for this video…..I am going to work hard on realizing and not get caught up in the “high” and see these red flags and running NOT walking away!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩❤️❤️

  • @Lumoaja says:

    I noticed many of those qualities in me. I’m a woman and never realized my behaviour can be seen as that. I just get exited very soon and very strong about a man, who seems a great guy. Usually get myself into trouble… 😂 Thank you! Maybe I learn to slow down my emotions.

  • @mariono244 says:

    Thank you so much I’m getting better at spotting and yes taking it slow is the best approach, observing actions, patterns. Eventually they will reveal themselves.

  • @coffeefordinner says:

    This is an interesting list… I’m dating someone who has exhibited some of these but the big difference is that he’s consistent in his words and actions, takes me into consideration in everything, is reliable and takes accountability. Thing is, if I had my walls up and had assumed the worst possible scenario of everything when dating him, I would’ve likely ended things in the first couple of months out of fear of getting hurt. Instead I decided to believe he was genuine and gave him time to see if he really was the real deal. We’ve been together for 7 months, I’ve met his family and he’s met mine and our love just keeps getting deeper. So yes be cautious, but don’t let these qualities scare you off either. Patience, observation and an open heart with a healthy amount of scepticism is the way to go.

    • @matboggs says:

      Good advice – taking things slow is the key

    • @lightl287 says:

      @coffeefordinner Ok, but what if he is (was) consistent and words were followed by action, but he was showing ignorance and no empathy for me?
      All went well, Christmas was approaching, he wished “all the best for Christmas and New Year”, and I said I fell sick with a flu, but he didn’t react at all. No “get well soon” or smth. Just nothing.

      At the beginning of January, he wrote again “hoping you had amazing festive time” and “all the best for the New Year” and wanted to catch up and to meet for a dinner in January at some point. I thanked him wishing all good things as well but restated that Christmas time was not unfortunately fun time, as not only me, but as well my kids got sick with flu after, so we all spent festive time with a fever and in bed. But said we could meet eventually for the dinner at some point, not specifying the date as I was still regenerating from disease.

      And he didn’t reply again.
      I waited to hear from him, but it’s already 2 months, so I guess he just ghosted me.

      Not sure if I’m overthinking this, but I believe a person should have empathy generally, and esp. if they are interested in someone.

      Or am I wrong?

      Thank you for your reply 🙂

    • @lotusphoenix8 says:

      ​@@lightl287 It’s a clear sign to move on. He shouldn’t even be occupying your mind to even ask about him after so long. When people ghost you, leave the graveyard.

  • @user-nx1xy7lx2j says:

    “If you really loved me, you would do this one little thing [give up your family, your career, your home, your friends, basically your entire life] for me.”

  • @VLoveTarot says:

    Facts! thank you for delivering these points with b rolls and with positivity. you’re appreciated!

  • @mtvlagunabeach says:

    Well done. 13 minute masterclass on how to spot a narcissist. Bottom line, from personal experience, ALWAYS listen to intuitive nudges, even over the head. Gut feeling, intuition, inner guidance is never off. Boom on being drained, Mat, drop the mic!! Great video, thanks!!!

  • @22joannab says:

    Another brilliant video! Thank you! 🌸

  • @Erin-uz2gf says:

    Mat, you said it all in 5:45-6:00 Time and consistency is key. If someone is lying and not being genuine, the mask will fall away, we just have to take off the rose-colored glasses so we can see them clearly. Thank you Mat!

  • @gratefulforabundance9043 says:

    Thank you Matt, great video ! I agree that moving slowly is the best way to really get to know someone. I have to mention that nice guys need to be confident, because they may be scared to approach an attractive woman , they may fear rejection. I have boundaries that I will not cross until a man proves he is trustworthy and values me as a woman, for my sense of humor, my honesty, my intelligence and my loyalty. Not just for my beauty. If a man shows me that he tells lies, I will believe who he is by his actions, not his words. I will walk away and not have any relationship with him, because he does not deserve me. I would rather be alone than waste my time with a charmer. 😊 When a guy shows you who he really is. Believe him.

  • @FlamingCockatiel says:

    1. Overconfidence-Does an interaction have a superficial feel to it? Do you have to be perfect or always on edge for him? Does he never think he’s wrong? Does he get jealous easy or disregard rules? Is it a caring confidence or bold and cold?
    2. Over-certainty in connection (relying on love at first sight) early on. A thousand others who felt love at first sight didn’t have love last. Later will manipulate you into doing things not in your best interest. Only time will tell you, so keep things grounded and slow as you observe for consistency.
    3. Grand plans early on, like vacations together, can be seductive in their inclusion, but they can be offered to others. Again, take your time.
    4. Fascinating stories that are all about him; great conversationalists pull us in. He does it because he needs to feel important, the center of attention. Listen to your feeling; are you feeling drained? This happens when he hogs the conversation rather than encouraging reciprocity.
    5. Always has the perfect thing to say when he messes up to evade responsibility or consequences. These interactions leave you vacant, empty, and disappointment.

    How do you distinguish this from socially awkwardness? Some of these could be actions of socially stunted but growing people trying to find their way.

  • @lovamo6017 says:

    Oh my gosh! “Speaking emotional intelligence.” What a perfect phrase! I associate this with people who have the “empathy” to read or guess people’s feelings, but lack the compassion to actually care about them. They use their empathy to win people over rather than learn to be better people themselves. And yes!, so true: that “vacant” feeling can leave you so confused–even though it should really be the thing that clears up the confusion and answers the question for itself. Thanks for this video!

  • @Penelyn says:

    Thank you! The way you explain it, so true.

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