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A lot of men dream to drive women wild.
SECOND COMMENT:🥈 how often do you upload?
The first two are really good. Take leadership and be respectful.
That was very insightful.
I've got most of these but probably need to get out of my bubble
Incredible video. Looking very gorgeous too Miss Noble
Great video
Thanks xx
Kezia! 😍
Great video. Well explained. Detailed and nuanced. Smart cookie , but we already knew that. One thing : look a little sunburned there.
Yes I know! Thank you xx
You kind of lost me with the first point. Women hem and haw and are cautious but when men do it it’s unappealing. But a man who is decisive is appealing even if he is figuratively jumping off a cliff. Got jt.
Kezia; Excellent, very informative, presentation. I can say I have decisiveness, take the lead, protective, and have a positive outlook on life. Plus, I look at the big picture. But need work on the other traits you mention.
Thank you xx