This Almost Ended My Relationship | Relationship Advice for Women

Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and how one fight almost ended his relationship.

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3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

What to Say When a ? Vanisher? Comes Back

Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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Charlie Page

  • @adliyltc9330 says:

  • @Jigolpets says:

    Thank you for sharing 🥰🌸

  • @angelawaterhouse4323 says:

    I think this video is awesome!! And so important! Married for 41 years. Sometimes both partners just need to suck it up and be nice even though you don’t “feel” like it. ❤

  • @kimfrederick7710 says:

    Thank you for sharing. More people need to know this and fight for the one you love, not to give up on love

  • @CoilyCode says:

    Great storytelling. I let out a chuckle when you said the two of you still decided to stay the night together in spite of the disagreement😅 so relatable. Actually, my husband and I, when we have a disagreement, even though it’s a rare occurrence…we still cuddle up in bed at the end of the night (like always). We’re still upset with each other, but we still choose to stay close physically. It’s hard sometimes because you want to pull away, but we find that this helps us the next morning. We’ve calm down. What we love to say to each other “thank you for fighting for us.”

    • @celesteredding1550 says:

      That’s beautiful. I hope to get that way, wanting to still cuddle after a disagreement or argument. I still tell him (later on) that I love him but I don’t want to cuddle or touch

  • @user-qy3zm3pu7r says:

    It’s amazing how even just one throwaway comment that’s not even reality of the situation now can trigger something in the other person that suddenly makes them decide you’re not right for them. Often it’s subconscious though. They can have old negatives it sets off that aren’t even relivant to your current relationship. So sad this can separated you from the love of your life, as it did for me. They usually don’t even tell you what it was till a later stage when it’s too late, so it was never given a change to become resolved, which would’ve taken only a simple explanation if you’d known.

  • @annstar2793 says:

    That’s right- it’s what we do in those moments, and both people have to care enough to do the thing and have the conversations needed to work it out !

  • @precybuje5412 says:

    Thank you for good advice ..hope I have incredible lovelife soon…

  • @lovepeacejoyhappiness says:

    take note ladies. high maintenance, snotty attitudes over minor “offences” WILL have your man reassessing.

  • @karenhere9327 says:

    👍 great advice

  • @valerievalle5207 says:

    So one critical, disappointing moment after 2 great years was your breaking point?

  • @tristamarie7115 says:

    Do I have peace about the decision or am I trying to force it? 9 out of 10 times, if I don’t have peace, then I’m forcing it and walk away. Also, am I excited to see the person/start the new endeavor (especially early on) or have some level of dread?

  • @mining4goldmeister420 says:

    That’s called turning “towards” one another. One of the strongest attributes of a successful relationship and marriage. During time of conflict, stress, disappointment, sadness, hurt, betrayal(let down by someone’s behavior), loss, disagreements, – you turn towards your partner, reach out to them instead of pushing them away or closing yourself off to them, or shutting down completely. Make it a “we” moment – not an “I” moment.

  • @adriannesimmons9326 says:

    This is so true! I recently had a moment where plans got messed up. I was super mad at first but I decided to hear him out and not ride on the angry momentum and push him away. I put my pride to the side n leaned in towards him. Was it awkward? Absolutely! The point is don’t let your emotions wreck everything that you have worked on building with someone.

  • @patriciarose2342 says:

    When a guy projects his crap on me or starts to roll his eyes when I’m being serious, I’m done. Both are a sure mark of disrespect and the relationship is doomed. So I’m done now.

  • @KBArchery says:

    Great advice!
    What do you really want.
    Both of us hate New Year’s Eve celebrations.
    I’m easier on my husband. I don’t expect him to be perfect and have a plan every time.
    But we misunderstand each other and I choose to ask more questions now and find out my man loves me

  • @eminbe312wqx says:

    Bilgilendirme için teşekkürler efendim

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