tips to ATTRACT girls


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World’s leading female dating expert for men. Author of the number one selling book “The Noble Art of Seducing Women”

Kezia Noble is the leading dating and attraction expert for men.

Kezia has been helping men since 2006 to overcome the challenges that they experiences when meeting and attracting women. Her honest insights and straight-talking advice has helped men from across the globe dramatically increase their success rate with women.


  • JForney says:

    This is actually pretty true…A girl told me that she’s done with guys because they’re all the same. I told her maybe it’s a pattern in HER behavior that’s causing these guys to react a similar way. I told her it can’t be a coincidence that they all act the same…she invited me to her house 5 minutes later.

  • SAM BUTLER says:

    I can vouch for point #4. I’m a “nice guy”. Born and Raised one. But during a conversation with an amazing girl I told her that its my strongest quality and one that I’m proud of. It doesn’t mean that I’ll roll over on any subject and situation but I know that’s the guy I want to be in my life and I’m not going to apologize for not being a total “alpha male”. It was almost unfair how quick we “escalated the relationship. 🙂

  • morgan erkard says:

    I tell this to all my friends : “You have to cut in deep into the conversation. You gotta keep it going”. I like this video because she goes into detail what I tell all my dawgs!

  • Mattedmz says:

    positive emotions, freedom from outcome, non approval seeking, masculine energy, are all key to attract any girl you want..

  • John White says:

    @Archibald: The reason to take the time to learn “game” is so you can differentiate yourself between the dozens of other guys that hit on them throughout any given week.
    It doesn’t hurt to study up a bit on female psychology, body language etc. to increase your chances to get the girl to notice you.
    Learning “game” is your IN.. once you establish rapport with the girl, you can then be yourself.. Game just gets your foot in the door.
    Oh, and the program on “The Alpha Mindset, com” is good man.

  • Luis arias says:

    Aside from all of the jokes, I learn a lot from this stuff .I know for all of us is different, but just knowing key things in an interaction helps a whole lot. Just like in everything in life this takes dedication .A lot of us didn’t get this stuff because of our realities so it isn’t part of our nature. But a lot of guys aren’t even trying to fix that, so realize that if you are watching these types of videos then you are definitely doing something about it. I applied a lot of Kezia’s stuff and it works. No bullshit!

    I watch thousands of people’s videos like Justin Wayne, mystery, and read many books. I also bought Josh pellicer course. They all helped in their own way, and just having ideas to go from makes the difference. Out of the courses I bought my favorite one was I haven’t taken a class yet so I look forward to it in the future. 
    Honestly I really like RSD not only because they give good information on how to get woman, but they also let you know the personal changes you have to make. Every time I watch one of their videos I know I’m going to learn something new.. 

    I was always able to get girls, for me it was how to i get the dope 9, 10. Just to have does type of girls because I felt I deserved them, and so that I can show my friends like I know most guys would.

  • The Red Right Hand says:

    I would just like to say I’m a guy lucky enough to have never found it difficult when it comes to women. I guess I look alright and I have never lacked for confidence when it comes to talking to them or outright seducing them. That said.. I have never had nor pretended to have ANY idea what I want to do with my life. I quite literally go from job to job and move around the country scratching my head never feeling to involved in anything. I completely lack directions. Plenty of women (this guru included) say they want a man with direction, well, I’m yet to find a woman reject me for lacking it.

    That probably sounds cocky but I’m just being honest. She pointed out lack of direction as being a weakness that turns women off. This has never been my experience.

    • cale adamson says:

      ***** huh that makes sense 

    • The Red Right Hand says:

       Yeah, that’s pretty bang on. If you believe in yourself more often than not the women around you will too. And lets be honest. Anyone who turns down a happy, healthy guy who is doing well for himself but lacks direction is probably to shallow to bother with anyway. On the odd occasion a girl asks me about my ‘career ambitions’ I usually get turned off.

    • cale adamson says:


    • The Red Right Hand says:

      cale adamson
       Any guy with confidence who is also directionless like me knows I’m right Cale. Either you have ambition and think women prize that or you’re directionless and clumsy with women.

    • Hasan Polatkan says:

      You may be right about the ‘direction’ part but the first point she mentiones actually summerizes why you are good with women: Green light mentality. You may lack directions but your entries tell that you have a positive mind. After all, you don’t have to fulfill all 5 to attract women.

  • Jonnycastaway32 says:

    At first I didn’t know whether to take this seriously or not because of her ‘marketing’ and presentation but once I listened to what she was talking about it sounded legit. You get a hand clap here ma’am. Thank you for the advice.

  • John Smith says:

    “Don’t nod, challenge her ideas” Most girls don’t have ideas. So if one happens to bring one up you should agree. Disagreeing will cause hostility and begin a competitive argument. They will get mad at you and start to hate you. They want guys to agree with them. “I hate that girl” “Why? I think she’s nice” “I hate you, go die!” lol Do the opposite of whatever this candy girl says and you will do great! She just wants to sabotage men.

    • I’m braking through says:

      You Still have time to be a Child 😉

    • StopMediaFakery says:

      Spot on, anyone who listens to this woman will never get anywhere. Women want you to be in tune with them, a female friend was saying this to me only a couple of days ago.

    • John Smith says:

      Todd Steele  Girls don’t want different guys. They want the same guys they been getting with the whole time. Girls will say they want something different but they wont change their patterns. If I learnt anything from girls it’s that you can’t take their word for it when they say what they want. I have spent too much time being the perfect guy that every girl claims to want and have gotten absolutely nowhere.

    • Getting life straight says:

      Women don’t have ideas?

  • Dr. Phillager says:

    So female logic is this: ” I dont want someone who’s my soulmate, who enjoys the same stuff as I do. I want someone who I can argue with and eventually start hating him for being so different than me.” ….yea, i dont see why. Never saw a happy relationship like that.
    I know it works that way most of the time but it doesnt make any sense. men are different here. Men hate arguing and look for someone who’s as close to their ideas and interests as possible. her advice is good for those who wanna get laid fast, but if you’re looking for a long, lasting, quality relationship with that one girl you’ve loved since forever, do NOT listen to the videos on this channel.

  • minh nguyen says:

    world’s leading female dating expert? do they have a rank?

    • william kinch says:

      Lol!  I hardly think so.  (And if they did, then there is absolutely NO WAY that, that mouthy, shallow, and annoying young Australian bird would be at the top of the list  –  or anywhere near it, for that matter.) 

    • william kinch says:

      Er….. yes; valid point, Josh!  To be honest, quite a few ppl have taken issue with me of late, for referring to Keskia Noble as an “Australian bird”.

      I now accept that, in all probability, she is English.  When I watched video footage of Ms Noble on You Tube for the first time (earlier this month), it seemed to me that she had an Australian ‘twang’ in her voice….. but I am now prepared to admit that I may have been mistaken about that.

      Unfortunately, I am getting on in years now (I’m 49), and my hearing is not as good as it used to be.  I suspect that, that is probably the reason why I ‘misplaced’ that bird’s accent and assumed (erroneously) that she was an Aussie!

      Have a nice day, sir.

    • Mu the Maori says:

      I agree, what are the indicators that one is ranked 1, 10, 109 or even number 2 in the world?

    • william kinch says:

      manofrenown Exactly.  LOL! 

    • Tim Lewis says:

      william kinch she’s from London! My aunt has a similar accent

  • Lust_for _snipers says:

    Here’s a very simple key in talking and attracting girls, confidence, be the nice guy who is not douchë to the girl and have a normal sense of humor. Do not ever look away from talking to the girl you are currently speaking to, show a little interest of the conversation you are in, also be more open to your personality to hers as she does the same thing, by the time that happens, ask her out if she doesn’t mention any other guy or if she does blush every time you look at her, or even when she is speaking to a friend(hopefully not a guy) and glances at you for a second every time she starts a conversation with a small smile, meaning, she wants to talk to you as a hint.

  • stigludwigsen says:

    How to attract girls

    1.Make sure to be born with an attractive face.
    2, Don’t forget number 1.

  • tubbyrainbow111 says:

    How to get a girl:

    1. Have money

    That’s it.

  • Pleplerhep says:

    I think mostly it is the atitude/confidence as she rougly says, and the pattern breakers.

    If you dont really fear the outcome of interactions, and just goes for having a good time, then you usually end up having a good time, and the people around you ends up having a good time aswell. 

    Basically all my GFs and girls i met has been while doing various hilarious shananagins or interest.  
    And for dates well, it has always been women i met during previous shananagins, and consist of more fun stuff i wanna do, and want them to try.
    It has always felt more like hanging out than a formal date.

  • Diego Marques says:


    Take a woman, tell her you love her
    Write her love songs,send her roses and poems
    Give her heart shapes too
    Make her feel important
    Give her the best of the best you’ve got
    Try to be a tender lover
    Be always near her
    Resolve her troubles
    And be sure she will leave you
    Who is too much loved will not give back love
    And be sure she will leave you
    Who love less is always the strongest

    Take a woman,treat her bad
    Make her wait you for hours
    Don’t show up and when you call her
    Act as you do her a favor
    Make her feel less important
    Balance good love and cruelty
    Try to be a tender lover
    But out of the bed show no pity
    And then you’ll see she will love you
    Who less loves more love gets in return
    And then you’ll see she will love you
    Who love less is the strongest one

  • UltraRambo says:

    i dont need to attract girls,i let them attract me

  • Dave0551 says:

    Girl says she has a boyfriend, see the positive in it and turn it to your favor:
    Girl: I have a boyfriend
    Me: Oh Im glad, here’s my number in case you guys break up
    Girl: OK….?
    Me: Aight, bye! Hope you’ll break up soon!!!!

    • Advection says:

      Dave0551 So what’s the problem? 😛

    • Advection says:

      Chilly Bandino LOL.. calm down dude. It was quite a few years ago.. one or two time deal… I didn’t see her again after that. We didn’t do her at the same time, if that is any consolation to you. Why am I even consoling you? geez, is people’s private life such a big concern to you? o.O

    • Daniel Joseph says:

      +Dave0551 “oh good he can make us breakfast”

  • Boz says:

    Step one: make her smile
    Step two: tell her she has a nice smile
    Step three: say she has to go out with you tonight before she realizes how ugly you are

  • Joshie Washe says:

    It sucks when you meet a girl and instantly fall in love and then realize she’s out of your league .

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