Ukrainian Shares Biggest Culture Shock Living in Canada

Mariana from Western Ukraine shares the biggest culture shock she experienced since coming to Canada. While Canadian women typically have children later in life, Ukrainian women are encouraged to have kids earlier on in life. What does she think about this? Does she prefer the Ukrainian or the Canadian approach?


  • @gen-X-trader says:

    She’s totally right, you gain wisdom, experience, maturity. You make a much better parent in your 30s. In your teens on 20s it’s all about hookups, parties and eventually trying to develop a career

    • @Icu4u2nv says:

      High value men don’t want a 35 year old , she’ll get a simp

    • @danac2899 says:

      Depends on the culture. In some countries people take it serious mid 20s. But in her case at 36 she is done with raising the kid and has money and free time. When you are 20 you have time and kids need time and attention the most. Of course money too, but attention and time are the most important.
      My parents had me at 40 and I always envied kids that had young parents.The younger parents were more playful running jumping being active more modern also generational gap is smaller. What my parents learner in school was ancient…the geografie map was definately not the same 😂.

    • @UrsaBella says:

      Hookups? Seriously? Having children is a conscious decision that involves being emotionally mature. In the past people would get married, worked, had children by 23. in millennial culture you get to pretend to be adults with an undeveloped mind.

    • @sangel8079 says:

      Not necessarily promiscuity that’s a culture thing not an age thing. But yes you will have more challenges to your family life, single or not.

  • @heriport6654 says:

    What tha hell bro she looks so young yo have 18 year old kids

  • @mattnobrega6621 says:

    Shes smart and a keeper 😁👍💍

  • @danak.8481 says:

    Disagree, its harder to get pregnant past 30

  • @kyehusky5096 says:


  • @PortfolioPL says:

    Having children later in life result in having less children and depopulation of a country. We need 2.1 kids /2 parents just to maintain population.

  • @sakeebkamal3472 says:

    This lady looks younger for her age ❤

  • @RaptureRecon316 says:

    Equal rights right? Don’t see any Ukrainian men being interviewed 🙄 yay women’s rights…

    • @cloudcampos4555 says:

      Why is it always like this on the internet. Since when parpe men and women ennemis like this?

    • @RaptureRecon316 says:

      @@cloudcampos4555 all I EVER hear is this crap. I’m just giving what was asked.

    • @cloudcampos4555 says:

      @@RaptureRecon316 you chose to only listen to this crap. As a woman I loath women who complain about men and generalise them with the ” men are trash” rubbish. Men who do the same tegarding women are no different imo.Especially when deep down most of them would do anything to actually get to be with someone of the opposite sexe. We’re not enemies, we may have our differences but this silly Internet war has to stop for god’s sake

  • @vn8301 says:

    This is most common for country side in Ukraine. In big cities people get married latter, around 30

  • @luiza1082 says:

    Cause we literally can’t afford to start making a family until later LOL

    • @belakitajka5741 says:

      And in poorer countries where they do they can? Its just about how much you want it, you dont need your own house, be at the top of your career to have a kid. Im not saying you have to, but certainly you could. You spend on what you prioratize, its not true you couldnt afford, just then life would be less consumer friendly. Previously spent money on trips and nights out would be spent on the kid. As I said depends whats important for you.

    • @_o..o_1871 says:

      @@belakitajka5741”and in poorer countries where they do they can”

      As you said, these places are poor. The people over there are mostly poor and they can’t afford a decent living for themselves and the kids. Don’t normalize poverty!

    • @toomuchinformation says:

      ​@@_o..o_1871Children are the welfare system in these countries.

    • @Buli0n says:

      You earn in a week more than a whole ukrainian village in one year. 😂

    • @belakitajka5741 says:

      @@_o..o_1871    Poverty is subjective. Once you have basic nesessicites running clean water, heating during dangerously cold temperarures, electricity, enough food and your physical safety is stabil (no wars ex.) everything else is not a need but a want, and your perspective is what makes it enough or not enough A person who would be considered poor in Norway or Singapore would be consideres middle class in Mexico or Turkey and upper class in Bangladesh or Sudan.
      Ofc we want the best for ourselves and our families, but once you have the bottom of the Maslow pyramid its only perspective. If you simpy define by the bottom whatever % of each country how poverty changes a lot.
      Just because somebody says their poor is not ebough for me, there can be metrics what makes you poor not just “how you feel”. A starving kid in a shaq is not the same as somone who might not have saved money but live in a small flat with all the nessesities.
      When you say I normalize poverty you pretty much ask me i should just accept if someone says their poor just because they say so not because their life is lacking basic needs. This the same logic when people who get a verbal insult put themselves into same category as someone who has been assaulted repetedly because they “also feel traumatized”.

  • @ImmortalRimas says:

    She has an 18 year old Child!😳 She looks too young!🤯

  • @ThingsILove2266 says:


  • @cartier2312 says:

    35 years old is not old

  • @Ashp00l says:

    It’s funny to hear some older parents say they should have had kids when younger and with more energy, while some younger parents believe they miss out on life and would have preferred to have kids at a later stage after “having fun” and experiencing “lots of emotion”. There are plenty of people in their late 30s still looking for the next dose of “fun” and “emotion”, because the grass is always greener somewhere else. In the end, life is about choices, you can’t have everything.

    • @JAG214 says:

      There will always be time for life you just have to make the decision if you want to make time for life when you are younger or when you are older

  • @bavariancarenthusiast2722 says:

    Yeah listen to the ladies, nobody wants to go back into the society 50 years ago.

  • @reza310 says:

    I always thank God that my parents were young when they had me . We just understand each other better but my sister is 10 years younger and there is a real gap between here expectations and perspective of the world and my parents that causes lot of friction.

  • @cedricnicholson7446 says:

    I understand that young women would like to experience life before starting a family but trauma also can be apart of that experience too. Many try to say that men oppress women from doing things but in reality we try to protect women because we know what’s out there and any man with some worth aren’t attracted to experienced women. We are wired to want to show those experiences to a woman. That’s why men of value are turned off by women with high body counts and you see countless videos of women complaining about not being able to find a man. This young woman had her kids early and when she is in her 40’s her and her husband will be empty nesters and then they will be able to enjoy life together.

    • @AnabethalightASMR says:

      LMAOOOOO “we try to protect women”. Oh bet??? *points to countless articles of cases of domestic abuse, 1st hand stories of males manipulating and gaslighting women. Accounts of emotionally intelligent men dating women of all ages…*

  • @FBAagent says:

    having children at 18 is a child having a child 😂😂🥲😅 even 20

  • @FBAagent says:

    By the way, the way she speaks with the hands and stuff feels very Mexican or Spanish. Very much the contrary of what I thought from a cold country (reserved, very little expression and stuff).

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