Video For Practicing Eye Contact

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How to use this video: Expand the video and close everything else until it feels like it's just you and the girl in the video. Practice holding eye contact with her and making flirty conversation until you feel completely comfortable looking a girl in the eyes as you're talking.

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  • Darkrior says:

    I must be a comedian cuz she laughed a lot

  • His Majesty says:

    Guys, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of me

  • Yee Haw says:

    1965: I bet they will have flying cars in the future

    2018: Video for practicing eye contact

  • L'éclectique says:

    Wow, that’s powerful. For 4 minutes, she became the most important person for me, that’s weird. I felt sync to her and almost without thinking, I mimicked each smile she gave. That was a great moment.

  • Mohammad K says:

    To everyone that’s watching this. Notice whenever she smiles, or bites her lips a bit, you also smile as well. Although this might seem obvious, but in our lives, we all are missing this one thing. Someone who would gently smile while we have eye contact. Someone is smiling just because of you. In one way or another, we all are missing this in our lives. We miss this positivity. We miss being loved.

    Disclaimer : while i was thinking about all these while smiling dumb at her, i realized that tears are coming out of my eyes. I never knew this video would be this wholesome…

  • Petrified You says:

    *Day 269 of practicing eye contact, I can now see through the clothes of people*

  • Jonas Fernades says:

    For the people that are finding it difficult, try out to make facial expressions while staring at her,like if you where into a conversation, which i suggest you do it to in the real life to, of course, considering that you’re really here to be better at this, and not because of yt recommended session and the dope commentaries.

  • Patryk Sz says:

    Patrząc w oczy, widzisz serce. Natomiast gdy widzisz serce, reszta jest piękna jak miłość która pozwala Ci patrzeć w oczy widząc wszystko.

  • königinnenhunter says:

    These were the 4 most intimate minutes i had with a girl

  • Samuel Hildebrand says:

    I can’t even get through 4 minutes without crying. I’ve never had a girl look at me like that in the 24 years of my life.

  • Prison Mike says:

    I called my mom up and told her about this girl. She was so happy for me.

  • Tripp Advice says:

    Eye contact is only the first step to creating attraction in a girl and getting her obsessed with you. To learn the other steps for approaching her and getting her out on a date, be sure to check on my program HOOKED ►

    • Gopal Deshmuk says:

      Do you think people are really using this for improving eye contact 😂😂

    • Richard Koorasingh says:

      Sansdro why do you have to be like this

    • A says:

      For me its hard to look in which eye? Left or right ? I cant see both at once it’s tiring 🙂

    • Patrick Kirby says:

      MUSIC SUCKS. Sadly, but I’m happy, that I’ve been with so many girls in relationships, that i don’t want anything to do with them because i know all they want to do is screw 24/7 and be disfunctional. Like you cant save money because they require constant affection and happiness. Especially the younger they are. I’ve to sat though that I’ve likely met the worse drifter type possible. The few good ones I’ve had i had to let go. It’s tough. I’m 52 and the only way I’d marry is for just a friendship the same pace. For a best friend and partner that digs the same things i do. Music, entertainment, a small amount of special sex on my terms,when im ready so where it’s more enjoyable and special. I like younger girls ok IF theyre responsible but i think i may find the special one to be at least 40 to 50.

    • morning glory. says:

      @Patrick Kirby yea ok but not everyone is like that same thing can be said about guys too…
      its just who u attract rn ig 👀, just next time pay attention to the red flags…

  • Sean Brown says:

    I’ve never laughed and smiled so many times for no reason in my life. This is now my go-to video whenever I feel down or sad.

  • Romantico Poeta says:

    Well that was a great conversation I just told this girl a lot of things and she heard me for four minutes and 38 seconds that’s amazing

  • TovenOmaR says:

    When the video ends:

  • Kale Juice says:

    Thanks for smiling and listening to all my problems, Tiffany 👊😔

  • Void Phantom says:

    I can’t help but constantly look away, making eye contact with anyone is super anxious for me, it feels unnatural. The worst part is, I’m sure there’s people out there who hate me for it.

    • Salma Noreen says:

      Hey there 😀 you’re not the only one mine is really bad 😂🤣 after a few seconds I’m like screw this yes people might mistake it for arrogance but it really isn’t.😶😁

    • Valorisation says:

      Yes I’m exactly the same and I can’t stop avoiding eye contact it feels to awkward for me..

    • J23 says:

      Social skills need to be practiced everyday. Stay consistent and you’ll see improvement 😉

    • Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen says:

      I’m currently in therapy for exactly this and let me tell you: Practise makes perfect. You can start with small steps like this video.. Maybe when you’re on the phone or making a voice message, try looking this girl in her eyes instead of aimlessly looking around the room. It’s hard, I can’t really do it at the moment while still talking but it’ll get better with time.

  • PolaRaloP says:

    *Fun fact:* For those who are ashamed to make eye contact (me) can look between the eyebrows of the person in front of you and it will still appear to the other that you are looking him in the eye 😉

    • Neal Kaido says:

      Thx. I am ok talking friends but since I haven’t been to big events like parties in a while since pandemic I noticed when in crowd it’s hard for me to keep eye contact. I don’t know why but tip like this help me.

    • PolaRaloP says:

      @Neal Kaido It is a pleasure to help you!

  • sheiotake says:

    I played this on loop practicing my evil laugh for 4 hours straight. I think I’m ready

  • Maddy says:

    As a girl this is the nicest a girl has acted towards me in years, thank you for this!!

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