Women Are Biologically Wired To Look For This!
Ask Yourself These 2 Questions To Date Better
Ignoring This Is Keeping You Single
Identify This One Thing And Boost Your Confidence
Do This To Make Dating Easier For You
What Women Want is NOT What You THINK
Why Being A Good Enough Guy NEVER Works
The Hidden Dangers of Social Media on Modern Dating
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The problem with that is a lot of women are starting to out earn men and pricing themselves out of the market. the higher up women go in salary, the smaller the dating pool gets. as they seek out men that meet their lofty expectations, the men that are on that high level have a lot of options, so the women are going to have to do something to stand out from the crowd. In the meantime, there are guys that would make great partners for them that they overlook because of their hypergamous tendencies. It’s pretty sad.