Why A Man CHOOSES One Woman Over ANOTHER

Why A Man CHOOSES One Woman Over ANOTHER… In this dating advice video, I will help you understand men better and understand why a man chooses one woman over another. Various factors like compatibility, emotional connection, shared values, and physical attraction are among the reasons why a man chooses one woman over another. Take heed of this dating advice for women and ensure you watch to the end to learn why a man chooses one woman over another.

Learning why a man chooses one woman over another will help you understand men's choices and make informed decisions. Understanding why he chose her over you will help you understand men and gain insights into the qualities and attributes men value most in a partner. Embrace this dating advice to know how men think, what men want, and why a man chooses one woman over another.

Whether you’re dating or in a relationship, it is crucial to understand why a man chooses one woman over the other. Understanding why a man chooses one woman over another will help you navigate your relationships more effectively. This dating advice will help you understand men better and learn why a man chooses one woman over another.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Why a man chooses one woman over another
– Reasons he chose her over you
– Why a man chooses another woman and not you
– Why he chose her over me
– Why he did not choose you
– Online dating
– Dating expert
– Understand men
– Why did he choose her over me
– Life coach
– How men think
– Dating advice
– Why a man pick up another woman
– Relationship expert
– Dating coach for women
– When a man chooses one woman over another
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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Watch this dating advice video next, " Why A Man CHOOSES One Woman Over ANOTHER " 👉


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Charlie Page

  • @Laoriginal718 says:

    Most likely he’s gonna pick the weaker woman that will allow him to do what he wants. Most men…..weak men will choose the woman that will allow him to cheat. 🤷🏽‍♀️ count it as a blessing and move on. If you stay single you don’t have to worry about this.

  • @StefIsCold says:

    0:30 facts bro a lot of the factors at play aren’t even under our control no need to beat ourselves up over someone who just wasn’t a good fit or was looking for something else out of a relationship, etc.

  • @MooreofChas says:

    “It’s not me trust me it’s not me. Never been me”! 😂😂😂

  • @ToriIndigo says:

    If my soulmate gets with someone else because of circumstances, that person better love him as much as I do and as good as I would or I’m coming back to take him…unapologetically.

  • @alitez960 says:

    He moves on fast because he’s already found someone else,its called cheating

  • @lynnmcmillian5137 says:

    Its his choice whether right or wrong at that time
    And keep in mind don’t forget your self worth!❤

  • @lynnmcmillian5137 says:

    I truly have one rule make your own decisions right or wrong!!

  • @lynnmcmillian5137 says:

    It means he has the capacity to love another and sometimes it actually turns out better for him

  • @carmelita.8860 says:

    Most of this can be solved by patience. Love is patient. It’s the first one….Men will not patiently wait on a woman. Jacob was willing to work for 14 years for Rachel. Love like that is simply not valued or encouraged.

  • @riwanhaphithabah186 says:

    Who else other than me would like to meet Stephan in person and share their relationship problems for advice 🙋‍♀❤…I really wish to

  • @ElevatedMe says:

    The “She makes him feel more desired or needed” can be tricky imo, not because I don’t think men should also feel desired or wanted because they should, but sometimes that desire is not healthy. When we choose someone over another for those reasons alone, is that really healthy? Everything to do with self love condemns attention and validation seeking and yet one can make an entire decision just based on that alone. How do we read that?

    • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

      So true that’s where they encounter problems and become used
      And then the blame game continues
      Yes they are drawn to so called crazy woman
      Which in most instances gets them crazy to with dissapointments

  • @khemaloving4031 says:

    Anyone who is not willing, ends up being irrelevant. Love requires viable candidates who are open to love the right way…

  • @Keana43 says:

    I need a man that’s healed .❤

  • @kiravampira1456 says:

    What a lot of men conveniently ignore is that their (un)willingness to provide *messively* influences almost every woman’s score in the bedroom – to the point when many of us won’t even bother taking the test.

  • @goldink2813 says:

    The first reason is so true. I have a male friend that’s fallen in love with me over the years. He’s never directly told me but I can see it in the way he interacts with me and the mixed signals he gives off (your video about MIXED SIGNALS also confirmed this). The catch is that he has a girlfriend and they’ve been together for four years. He mentions that she’s not really the one he wants to marry and always hints that its me. Problem is that he truly isn’t the man God wants for me and there are two crucial dealbreakers he doesn’t meet. For the sake of instilling boundaries so he doesn’t stay hopeful I’ve had to lie and say I recently met someone.

    I don’t want to lose him as a friend and often worry about how things will unfold (will our friendship eventually have to end).

    I’m just trusting God through it all and am praying for him as my friend- that he may find the one he’s meant to be with.

  • @rachelerophillips729 says:

    People need to pray and discern, if that is the right person for them. So many people are getting with people they barely know now a days. Men and women. are finding out they made the wrong choice and are regretting it. Now they want to go back to the person Gods choose for them after coming to the realization to what’s happening .Believe me I know 1st hand 🙏

  • @princessj830 says:

    It’s unfortunate! I believe it is one of the reasons why so many people are unfaithful because they are unfulfilled relationships.

  • @hellonheels9217 says:

    I’ll say it again, thank God I stay single. You men make things more complicated and it doesn’t need to be.

  • @BallroomLilliesandHydrangeas says:

    I loved a guy once. I mean my love was sincere. He told me that he was two-faced, but I didn’t think much of it at first, but I should have. It wasn’t long after he told me, that I saw him with someone else. He dumped me for her. Then she dumped him. Then, he eventually moved on to someone else as well. I remained heartbroken for a while, a long while. He actually married the second woman. Then, one day, my heartbreak was lifted. He came home for lunch and found another man inside his wife, the one he loved. I’ve been smiling ever since. Ain’t God good?

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      I pray that you heal from all that you have been through and be able to keep moving in faith 🙏 ❤️

    • @BallroomLilliesandHydrangeas says:

      Thank you, Stephan. I appreciate that. I been over that heartbreak. My healing came the day his heart got broken. I shouldn’t have been happy about it, but I was. I’m just in this long waiting season for God to show me what’s next.

    • @bwatamundung7657 says:


    • @liztowers2058 says:

      That’s a gem! 😂😂

  • @therealcyberius says:

    What some people fail to realize is healthy people attract healthy people and damaged people attract damaged people. If you find that the only people you are attracting are not emotionally available, are not capable of intimacy, are loaded with baggage and unwilling to commit you may need to do some work on yourself. Misery loves company and if you project a lack of self-esteem, confidence, knowing yourself and failure. Those are the people you are going to attract.

    People so often ask themselves What am I getting out of this? Why can’t I find someone good? What is wrong with everyone? Without ever looking inward and examining what someone else is getting from you. What are you projecting out into the world. Do you truly know what you want from someone and are you willing to give them what they need?

    If the common denominator in all your failed relationships is YOU, YOU might be the issue. It is so easy to point the blame at other while ignoring the obvious issues within yourself.

    I have been with my wife for 15 years and married for 10. I still check in to ensure both of our needs are being met. Not just hers, not just mine. OUR needs.

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