Why Dating in France is Better than Canada

Elody, from Toulouse France shares her opinion on why dating in France is better than in Quebec, Canada. Do French people get serious right away? And what is the problem with becoming exclusive immediately?

Charlie Page

  • @talitabotana6992 says:

    French just go way too fast

  • @Hancock1998 says:

    Definitely better in Canada🤣

  • @heriport6654 says:

    Catch her at philemon old port on a regular saturday night

  • @I_am_FRANCO says:

    Au moins = at least != != pour moi != for me

  • @marcalbert674 says:

    Nous les français on a pas le temps !

  • @johngonzalez4298 says:

    Happy Saturday, Marina! I like Elody’s attitude

  • @elisa6212 says:

    In Italy it’s the same. Or at least it used to. Not a girl anymore 😜

  • @Joekool88 says:

    Similar to Singapore. We have to ask the other to be our boyfriend/girlfriend

  • @glorifiscence says:

    Love her laugh!!!!

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