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Why God Isn’t Removing Your Feelings for Someone | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and Why God Isn't Removing Your Feelings for Someone!

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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Charlie Page

  • @deliapasqualini970 says:

    Thank you for this video. It has arrived exactly in the moment I am experiencing these feelings. Now I see them from a different perspective.

  • @Jamie-b4z says:

    I read a quote somewhere that if you don’t take God‘s hints to leave someone, they will let them hurt you so much to the point where you end up leaving them. A painful lesson to learn, but sometimes it’s the only way.

  • @hollywisconsin says:

    this was on my mind this past week! i was thinking to myself “there’s got to be some trait within this person I’ve not identified, yet desire to weave into myself .”
    point #3/4 I’ve definitely seen this “invitation to grow” ! i was directed to learn about myself and then God!
    hmm. i like the soul contract idea it’s interesting, I’ll think on that. heartfelt thank you!

  • @BendiciendoElHogar says:

    Todas las emociones son de origen espiritual y Dios es quien dirige estas emociones para nuestro crecimiento. Entender el carácter de Dios y sus intenciones para con nosotros nos da guía para interpretar estas situaciones que parecen sin esperanza para poder percibirlas como algo transformador. Gracias por este video es una auténtica joya. ❤

  • @stefanipicchi257 says:

    It’s also a way and chance to bring the subconscious core wound of ‘I am not wanted’ forward to face, heal and integrate. Many of us weren’t wanted even from conception and until we rewrite this programming, we will continue to align with experiences that reflect this core wound back to us.

    • @avrilperez464 says:

      Absolutely agree! Sometimes I don’t realize I’m just looking for confirmation that I’m not wanted or don’t deserve love.

  • @Mystory4Hisglory1975 says:

    Amen! Going through this now!

  • @celesteredding1550 says:

    You’re spot on with this informative video, Mat. Thanks

  • @roselahuerita says:

    Perfect timing to upload about this because I’m going thru this at this moment of wanting to move on but still have feelings for him 🙁

  • @stacymiley9299 says:

    So he came back around & the feelings I THOUGHT were gone and I see him again and texted with him again, they’re back. He says he wants me back, I would LOVE to be back with him. But the trust in him is gone.

  • @patriciarose2342 says:

    Exactly, turn those loving feelings back on yourself and love and heal yourself. Spend time and take care of you ❤

  • @avrilperez464 says:

    Amazing video that came in perfect timing for me. I’ve been reflecting for the past weeks that those feelings aren’t for that person anymore, it’s really my lack of love and validation being reflected in that person. Thanks so much for this ❤

  • @agathacosmas1074 says:

    Awesome video. You touched the right points of this topic and am so glad you did. Thanks I’ve understood a lot from this



  • @mashinism says:

    I am so very happy to hear that. Because I did experienced it same
    And I am soooooo very happy I did
    Stay away from that person for years
    And it was absolutely self love is impotent for the best learning and results for sure 🙂

  • @Chryslerdealership says:

    Kinda off topic but I think this is the first video where I see you mention God and it just makes my heart so happy ❤️ I see a few people say it’s immature to believe in God but I would argue the opposite, I’ve found myself grow up into a much more disciplined, mature, intelligent, hopeful, and kind person through believing in God and giving my life to his son Jesus Christ. There’s something very mature about looking at the world around you and being vulnerable and honest enough to admit that none of it makes sense without a higher power. Anyway I hope you all have a beautiful day💓

  • @ladicamille5932 says:

    • reminding myself that I need nothing outside of my self to be happy
    • God is love, and he loves me so much that he sent his Son to die for me.
    • learning to give myself the love I require sets the tone of worthiness, confidence, standards, boundaries and peace. I can’t love my neighbors till I love myself.

  • @SharonVillareal-t8j says:

    Amazing video. I wake up hoping it was just a bad dream but it’s reality, my girlfriend has left me. No matter how much I tell myself to move forward, my heart refuses to let go. I just want to turn back time and hold onto her one more time

  • @susanmaloney1092 says:

    Wow. I can’t tell you how much this has resonated with me. Struggling to let an ex {my first real love) go has been an emotional journey after we reconnected two years ago. Thinking he was my soulmate. Not true but so hard to shake. Thank you. I need to rewatch this a few times. Powerful.

  • @sandra-dx6sw says:

    Praying to god every day every moment

  • @divya_khirude says:

    Great insight. Really helpful. 🙌🏼

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