Why Men CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER (12 BIG Reasons!)

Why Men CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER (12 BIG Reasons!)… In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will help you understand men better and explain why a man chooses one woman over another. Take heed to this dating advice for women and ensure you watch the entire video to understand why a man chooses one woman.

This video will help you discover the factors that influence a man's decision to choose one woman over another. I want you to understand men better and how men behave in relationships. This dating advice will help you understand how men think so that you can enhance your dating experiences.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
Why men choose one woman over another
Why a man chooses one woman over another
Why he chose her over you
Why he chose her over me
Why a man picks another woman
Online dating
Why a man
He chose you
Why did he chose her over me
One woman
Dating advice
Relationship expert
Understand men
Relationship coach for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: Why Men CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER (12 BIG Reasons!)

Watch this dating advice video next: The 14 WAYS Men Try To MANIPULATE Women


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  • @Mosmauniverse111 says:

    This is my current situation 😢 after being an understanding and a kind woman for so long😭 he told him he his into a talking stage with another woman.


    I am good with being by myself. This is why I have closed the doors indefinitely with my past. I wish all of them the best for their safe choice.

  • @colleenwhite7896 says:

    From 3:46 to 4:30 just gave me clarity from a man’s perspective and maybe a little closure. Every woman everywhere should listen to this – and the next time someone leaves…maybe its because He could’nt handle how vulnerable you made him feel on a higher level, and chose someone lower level to protect himself. Ykwim?

  • @angelicame7 says:

    Amen. Thank you for your perspective.

  • @ntate2332 says:

    Going thru this now. He claims he loves us both equally. I asked him to choose, and he wouldn’t give me an answer. I removed myself from the situation, I felt disrespected. Doesn’t help that the other woman is 20 years younger. I’m hurt & angry, but hearing this is helpful.

  • @RoyalSweetness22 says:

    I’m tuned in, Mr. Fine. 😉❤💯

  • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

    In this day and age I don”t worry about what isn’t meant to be. It’s a complete waste of my time and energy.

  • @lorettajohnson207 says:


  • @vonettacabral1626 says:

    Happy Valentine’s 💌 Day by the way!! Thank you for the big brother talks 🙇🏾‍♀️.. blessings 🙏🏾

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    Honestly if a man chooses another WOMAN over me ,thats ok no stressing,the problem is if he chooses a MAN 😮wow regerts worries
    galore !!!!

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    ” what did you win” say it loud Stephan TRASH ,🤣🤣🤣🤣 so so true ,just had to laugh

  • @MrsUnbreakable17 says:

    That used to be me eight years ago he married someone else had a another kid but after I’ve healed he still trying to get me back but I am loving me we just co-parent only

  • @gabrielapaulinho1luv says:

    On the weight thing, yo: I’ve known women who were living with men who insisted they needed MORE weight. When they gained weight, the men left them.

    Also, Stephan, I smell the stench of a double standard. There are pllllenty of men out there who become heavy-set later in the relationship. So, what if their partners don’t like that and those men don’t want to lose weight. 😒

  • @Nyotakikora1 says:

    When a women, is kind, caring, attentive, and the man, is undecided, I gather that he feels that he could not measure up, but ended up choosing another woman, because it is his own “get-back” or cowardice way, of thr exit.

    Needless to say, I have been there so many times, and it really gets tiring always being second choice, or no choice.

    So thank you for this. I have out the work in etc, so I wait

  • @erae920 says:

    This was timely. Thank you 🙏🏾

  • @eph9434 says:

    happy Valentine’s!! the topic im waiting for the the longest time

  • @lucybyrd1810 says:

    You can always say what you need to say directly. We know you are saying it in love❤💚

  • @lucybyrd1810 says:

    I like that last statement either come correct or don’t come at all. 👍

  • @SherylSmith-os1jq says:

    Im in healing for four years after he leave . I wasn’t going to tolerate disrespect. Filing divorce and I’m doing great . I retired and get both homes . He will be back to rent a room no doubt . God is good !

  • @nadinebriggs2425 says:

    So much I have learned from you and another coach, my self worth should not be from others, but from God, so I am ok.

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