Why Men Start DATING YOU When They’re Not Ready For A RELATIONSHIP
Why Men Start DATING YOU When They're Not Ready For A RELATIONSHIP… In this dating advice video, I breakdown the reasons why a man will start dating you when he's not ready for a relationship. Take heed of this dating advice, and ensure you watch the entire video.
As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.
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In my case I was the one who realized he wasn’t ready in all the key areas. I shared with him that he has healing to do, that it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to continue while he’s working on himself because it wouldn’t be about him it would be about keeping the relationship. That wouldn’t be healthy.
Well said 🙏
I genuinely appreciate men like you who is full of understanding .@MeetStephanSpeaks
I told a guy this same thing except I never let it get to the dating stage. He was in a separation and about to get a divorce and when I told him he needs to spend time alone to heal and work on himself he started talking about me being immature and acting like I just dumped him or smth. Keep in mind this tantrum came from a 36 year old crushing on me, a 21 year old. I guess I just expected him to be more mature at his big boy age.
This is true I fell prey to this 😞
I’m sorry to hear that
If I could tell you the number of dates I went on with men who are not emotionally healthy, whole and financially stable. Very important to vet…saved me from further disappointment.
When I started doing this, dating wasn’t so bad.. I also have my black belt in emotional intelligence 😂
Thank you for sharing 🙏
It is so hard, darling. It’s like you take the time to heal and get in a better place. Only then to you be ready to put yourself out there for a bunch of broken people.
@@Ajah-v5y i feel y’all.. its TOUGH out there
They selfishly don’t want to “miss their opportunity” to be with you but then they end up devastating you a few years down the road lol. It’s disheartening for sure as someone who has done the work because that’s what inspired them bulldoze past their shortcomings. The work for us then becomes learning how to read people even when they don’t read themselves well and how to better spot dishonesty sooner into a relationship
Oh girl, I love this!
I haven’t been on any recent dates in a good while to share any recent crazy experiences, but that has been a past one. True..some just aren’t ready, and that is OK, and allows a person to move forward to someone whom is.
When I say this video was so on time for my situation. I, myself, had to let go because he was not ready. I hate to say it, and it’s so unfortunate, but most people these days are selfish (whether subconsciously or not). People also use the word “love” so loosely and only looking to see what they can get out of it. Please, women of God, as hard as it may seem some times, do NOT ignore your decrement, and guard your heart.
I appreciate that 🙏
This is so good , the message in this video is for me and my current situation.
I’m glad it was helpful to you
Thank you Stephan,this video was as satisfying as an authentic Caribbean dish
Wow… I had to listen to that quote again. 💯
Yes… talk to God & listen to your intuition!💯👏🏼
Great topics of discussion!👏🏼💯
Understanding your own boundaries with yourself!💯
Heal while you’re single!💯
Lean on God’s guidance!💯
I agree… be yourself from the beginning!💯
Excellent video! 💯❤️
Wonderful advice & encouragement…I love it! ❤️💯
You have a calming voice ☺️❤️
The issue is that hurt people often avoid facing their problems. Instead of acknowledging their feelings, they pretend everything is fine. Then, to test if they still have the ability to connect with others, they pull people into their chaotic situations, even though they know they’re not ready for a relationship. Many individuals fear being alone, but it’s in this uncomfortable space that they can work on themselves and the vision they have for their lives. Why drag someone else into your life when it’s so chaotic, just to validate your own existence? Good people are tired of selfish people.
Well said. I had a situation where I spent time getting to know a guy like I said I would and I decided I didn’t want to go further and told him all the reasons why the main reason being he was still married(was going through a divorce) and needed to heal. Plus whenever he’d talk to me he sounded like my dad. This man is 36 and I’m 21 and he thought I was the one being immature and and wild when he was slinging insults about my age and love life(he thought I was easy) left and right. He’s still sending me messages after I made it clear I didn’t want to talk to him and hes been acting like he wants to be friends but when I say no to hanging out he blows up.
There is so much advice on social media about relationships and yet still we blindly choose the handsome face and our needs over red flags.
I’m so grateful to have ran across this amazing channel. I have learned so much and this information is so valuable
Thanks, Stephan! 🥰This video was very informative, and added much value & wisdom! Have a Wonderful week.
I pulled back in my situation on three separate occasions due to issues in which I felt he wasn’t ready. When I pulled back the last time he tried to manipulate the situation by saying “I guess I’ll see if I can get the deposit back for the ring”. I knew it was a tactic to try to keep me. And that was more than enough to fully leave the relationship.
IM LIVING THIS NIGHTMARE!My estranged husband left! You CAN NOT put so much energy into man that has NOT received the love he needed as a child from his mother! I didn’t understand how deep it was until i got my heart broken from loving him. He’s still living in the same age as he was when he was abandoned. No matter how much I showed him love, he didn’t understand OR felt he deserved it! I begged for counseling to help us AND advised him to seek it for himself. He called me weird & said counseling was wack. SO now, I’m stuck with being a married single mom trying to pick up my life while raising a young boy into a man. This sucks but God will get me through. 🙌🙏💯
@A-poet-by-purpose Do you have family and friends to help support you as you walk through this?
@JStig12 my parents are deceased, and my family and I are not as close as we should be. Close friend passed away suddenly last year. 😪
Just want to say, every time I think of a question,you’ll have a video with the answer, I know this is God. Thank you for your great support and continue to let the Lord use you. You’re always on point.
God bless you Stephan, I really needed to hear this it hits so hard regarding my last relationship. I also was needing to hear it for my future relationships because I was thinking about it being impossible to find a man who really wanted a long term relationship not just a temporary one.
Great video Stephan! Wish I knew these things last year. Now I know better. Much Respect!!
Ok I had to watch the whole video so I can say what’s on my heart. I wish every woman could listen to what you are saying. I have gotten to a point where I am not having sex with men. Women need to hold off on sex if you are seeking something serious because it will show their true intentions. You won’t want to feel used and hurt. I told myself I am not settling this year; I am not dealing with a man with whom I do not see a future with. Also, you spoke of men benefitting from dating women doing well, and I have never had that issue. I do not believe in financially supporting a man in any shape, way, or form. I do believe that this causes issues and when he gets to a better place he would leave. I do not want to be that woman, so don’t come to me if you are not in a good place. That is disrespectful. I also don’t do situationships either because casual dating etc; can lead to confusion and you getting hurt. Stop letting men use you ladies, and he said set your own boundaries. Remember, MEN DO NOT HAVE TO LIKE WOMEN TO SLEEP WITH THEM, but women will not sleep with a man they don’t like.
The point you made of getting scared of a connection is valid and I have been in this situation. before because I have been afraid of being vulnerable too. It’s like giving someone a dagger to your heart and telling them not to use it. I told myself I am going to date this summer but I am moving with more intention these days. It is important to focus on healing FIRST so you can healthily use the spirit of discernment. It has saved me so much headache, emotions, and time. I also agree one hundred percent: trust God first and let it go.
Thank you!!! You are so gifted and may God continue to use you so powerfully !! You have helped me through the hardest 3 years of my life navigating divorce and moving on.