Man Cold Approaches 100 Women at Gym | IWAM Ep. 821
Why Men Start DATING YOU When They’re Not Ready For A RELATIONSHIP
How The NICE GUY can Attract Women- The FAKE Beta Male TACTICS
Men Get This Part WRONG!- Stop Wasting Time Looking For Things In Common.
Why Being CALIBRATED on a Date is SO IMPORTANT- Inner-game.
Why So Many Men Are In Unhappy Relationships With Toxic Women
A Valuable Piece of Dating Advice For Men 🙌🏆
The Truth About Female Sexual Desire
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Watching this makes me glad that I’m still single, since it seems it’s better to be single than to be in a toxic relationship.
I am 42, male, and italian… Medium dude and medium grade attractive, in my opinion, and I am just pissed off of self entitled and delusional, toxic, women… I need passion and love, but females today do choose only the 10% of the men… And I am also upset and very enraged for that. Imstead of teaching men how to “conquer” women, try to teach women the traditional morality and family related desires…
my bro is one of them…dedicated to a drunken depressed woman on prescription. He can”t lift a finger without her permission.
Yup! Bad behaviour should be called out in the beginning of the relationship.