Why women love it when you don’t give a FU*K


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World’s leading female dating expert for men. Author of the number one selling book “The Noble Art of Seducing Women”

Kezia Noble is the leading dating and attraction expert for men.

Kezia has been helping men since 2006 to overcome the challenges that they experiences when meeting and attracting women. Her honest insights and straight-talking advice has helped men from across the globe dramatically increase their success rate with women.


  • Kaiser Gold says:

    There are two ways to get out of these mind games : you either master what Kezia is talking about (i did that naturally when i was about 19 years old), or you outgrow it all together… then finding a partner is not something that drives you, and most importantly, you start to see beauty and attraction in a much different way : in how little self-absorbed she is, in her generosity, in how lovingly she treats herself and the world in general.
    I guess every game makes sense as long as it makes sense… just like toy cars, dolls or legos… then we’re off to something else.
    Anyways, if you’re still trying to master the mind games, Kezia gives you all the insights you need, then all the work is up to you – as usual ! Have fun with it !

  • Jenkkimie says:

    Alright so we have this video talking about a phenomena where a mans indifference actually attracts women. Now, this actually has been extensively studied in science and especially in fields like mine which is Psychology. Why does this work?

    Well it works because a Psychological phenomena known as the Scarcity Principle which essentially means that anything scarce, stands out and draws our attention more. So for example think about what makes an actor or an actress a sought after and admired person by so many? What makes an actor or an actress so attractive?

    It is because they have attributes that are rare. They have a lot of money, they are good looking, they are famous and popular. These are example markers of what we pay attention to in an individual, when these markers are really rare among common folk.

    Lets take another example. Imagine a white wall. Just a plain white wall. Nothing on it, no damage done to it, just plain white wall. Now, imagine if someone would come with a brush and paint a bright red line on that wall. Would it stand out? Why? Because of the Scarcity Principle.

    So too when a man is indifferent towards a woman, he becomes Scarce in the psyche of that woman. He is a person that stands out from the mass, who is different and isn’t afraid to show his independence and difference from the mass. This is why if you go to see a sex therapist, they will try to encourage you to seek out things you are good at and advertise them because if you manage to make the things unique about you clear, that draws in people. And we humans do not even realize this on a cognitive level, it just does.

    • B says:

      +B Racine lol right

    • UnexpectedWonder says:

      Scarcity, yes, but Indifference is a Double-edged Sword. One must be really careful.

    • Jenkkimie says:

      UnexpectedWonder I agree. Then again I also think that it is quite easy to see when someone is being playful and interested, and when someone isn’t interested. If you are interested in someone, you will inevitably show it subtly. If you aren’t interested in someone, then you will show it as well. The subtle difference is if you are doing it smiling or not.

    • UnexpectedWonder says:

      Jenkkimie Yeah, usually, but some folks are Difficult as hell to Read and are excellent Liars or are completely Indecisive.

    • Jenkkimie says:

      UnexpectedWonder Well that has often a lot to do with having personality disorders such as Autism, Asperger, Dark Triad (Narcissism, Psychopathy/Sociopathy, Machivellian Syndrome) and so on so forth.

      It is true that some people are hard to read, and there is a reason they are hard to read, whether it is because have a stagnated cognitive development or they have a sinister personality disorder that aims to use others as extensions of Self.

      Other than that, it can be ones own confusion as to not be able to read social ques and interpret body language to understand what someone is trying to say. We men are more prone to miss them because our brains have more Grey Matter (~8% on average) which is tied to tunnel vision, focus and many other functions, but also its downside is not being able to understand subtlety in social ques and body language as well as women can. Of course it is unfortunately often misinterpret as males wanting to hurt women deliberately but actually it is that the male brains are wired to be more linear and on rails as the female brains are, so such social awkwardness in males is not a cognitive one but a function of neurology in male brain wiring.

  • Ash Dee says:

    Asking a girl for dating advice is like asking a fish for advice on how to get caught.

    • Dan Palu says:

      What you say is generally true. But if you know anything about women, then you will realize that the advice you get here is exactly the same type of advice you will get from male dating coaches or whatever the hell they call themselves. This is a rare case of a woman who can dissect attraction logically. Something 99,9 of women cannot. And I bet Kezia Noble couldn’t either at first

    • uberfella says:

      That’s not the case. She doesn’t tell us how we can seduce her. Her goal is to make money by selling courses and stuff. If she would teach men the things that don’t work out who will buy it?

  • Dr Johnson Hungwell says:

    I’m pretty much a mgtow , I’ve kept my freedom and money thanks to the women I’ve met that gave me valuable life lessons on why being involved with them or getting married and having kids is bad news , it’s worked out pretty well I’m able to buy the things I want and come home to a quiet home that I don’t have to worry about losing , I really don’t even get excited about meeting or talking to them now , every one I’ve met has been about the same

  • KenK TheSensai says:

    There was a book called “The Rules” written by two divorced women. They touted the same things Kezia is saying but from a female perspective. It was things like, always make the conversation short, be unavailable when men call and not return calls. When they would try that b.s. I would tell them that it was from the book and that I wasn’t playing that game. That made them chase me because I didn’t give a f*ck anymore. Being a nice guy and showering women with gifts and attention is the #1 way to end up in the “friend” zone.

  • Master Exploder says:

    Guys, never take dating advice from women. A guy doesn’t ask a fish on how to catch them he asks a fisherman. Food for thought.

  • Placebo says:

    A wise man once said, “You will always lose money chasing women. But, you will never lose women chasing money.”

    • Placebo says:

      Mmmhmm…. Because buying flashy and exorbitant things has nothing to do with insecurity? Yet, there is usually a beautiful woman in the passenger seat of that 100k car.

    • Vixinaful says:

      Well I can just speak from my own experience and I’ve turned down wealthy men bc I didnt feel the attraction. But maybe its just me.

    • Martin Reynolds says:

      Placebo Money will not help you if you do not know how to trigger attraction in women naturally.

  • Shaggy Alonso says:

    Taking dating advice from a woman is like seeking medical advice from a drug dealer.

    • Erick Fuentes says:

      Shaggy Alonso thank you I’ll say the same thing why women want to give their secrets so easy like that there’s something that don’t add up 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • wdrumz says:

      Coach Corey Wayne said it perfectly, never take dating advice from women. Ever. I learned that lesson the hard way. Many of them have no clue about what they want, they just go by how they feel. If you can win over her emotions you are set, that’s how assholes get the girls so easily, they win them over emotionally. They don’t use logic.

    • Shaggy Alonso says:

      Multiple studies have shown that women are attracted to different types of men depending on what stage of the menstrual cycle they’re in. The reason they can’t decide what they want, is that, as human beings, our hormones drive our behaviour, and women’s hormonal balance fluctuates more than men’s.

    • wdrumz says:

      Shaggy Alonso wow very interesting! They are veryyyy fickle creatures I am learning no matter what the age.

    • Shaggy Alonso says:

      When ovulating, they’re most attracted to traits that signal higher testosterone i.e. bad boy/muscle, chiselled face etc. The rest of the time they fall more in the safe and steady category of being interested in beta male providers. Tbh, I think a similar thing is true of men, at least personally, when I’m horny I want someone with sex appeal, but in terms of pursuing a relationship I’m far less interested in that, and to some degree even put off by that as it signals trouble and more competition with other men.

  • Charles Anajemba says:

    Guys rule number 1, never take advice from women. You’d do just fine.

  • live for Jesus says:

    This advice along with socity, social media and feminism is why America is so messed up today in the dating game and why there are so many players women like but get angry when they become single mothers.

  • Ray Kusengsky says:

    I put this method to the test.

    I have a female friend whom I have been friends with for years. And I decided to just start being cocky on a video call Spit out my opinions and just make Sexual jokes unapologetically.

    The video call lasted for 2 hours and she ended up telling me some really deep things about her and her past that moved her to tears.

    It was a very enjoyable conversations.

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