Women Push GOOD MEN Away When They Do THESE 5 Things

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Be mindful of these behaviors if you don't want to lose a good man. A good man who loves you can only take so much neglect, rejection, and negative energy. Don't let these things be the reason you lose a good man who truly cares about you.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Things women do to lose good men
– What men want
– Online dating tips
– Women push away good men
– Online dating
– Lose good men
– Lose a good man
– Relationship advice
– Relationship coach
– Relationship coach for women
– Dating coach for women
– Dating coach
– Dating advice for women
– Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.


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#GoodMen​ #DatingAdviceForWomen #RelationshipAdviceForWomen​ #DatingAdvice​​ #OnlineDating​ #RelationshipCoach #DatingCoachForWomen​​ #DatingExpert​ #DatingCoach​​ #StephanSpeaks


  • @mimidroy725 says:

    I’m here for it Stephan…❤

  • @livhammy says:

    Absolutely right! Great video Stephan. Every woman should watch this!❤

  • @chynadoll77cyn59 says:

    Smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ it’s the listening 👂 part for me , one the hardest thing for me. I be ready to pop off. However I’m working on myself

  • @keziyahyisrael9672 says:

    Wow😮 this video is right on time💯. I needed to hear all of this♥️

  • @janachavez5396 says:

    I kept thinking all men were the same, but after a year of counseling, I realized that in my broken state I was attracting the same type of narcissist man as my Dad. This definitely wasn’t conscious. I would always say to myself, I need someone who is opposite my Dad… And then end up with someone who has alot of similar qualities as my Dad. You definitely need to heal yourself from these past negative relationships with men before you can find a good man. Good men will definitely see any red flags you might be projecting and avoid you.

    • @SheriL1 says:

      The narc man made you feel comfortable. You were right at home. I married a narc. We went to marriage counseling. After I began to share, the counselor said, You married your mother. It felt comfortable to you.
      My mouth dropped open. My ex was sitting next to me laughing it up, holding his stomach type laughing. It was funny to him.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback ❤️ 🙏

    • @janachavez5396 says:

      ​@@SheriL1 Yes!!! That is exactly it!!! It felt comfortable because that was what I was used to from childhood…

    • @jb5056 says:

      @@SheriL1oh honey 😢

  • @ofkgjsl says:

    What many women, including myself, had to learn was that being defensive is NOT a strength. And often, we think we’re strong, but we are just on defense mode. It seems to appear strong, since we seem to be immune to what may hurt us. But true strength is not going full berserk mental self-defense on any man. We tend to “read minds” and jump to conclusions. But true strength is being vulnerable and having the skill to cope with what may hurt us. It’s being able to recover from falling, not avoiding to fall at all.

    • @ChantaBrite says:

      But you don’t have to be vulnerable for everybody or every man that walks by.
      ETA: I say that as empath that had to really learn to block people out.

    • @ofkgjsl says:

      @@ChantaBrite I totally agree. We should not be vulnerable with anyone. And not be naive. My comment was especially referring to the „independent woman“ part. I mean, many good men actually do like a mature woman, who doesn‘t need a babysitter. But this is minimum requirement for them. It‘s nothing to be extremely proud of and particularly nothing that should be a whole female identity. It‘s often the weak, who think it‘s strength. And good men can sense the hidden weakness behind the „I don‘t need a man“ one. It‘s ironically often actually the needy ones, who find security in being hyper independent. Not being judgdemental here. Just an observation of myself

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate hearing from you ❤️

    • @geronimo1595 says:

      @@ofkgjslPreaching 🙏🏽

    • @agathangenzirabona8339 says:

      Wonderful and please keep up the good work

  • @ChantaBrite says:

    I’m not talking to any men right now. I don’t know if I will again. Dating sounds exhausting.

  • @Kann841 says:

    My guy tried to lead in selfishness and it became obvious the longer I knew him. I broke it off after the 6th month. I truly gave it time to work out. He’d cut me off when we talked to take calls from
    Others, he’d choose to allow our dates to be interrupted by his family and friends, I caught him
    In lies and exaggerations.

  • @Kann841 says:

    Number 5 was huge for me. His family and friends truly came before our relationship repeatedly !!

  • @elenarotestan5823 says:

    Thank you, awesome tips, personally the one about friends and family getting involved in the relationship. I’ve learned to zip 🤫 🤐 my relationships issues because that way it doesn’t give them a right to have an opinion about it.

  • @mmommo-hx4dx says:

    enjoyed the negative v. realist part. b/c there’s so much negativity in the world, how to avoid it. learning how to be poised, calm and positive…that’s my biggest hurdle….im getting better though….its painful to bite my tongue…

  • @r.jenkins5982 says:

    Ladies trust that a man that first follows GOD can lead you! Every good man is not a Godly man and the spiritual hierarchy is huge!

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate that ❤️

    • @KARRMA333 says:

      I knew someone who seemed to be this exact kind of man.. Turned out to be a p3doph!le!! Cousins, friends, other family members and I were all S.Abused by church members or men who portrayed themselves as devout. They expect people at church to be wilfully nieve and easy targets. I am Christian and all for God but this advice needs to come with a warning to still use discernment and pay attention to your kids. My own mother deluded herself into staying with my stepfather after he S.abused my brothers and I multiple times all because she has a Jesus complex. For some reason these sickos seem to believe that specific sin is a forgivable one… (Their enablers are just as guilty) God does not heal peds, they are not rehabilitatable.. So no, enough with this whole let him lead if he is religious and/or pretend they do no wrong. Predators intentionally target places and people like this to get access to victims.

  • @Mroberts818 says:

    This is crazy because that ending part of number 4 was the reason I left my ex-wife. It might have took her 12 years to tell me she is ready to be a “woman” now and give us a second. My response was, 3x “What does that mean, I married a woman and I don’t understand”( her lack of openness and honesty in that same conversation led me to just be upfront and terminate the suggestion she was making. I did not have time for her to be coy nor playful at the drop of a dime after 3 years of silence and separation.

  • @kisembojanet65 says:

    Thenk u. Women, we need to be strong and believing in ourselves ❤

  • @thebirdclan says:

    You keep with this same message. Anyone can say no to sex, anytime. You deserve love without the expectation of having sex. Nobody has a right to anyone’s body. If you want sex in exchange for emotional fulfillment, that’s not an equal trade-off.

  • @Jar379 says:

    I’m waiting to be fully healed before going into a other relationship💜

  • @ramonaphillipsteach3284 says:

    Teach Stephan. Great example. My mom was overly independent, use to brag about it. She never had a healthy relationship.

  • @jaeraee3437 says:

    The difficulty is finding a man that you want to be with. It would be great to complete a video of finding a partner where you both desire each other. ♥️♥️♥️

  • @thehapagirl92 says:

    I have the issue with being too negative. It’s hard though. I’ve had a lot of disappointment and the negativity comes out. It’s a problem

  • @avianbirdflu says:

    Anyone ever get told that you are bubbly and too positive to be with, too outgoing and too happy, he said i was too kind to other people and too open , and not mature enough for my age… can someone please explain to me where the issues of being polite are and im 26 how is someone my supposed to act?

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