3 Signs That She Likes You

In this Hayley Quinn video I show you some signs she likes you. Don’t forget to communicate with her though – her attraction to you is a reaction. How to meet and connect with a great girlfriend –

NOTE – this is an old video, make sure to check out my new ones! Dating advice changes with the times!

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Hayley Quinn Bio:

Hey there!

My name is Hayley Quinn, I give modern, progressive and ethical dating advice to men and women. It’s about meeting in real life, breaking free of how you think you should behave and getting a dating life that is both exciting and respects others! I am a dating coach, TED speaker, and entrepreneur.

If you're ready to let me change your life for the better, get in contact!


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  • Sir Sip Sippington says:

    I think this is just the video I needed. A lady in my town does to me quite often. She’ll talk to me and wave at me when I’m alone, but if I am with a couple of friends, she won’t even acknowledge my existence. I think she has adjusted her hair in front of me like you demonstrated in the video. I wish I had this video yesterday. It would have saved me a bunch of hassle to guess if she is interested.

  • Victoria Daisy says:

    You’re so right with the “giggling mess” when I like a guy I cannot make eyecontact or I’ll burst out laughing and smiling way too much haha but then again if youre on a second date with the guy he must be kind of interested in you so why not show a little awkward giggle-action 🙂 – I also agree with you on the hand/neck touching but I think for me that is because I get nervous and need to do something with the energy and adrenaline

    • Alex Salazar says:

      Victoria Daisy how is it best to aproach her if in that circumstance? Im sorry if this is weird but this video didn’t cover the solution, do you just make eye contact with her anyway?

  • Hayley Quinn says:

    For all the comments (good and bad) re: my hair, I literally can’t help it either way. It grows like this, does it’s thing and seeing as it hasn’t all fallen out yet I’m alright with that!

  • T Tsmile says:

    Finally a realistic and actuate video about the subject. I would do that too.

  • Bill Nye says:

    Some times I hate women for there subtleties… I’m 20, never dated, and all of my female friends just tell me its something I shouldn’t rush. I don’t want a false relationship so I don’t want to rush anything, but at the moment I don’t even know what it means to be in a relationship. And that is very frustrating.

  • UltraViolet says:

    Hayley, very often when i talk to a an attractive women i like, they tend to ignore me and talk to someone who’s next to me who’s english speaking . I am a foreign guy and it’s already quite difficult to pick up english chicks considering the language barrier and the cultural difference. I consider myself being at ease and confident in who i am, interesting and friendly (no reason a normal person wouldn’t want to talk to me ).After that i just get pissed off and ignore them completely . I feel like i’m imposing myself to someone who’s not interested in me if i continue trying to engage them in a conversation. And i feel like they regret after that… I work in a cafe as a barista so this thing happens quite often, especially when i see them the second or third time, as you said. just can’t get why this happens so often, but its driving me nuts…. sometimes i just think that they prefer english guys .

  • Dan0101010101010 says:

    What if I show no emotion, and stay blank faced, (trying to hide my anxiety/the fact I like her) and then she does the same thing back to me?

  • Antiklimax1989 says:

    “I won’t kiss her so i do not mess up her lip gloss” – No guy in the history of this planet ever

  • Waldo D. says:

    This is more complicated than advanced astrophysics.
    I’ll stick to just asking her if she likes me.

  • Wild Raven says:

    Lol, this video is hilarious. But yes, this is true.

    Everytime I go to a video, I always see the “if she touches you” tip. Well, every girl that likes me gets so shy and nervous in my presence they don’t have the courage to do it. They smile and laugh like a circus just broke out and it’s quite easy for me to turn up the tension.

    So a girl not touching you isn’t a bad thing, as long as the not touching is based out of shyness.

  • Sudipta Das says:

    one girl gave me all those signs. I thought she was into me. I was wrong.

    Friendzone: Welcome back !

  • Scott Gerlach says:

    Hayley thanks for being the sister I never had.

  • Ted23 LT says:

    Guys also remember that even if she’s not giving you these signals. But she’s still there that itself is a signal because she could leave at any moment she wants.

  • Lalin D says:

    Thanks Hayley.. i found your videos to be highly educational and entertaining. 🙂

  • Charlie Magri says:

    You’re so helpful and say it as it is, because this woman does all you explain, but I don’t know why and because she is so confident; assertive and doesn’t have to play it like that with me. Oh yes, she is far younger and has a boyfriend, but I won’t give up and because she is my true love!

  • RCmies says:

    Ok so if a woman shows these signs, and you like her a lot too then is it okay to say straight to her face that you like her? Probably not out of the blue, but kind of lead up to it. For instance, tell her at the end of a date that went well: ”This might come as a surprise, and I don’t expect any certain reaction… but I’ve noticed the way you look at me and you’ve probably caught me doing the same as well. I just had to tell you, I like you. A lot.”

  • NinjaOnANinja says:

    So, her being shy, that makes more sense. Most girls want a guy that intimidates them, for the most part. So I agree.
    2 and 3 both are after the fact you are dating, but I guess they can apply to before you are dating. Like if you are just hanging out or just met and these things pop up during that time.

    Fair enough. Sketchy start but made up for it at the end. Take care.

  • Sasquatch 2099 says:

    Number 1 happens. And like that you lost me.

    Maybe I like confident woman, or at least women who are straight forward about their emotions, wants, and desires.

    At the first hint of recoil I back off. I don’t want to go to jail.

  • Nick Mathews says:

    You are incredibly beautiful.
    And explain things perfectly!
    Hope you had a good Valentine’s Day!
    My valentine did EXACTLY what you said.
    I feel so much better!
    Thank you keep up the great work for us boys!

  • 19RH71 says:

    “Slightly confusing?!?!” The understatement of the year.

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