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Building Trust on Dating Apps: 3 Steps To Take Before You Ask Her Out

To build trust on dating apps you’re going to need: 💁‍♂️ Great photos that clearly show who you are (and look hot). 🙋‍♀️ The right messaging style that allows her to open up. 🤔 Knowing when to ask her out (not too fast, not too slow, just right like Goldilocks). If you don’t think any […]

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Do Men Like Successful Women: The Brutally Honest Truth

While women nearly always desire a successful man, the same isn’t true the other way around. If you’re a successful woman who is fed up of dating apps and the growing frustration that nothing is working, you need to read this For men who’ve stumbled upon this video I’ve got something here for you too: […]

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How To Get A Girlfriend If You’re Ugly: 5 Action Steps

Get ready for an HONEST video on what women really find attractive; and if you’re not a conventionally hot guy, what can you do about it? I’ve got 5 action steps for you! For men who are ready to open up their world to meeting far more women, get your free guide to “battle-tested” icebreakers […]

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How To Ask A Guy For His Number: 3 Tried & Tested Ways

As a woman, there are ways to be more proactive in your dating life — while still allowing him to make a move. If you can master these skills you’ll boost your confidence and your chances of meeting an amazing guy. Whether you’re a man or a woman, subscribe to my dating advice channel if […]

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Cold Approach Without Rejection: 5 CheckPoints Before Making Your Move

Apply to join my dating ACADEMY in-person training programme ⇒ Can you really cold approach without rejection… aka meet women in real life without it going horribly wrong?? Whilst you definitely can’t make every woman you meet like you… …you CAN learn how to interpret her social cues in the interaction: Only moving forwards when […]

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Difficulty Meeting New People? 7 Habits of Socially Confident People

Having difficulty meeting new people? Then make a routine out of my 7 habits to become socially confident. From lifestyle changes, to challenging your excuses, to talking to strangers, these 7 new habits will get you off social media and out into the real world building connections. Whether you’re a man or a woman, if […]

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Handling Rejection On Dating Apps: 4 Ways to Stay Confident in the Face of Rejection

Handling rejection on dating apps can be a tough experience, but it doesn't have to derail your dating success. In this video, I delve into expert strategies for handling rejection with confidence, and how to use your experiences as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Don’t let your lack of matches get you down, let’s […]

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“Countless hours swiping & I had NO matches” Victor’s dating coaching transformation story

It’s such a privilege to share the stories of the clients we work with. If today you’re like Victor and getting all of nowhere with your current approach to dating don’t be disheartened. You are more capable than you think to change your dating life with the right guidance. ►► For information on my next […]

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He’s Just Done A Dating U-Turn? Why Has He Suddenly Lost Interest?

It felt like you were on track to form a relationship, and now he’s gone cold? Understand why men seem to make a U-turn in their dating intentions at just the point you thought things were going well. ►► For more practical dating tools and advice head to Subscribe to my channel HayleyQuinnXx: *** Modern […]

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The Art Of Microleading: Create Attraction On Your Dates With Her

Three simple exercises that will help you create that all important “romantic” dynamic on your dates with women – enjoy! ►► For more free advice and coaching head to Subscribe to my channel HayleyQuinnXx: *** Modern dating advice for men and women *** Find me on Instagram as *** On Facebook: *** On Twitter: *** […]

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