4 Ways To KNOW When God Doesn’t Want You With THAT MAN
4 Ways To KNOW When God Doesn't Want You With THAT MANe… In this dating advice video, I will share with you some Godly dating advice that will help you determine when God doesn’t want you with someone. Many people are finding themselves in relationships that God doesn’t want them to be in, but the hard part is understanding how to tell when God doesn’t want you in that relationship. Take heed to this Christian dating advice and be sure to watch the entire video.
Many of you lean on God when it comes to health, career, and other stuff but when it comes to dating and relationships you leave God out making you miss out on Godly dating experiences. I want you to embrace these Christian dating tips that I share in this video so that you can experience Christian dating and have healthy fulfilling relationships.
If you don’t understand how to connect with your spirit in a way that you are comfortable with hearing God’s voice it will be difficult to know when God doesn’t want you with someone. However, in this Christian dating advice, I will help you understand how to get in tune with God so that you can know what God wants you to do and when God doesn’t want you with them.
As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.
If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– When God doesn’t want you with someone
– When God doesn't want you with that man
– God doesn’t want you with someone
– God doesn’t want you in that relationship
– Christian dating
– Online dating
– God doesn’t want you with them
– Dating advice
– Relationship advice
– Christian dating advice
– Dating coach
– Dating coach for men
– Dating coach for women
– Relationship coach
– Relationship coach for men
– Christian dating tips
– Godly dating
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.
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I hope you enjoyed my video: 4 Ways To KNOW When God Doesn't Want You With THAT MAN
Watch this dating advice video next: Prepare To RECEIVE Your Future Husband By Doing THESE 7 Things
#GodDoesntWantYouWithSomeone #DoesGodWantMeInThisRelationship #ChristianDating #ChristianDatingTips #DatingAdviceForWomen #DatingHelp #GodlyDating #OnlineDating #DatingAdvice #RelationshipAdvice #LifeCoach #StephanSpeaks
I was engaged and one night I got this feeling don’t do this and so I broke it off. It was the hardest thing in my life, but I heard the call of God to say don’t do it and It hurts!
I can imagine how that might hurt but God’s voice is very strong and it is the best
I’ve been through this. After I ended it, God gave me confirmation of my decision.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. GOD will rather hurt your feelings for the now, to protect the calling on your life, and reward you later even if you don’t understand what He’s up to rather than let you slip into destruction, all led by your emotions, because feelings are fluctuating & deceitful. Sending blessings!
I know for sure a third-party blocked it. They wedged themselves in between us by deceiving my person. And when he finally learned, the truth, too much time has passed.
No 3rd party can block everyone has a choice..people always blame a 3rd party..I stopped doing that..he chose that person
..and if they wanted to be with you they would it’s an excuse…no one is stuck I don’t buy it anymore
@@patriciabukator2622 please don’t gaslight this person
Am in a relationship but we fight alot and I just pray that i can hear God’s voice
@@MeetStephanSpeaks Amen
Me too girl
You already heard God’s voice on the first argument.
God sees the hearts of men. He hears conversations I don’t hear. He is so protective about us. Forget relationships now, your desires and first strengthen your relationship with God first… Surrender totally and see how all the hurt will go away.
Well said
This was good!!!! Perfect timing!!!
Btw you was awesome on that Nick cannon show ! I don’t think everyone on the panel understood /embraced your input but know you spoke truth!
Thank you
My ex and I broke up in February. This devastated me and I ran right back to God. Neither one of us were where we needed to be in our relationship with God so I know that He is the one who caused it to end. I’ve rededicated my life and have been working so hard since myself. My ex agreed to do this also but I’m not sure he is. I really feel like ours is the “not quite time” situation and would just like prayer for patience while I’m waiting.
Praying x
@@PricelessJesus Thank you so much

@@kaciayres6485 God has someone 4 u
Same here and I agree.. Right person, but it’s the wrong time
Being shown all the signs and red flags 9 Xs out of 10 the man won’t leave you have to leave
God day young man, the last few generations have been dropped on the head, you don’t have to have a GED dealing with man or relationships period! When someone wants you, you will know, no test, no playing game, no drugs, no mental illness, who does all this and all is well! Had to share out of showing people mercy, grace, keep up the amazing work and let’s go!

If we involved God from the beginning of the relationship yes he can help us .
We need to understand that God hates divorce unless there are fornication and violences involved.
God is a peace maker and love.
Anyone or anything who is distracting us from GOD is unacceptable
who has ears to hear let them hear
Thanks Stephan
I love that you include God more into your messages lately, I have prayed for that, thanks!
Your timing is profound for me! I’m currently following a journey of understanding when God might be guiding us away from certain relationships. However, in my situation, God has given me a different message. He’s been calling me to share my personal relationship with him with my new boyfriend that I barely know and help this person open up and heal from past hurts from his childhood.This man is a man of faith also. So I told him about my personal and sacred relationship with God. And told him exactly what God told me and right after that he stopped texting me for almost a month.Then he text me for a couple of days and once again no texts again. God, once again said don’t give up so I again explained that in a text very emphatically. I feel a deep obligation to follow through because God has never asked me to do something like this before. I’m struggling with this because, I want to honor what God is asked. How do I navigate the situation and stay true to what I believe?
This mostly sounds like confusion. God is not a God of confusion. Also when God tells you about your purpose especially in this situation this is between you and God. I believe you should fast and pray to God and he will answer your prayers. Remember God gives clear instructions. I hope this helps
God says “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” He will let you know when a new era is about to begin .
you said what God told me one year ago when I needed some big change. I always remind him that when I feel weak
Thank you brother for being my eye opener. I’m single, and I am so happy. I love myself more now. All thanks to you
From experience I strongly believe God does answer that ‘if he’s not for me..’ prayer. Normally when I have prayed it, a guy be gone in less than a week
Yep, the one I prayed about was gone the next day.
for my case, when i pray this, in several days i will see/know that he not a good godly man or already in relationship or already liking someone else that the woman type is not like me. so i know that his type is not someone like me. at least at that time. so i release my feeling toward him
i think he may mean in a case where you may be already “committed” to someone in some way (exclusivity, marriage, kids, etc).
if you havent chosen to be committed to a person, you may be in a space where youre gauging if you should choose them….so praying that prayer is valid bc you havent yet made a choice to commit yet.
but usually when it comes to someone making a conscious choice to commit to someone in any way and then we pray “God if theyre not for me, please remove them”, its like telling God that we were not responsible for choosing this person and hence we will not take responsibility for the conscious choice to remove that person from our life ourself….whether God guided them or allowed them to our lives, we always have a choice at the end of the day.
i feel like what he may have been saying is THAT specific prayer kind of negates the fact that we have free will and that we should be taking accountability for our choices
I can relate. You’re not alone.
@@Uzuri-Love ITS PAST TIME.
@@JUSTKEEPSHININGBRIGHT Everything always works out at the right time. Keeping shining
️ bright Queen! 

It’s always something trying to find a way to push someone whose trying to go forward to move backwards. It’s craazy

Love what you said and sometimes a lot of us don’t want to hear the truth – but the truth has to be told. God is truly amazing and we have to be obedient.
I’m not allowing anyone to take me away from God! Either he’s the one or he’s not the one and, I’m good either way! Thanks again, Bro. Stephan! Much love!
My guy was going to visiting. I had not seen him for a few months. The night before I plaid about it and said to god “ if he not for me , take him away from me “..The next morning he called me and told me he was at the airport and was not coming to me. God is amazing , I knew he wasn’t the one. Pray and he will answer