7 CRAZY Excuses That Stop You Approaching Women

Meeting women in real life is a 1000 times more rewarding than being on a dating app. To help you, I’m sharing my best coaching workarounds for your most common excuses for chickening out of speaking to her*.

(*I say this lightly, I know as a guy you may feel you’re not allowed full stop to speak to her.)

If you want more great icebreakers to help you meet women in real life, grab my free pocket guide here:

Here’s more videos to get through your fears, and start meeting women:

10 signs she wants you to approach her:

My top 9 fears and excuses that stop you meeting her:

How to meet a woman in a coffee shop:

Now get out there and start realising your potential to meet women in the real world! 🙋🏻‍♀️

00:00 Intro
00:20 Excuse 1: She has headphones in
00:45 Excuse 2: She’s on her phone
01:13 Excuse 3: She’s with her friends
02:14 Excuse 4: You’re with your friends
02:56 Excuse 5: You can’t make eye contact
03:41 Excuse 6: What you’re wearing
04:13 Excuse 7: She’s got a mean facial expression

Charlie Page

  • @HayleyQuinn says:

    Got an excuse that always stops you from connecting with women in real life? Share with me what’s holding you back from speaking to the women you like…

    • @Matlockization says:

      This isn’t an excuse, but something a little different. I spoke to this girl, but she didn’t respond for several minutes. Whenever I ask questions, she would give me short answers, then go back to remaining silent. We were both sitting down. I had no idea what signal she was trying to send me.

    • @ZeroOne130 says:

      My excuse is i’m too ugly to approach them.

  • @thelionsden7834 says:

    Us guys dont hardly approach anymore…the risk outweigh the reward….women only love conditionally

  • @lambo2655 says:

    In my case it’s called extreme shyness and lots of social anxiety. I really wish women would approach us guys.

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