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American Woman on Relationships in Sweden 🇺🇸🇸🇪

Both the US and Sweden are individualist but in different ways, and relationships are a great example. Americans still see marriage as somewhat of a goal (depending on the State etc) but Swedes typically don't aim to get married and prefer to live as sambos (common law partners). What do you prefer?

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  • @cool_cat007smoove says:

    She so correct 💯💯.

  • @deasvail99 says:

    I’m not sure how long she’s been abroad, but America is like that now. Maybe Sweden doesn’t have as many issues with child support/custody that Americans have, though. In several U.S. states, if you are living together long-term, you are basically considered married in the eyes of the state and still owe alimony after a break up.

  • @monkeymachine33 says:


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