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Anxious Attachment Style? Do this! | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and What to do if you have Anxious Attachment Style!

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5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove


  • @deliapasqualini970 says:

    100 times thank you. This is so powerful and healing 😊❤❤❤

  • @jen9508 says:

    Thank you for this video, and for the work that you do, Matt. What’s worked for me in the past is reconnecting/re-prioritizing my relationship with Christ, and remembering that my worth and value do not come from another person, but from God. And with Him, I am enough.

    • @katydid0323 says:

      This video has found me right when I needed it! Several months ago I ended a year and a half long relationship with a narcissist. I just started dating a really great guy who treats me well (holds the door, opens my car door, pays for everything, etc). I know he likes me a lot and we have a fantastic time together. But I find myself wanting validation from him because of what I went through. I’ve realized that it’s all fear based because I’m worried that I’m not good enough, or I’ll do something to make him leave, etc. Thank you so much for this video.

  • @eveescaholuoch7214 says:

    I have had a problem with anxious attachment and it really cost me to the extent that he was beginning to cost me. So when I realised it was majorly because I have anxiety disorder I decided to stop chasing after him and deal with myself. It wasn’t easy but once you find that sense of inner peace, self confidence and security everything will begin to fall into place. You’ll give out the energy that will attract even better.
    As for me, he came back once he realized I had improved on myself and I did give him another chance. It worked out well.

    • @gill426 says:

      I really admire and appreciate that you have mastered this anxious experience, it sounds really terrifying and like a really big thing that you overcame.
      What’s really sad though is that he came back once he saw that you “improved on yourself”. He doesn’t deserve to be in a 100km radius near you, what a miserable approach to a relationship. You’ll probably hate me for saying this but I think you deserve to be treated better.
      Still I think, just for you, you have come so far in getting yourself out of this mud of anxiety in relationships, that is massively remarkable. God bless you.

    • @eveescaholuoch7214 says:

      @@gill426 actually from what he was put off by my habits then. That’s what I figured when I was working on myself. He made his own mistakes and when we decided to get back together we cleared everything but trust me when I say I’m prepared to protect my peace should he start acting weird.

    • @FlamingCockatiel says:

      @@eveescaholuoch7214 Thank you for sharing. Your situation sounds similar to mine. Years of employment issues exacted a toll on me before I got asked out. Dating was a huge boost for me. My ex commented multiple times on some of my anxious tendencies, and sometimes he said that he didn’t feel relaxed when we hung out, although a bout of unemployment for him factored into that. I wonder if it drove him off. I’ve gotten better in the months since he broke up with me and feel more stable emotionally. I wouldn’t mind having him back.

  • @joansandeen9443 says:

    Matt‐-I can’t thank you enough for your wisdom here. I am dealing with this very thing as an anxious attachment personality style!!! You have given peace and hope to my soul with my significant other right now. You are amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! ❤

  • @gill426 says:

    Thank you, this video is actually really helpful in other situations too, not just romantic relationships. In my experience the anxious attachment comes up in so many other relationships too (because everything is relationship basically), even in relationship to food or shelter or something like that. I think you’re on a really good path there and I appreciate the way you explained that, I kinda wish you would go even deeper into that topic and maybe help a little more through your insights into how we can deal with that anxiety and worry that often comes up. Thank you very much for your video, it was really good! 😊

  • @Helen-jw6yb says:

    Totally agree with all of this, thanks Matt! Something I find also helps is to distract yourself by meeting up with friends for a walk/coffee/hobby etc if you can…also that gives you something to talk about when you do see each other alongside taking the pressure off him to ferl he’s your main source of attention!

  • @Erica-cf1xb says:

    I love the way you described intuition. Made me think of different times in my life when love vs fear was activated. So on point. Thank you.

  • @user-ro4pz6iq6x says:

    What a great reminder. Think I need to watch this video daily. ❤

  • @rezotydnic says:

    Anxious Attachment Style.
    1. Are your thoughts limiting your beliefs or intuition.
    2. Re establish your point of peace.
    3. Fire and wire that new belief.
    What has worked for me is this. Telling myself I was just fine before he came into my life. If he leaves, I’ll be just fine again.

  • @TheMarnya says:

    I absolutely needed this today. Thank you.

  • @katekoger1794 says:

    I can not thank you enough! This was exactly what I needed. You are amazing. Keep up the incredible work. You’re helping so many people claim back their joy ❤

  • @nineangels7572 says:

    When this happens I go outside, stand in the sun & pray. It works every time and I do it
    almost every day. Being in SoCal, thankfully, there is always sun. My life has turned around where everyday is positive and promising. I love my life.

  • @dodaguyer5042 says:

    Abraham Hicks has helped me so many times. “Everything is always working out for me.” The Universe always has your best interest in front. If something/someone isn’t best for you, It will remove you from that situation and take you where you should be.

  • @kristalynncreates says:

    Part of any journey is the end. Once you realize that, all that is left to do is enjoy the way things are, be grateful for what you have.

  • @Mk2.Sc.uv.43 says:

    What has helped me is to not keep my focus on the relationship a constant. So I busy myself with reading and other interests and I don’t let my partner control my time or space in my mind. I force myself to sometimes not feel
    The need to be perfectly available. I take care of my ME time!!

  • @thelifeofangel9539 says:

    I definitely have this. But not just for romantic relationships but friendships as well

  • @stacybennett4982 says:

    This is 100% correct…I’ve done this several times..I say to myself if this is my person then it’s all going to work out, and if it’s not then there is someone even better out there for me….Thank u Matt I love all ur videos

  • @carolineblanchette7194 says:

    I have an anxious attachment style and I’ve recently been ghosted. I started dating again but once you’ve been through that cruel emotional abuse, trust me, it stays on your mind even if you tell yourself that it doesn’t mean that every experience or person will be the same.

  • @sasb3675 says:

    Yep, everything was going great, 10, 12 hours dates, in communication constantly, talking about the future etc and then my anxiety and fears started coming through and ruined things and eventually he ended up ending things

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