Blondes Vs. Brunette (Social Experiment)

I decided to go on the ultimate quest! To discover who men prefer more… Blondes or Brunettes!! Free video series on how to meet men in real life : Let's UNITE to change how we experience dating! Join UNITE now:

NOTE – this is a funny video and I would NEVER advocate changing your hair colour to get a guy. You're awesome as you are.





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Hey there!

My name is Hayley Quinn, I give modern, progressive and ethical dating advice to men and women. It’s about meeting in real life, breaking free of how you think you should behave and getting a dating life that is both exciting and respects others!

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  • Kristen Kay says:

    This is really interesting! When I was platinum blonde, I was approached A LOT more by guys than when I was brunette. Funny enough, my husband likes me better as a brunette and encouraged me to go back brunette! 
    One odd thing (which would be a neat experiment), was when I was blonde, other blonde girls were SUPER nice to me & would go out of their way to include me or even help me out with job promotions (way nicer than when I was brunette- as a whole). I called it the blonde girl club, then once I went back brunette, my membership expired. I would *love* to see if this is true for other people.

    • Hayley Quinn says:

      ***** great comments. I’ve noticed changes in how I’m treated depending on hair shade/ weight too… I also think it’s a really interesting observation how socially women will band together if they perceive you as like them

    • Kristen Kay says:

      Hayley Quinn I’m so glad you’ve noticed this as well (Ive asked some friends about this and they didnt seem to be clued into it at all). Very great observation about women banding together. I can see that in my own life and my own relationships. Maybe there is a level of ‘safety’ or that one doesn’t feel as judged by those who are perceived as similar?

    • 後藤ソフィア says:


    • Kristen Kay says:

      It’s so odd what hair color can do to change someone’s whole perspective on another person!

    • Kristen Kay says:

      I couldn’t believe that my husband wanted me to go back brunette. I think I also had a stereotype in my mind that I was better looking as a blonde. Did you smack that guy on the tube for grabbing your bum?! Lol!

  • Jenny Feng says:

    This experiment is so unfair. . .

    1st Experiment:
    *Brunette:* Attitude genuinely friendly by having nice conversation and interaction with the workers, and you looked more approachable.
    *Blondes:* Did not show any friendly approach like when you were a Brunette, you had more of a intimidating attitude, with a wig that clearly looks fake. 

    *Thoughts:* What it seems like to me, you’re belittling the blonds. Also, it has nothing to do with whether if you’re blond or brunette, it’s the way you approach the people and how you attitude is shown. 

    ps. Next time if you really want to do a social experiment, don’t change your attitude, facial expression, and wear exactly the same thing on both perspective than maybe you will get a better and REAL results.

  • aryana barron says:

    I’m brunette and I wouldn’t change my hair to get boys attention. don’t change who you are for anyone but yourself!!❤️💜💓

  • FramingTally says:

    I don’t understand why everyone makes such a big deal out of hair colors. I think every hair color is beautiful.

  • Mila Bileska says:

    It wasn’t so much about the hair, it was about the volume and style. Every haircolor is beautiful if it suits you.

    • thatsenoughthankyoususanne says:

      truth. and plus I feel like the whole blonde vs brunette thing was made up by men. tbh we don’t need their approval to feel beautiful. If a dude wants you cause of your hair color you probably gotta run anyway

  • isabel bemont says:

    She should’ve at least combed her wig

  • Hannah Herman says:

    People’s hair color does not make them who they are. Their attitude towards life is what make people themselves! It doesn’t matter if your hair is blonde, brunette, red, black, or any other color! The choices you make and your personality is what people notice.

  • Emma L says:

    Brunette, blonde, Red hair, ginger, black hair you are beautiful and amazing don’t let anyone judge you for who you are.

  • plushdude 96 says:

    I always get judged that I’m “stupid” because I’m a dirty blonde..😑 I honestly don’t think it matters what race or color your hair is or that your appearance matters at ALL.

  • Bobbi-jo Arsenault says:

    No matter what your hair color is you are still beautiful! I hate when people say “your a dumb blonde” or “blondes have more fun” not true.

    • reble girl says:

      Finn wolfheart ikr I always get judged because I am blonde like we can do things look at the woman who play super girl or Sabrina carpenter

    • Lola Beatrix says:

      Ikr…i hate when people judge others just by looking at their hair…btw my hair is jet black😂

    • Kennedy H says:

      Yeah, just take my friend group for example. My blonde friends are extremely smart and more serious while me and my bff are actually more about being funny, having fun, and don’t really worry too much about getting perfect grades, but still care about not flunking our classes of course. Of course, my blonde friends still have their fun and joking sides, but they are actually more serious than I am, and I have dark brown, almost black, hair.

    • Clash Gaming says:

      Well I am blonde and I have just as much fun

    • jiggly puff toys says:

      Finn wolfheart thanks I get bullied a lot for being a blond girl

  • the hipster twins says:

    To any blondes out there who are feeling bad I have advise for all of you if you love your blonde hair LOVE IT!!! And if you’re brunette and you want to be blonde but you’re afraid that guys won’t think you look good then DON’T CARE!!! GO FOR IT!!! Be unique, Be you, Love yourself and express yourself the way you want to. It doesn’t matter what guys think. Weather they think you look good or pretty. Don’t look pretty for a guy Look Unique for you!!!!

  • Amanda Galloway says:

    I think the experiment would have been more reliable if her hair style was he same as both a brunette and blonde. The style makes a BIG difference. Notice how people made comments on how much hair you had rather than the color. Your brown hair style was waaay more understated. You need to compare apples to apples and have everything exactly the same excepting the color to have a good control study. Perhaps having two wigs with the same style and different colors would have worked better. Also, I could tell the wig was fake especially from the back, so a better quality wig too.

  • widdlesophiah says:

    I’ve been both very dark brunette and super blonde. Women warmed to me a lot more with friendships as a brunette and were standoffish/judgemental when I was blonde. Men ignored me as a brunette and paid more attention to me as a blonde. In the end I just settled for a hair colour somewhere inbetween, which suits my skin colour best

  • Ebonnie Breeze says:

    I am a natural blonde and in my experience, blondes get judged SO much. Whenever I have fake red or brunette hair, or even just really dark blonde, I am treated very differently from when my hair is lighter. And this is something I have known since I was a child, when my hair was super pale.

  • Sandy chanting says:

    I’m blonde and when I dye my hair darker I notice I get treated with more respect by strangers. It’s really strange but it’s TRUE.

    • Alexia Summer says:

      Me too I often go between the two colours when I am brunette I get more attention haha x

    • Alexia Summer says:

      @Dominique Daryl Willis Jealous of what

    • Dominique Daryl Willis says:

      And please get educated love blondes are known to be feminine have class and blondes are very rare and you basically just said you get more respect girl u sure you wasn’t getting respect for being white???

    • Ju in NYC says:

      @Dominique Daryl Willis blondes are rare? I don’t think so…
      But I Can’t deny that blondes get more attention (especially from men) and be more charming, but you also can’t deny that brunettes have always been more respected and taken seriously, it’s scientific data.

  • Lorraine Marcketta says:

    This was terrific! As a much younger woman, I used to love to change my hair color — sometimes blonde, sometimes brunette and sometimes dark auburn (one time I accidentally turned pink). I worked for a major pharmaceuticals company when I went from brown to blonde and was surprised to notice some definite changes in the way I was treated. With darker hair, people (men and women alike) took me seriously — they really listened to what I was saying while looking at my face — BUT, men tended NOT to hold the door open for me. As a blonde, no one looked at my face when I was speaking — but men held the door for me. Hair color (and in a similar way, clothing style) works sort of like body language — others “read” us (or try to) through how we appear on the outside. Interesting study! BTW, I now have gray hair and am most times treated as though I’m completely invisible!! Sad but true!

    • Diane Harrison says:

      Colour it and be seen again!

    • 𝗭𝗼𝗲𝘆𝗶𝘀cool says:

      @Diane Harrison people say oh ya your so lucky to be blonde oh I hate brown brown people get way more hate than blonde people but I think it’s the opposite 😢

  • Kaitlyn Lynch says:

    Honestly, I don’t even care about hair color. I’ve met attractive people with all sorts of type of hair

  • Mystery and Meaning says:

    When I died my hair blonde I got attention from certain types of men. Maybe superficial, players or sex addicts. Brown hair seems way less attention but more authentic men

    • toebeans96 says:

      I completely agree, if it was only a brief moment people would always look, after 5 years of platinum blonde after awhile it gets old, When everyone always stares or looks over, because the color was very bright. However I do miss it, and at times equated my self worth into having blonde hair I did find it odd as people were more open to coming up to or speaking with me, or even holding a door open versus being brunette. Now I find it much easier to just lay low in the background and not feel like I’ve caught people’s attention because of my hair. This is so long 😭

    • iNEKKOYA says:

      Denise fitness & recovery As a natural blonde hair person I totally agree. Every time I go on vacation in different countries people ALWAYS stare.

    • Mrs. Quito says:

      exactually… you said it in the best way.

    • Liquidinthejar says:

      In my opinion, the Brunette looks better than blonde hair

    • Living Light says:

      Denise297_fit I agree completely

  • Cassie Lipker says:

    I absolutely love brunette hair. I’m a natural blonde, so the grass is always greener on the other side. This experiment is extremely flawed. For one that blonde wig was so atrocious. It didn’t even look like hair. I also think the reasoning behind brunette being preferred by a lot of men is the fact that it looks more natural. You wouldn’t get the same response with a natural shade of blonde. That wig was not a natural shade of anything.

  • Kristī Ruplenaite says:

    It seems like people’s opinions and experiences vary tremendously. I have been a brunette all my life and despite everyone telling me blonde will not suit me, I went full bright, beautiful beige blonde a year ago and I have NEVER-ever-ever-ever received as many compliments from people (men and women) and gotten as much male attention and approach as I do now. I absolutely love my look now and it suits me and my features so well. The only thing that changed about my appearance was my hair color. People are way more friendly, helpful, and much more sociable with me than they’ve ever been, men as well. I guess it also heavily depends on your facial and body features, skin tone, etc. Some women look way better blonde and vice-versa. Also, I cannot say that I have been attracting more “bad”, “low quality”” or “ill-intended” men. You will with any hair color if your overall looks/makeup/style is more sultry or unkempt.

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