Cold Approach Without Rejection: 5 CheckPoints Before Making Your Move

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Can you really cold approach without rejection… aka meet women in real life without it going horribly wrong?? Whilst you definitely can’t make every woman you meet like you…

…you CAN learn how to interpret her social cues in the interaction: Only moving forwards when she’s showing signs that she’s open to talking to you.

Social intelligence really is the most attractive quality 🙂

Get your FREE GUIDE to “battle-tested” icebreakers for everyday scenarios here:

For MORE ADVICE on what to say to women you’ll also love these videos:

Keep it up everyone and leave me a comment below if you’ve put any of my advice into practice!

00:00 Introducing 5 Checkpoints to reach before making your move
00:46 Checkpoint 1: Have you taken action to approach her?
01:49 Checkpoint 2: When you stop to speak to her, does she pause?
04:30 Checkpoint 3: If you offer her your name, does she give you her’s in return?
05:54 Checkpoint 4: Does she match your contribution to the conversation?
07:40 Try saying something like…
09:19 Checkpoint 5: Can you compliment or tease her based on something she’s said?
11:24 Some more suggestions for what to say…

Charlie Page

  • @deanburney says:

    I’m NEVER out on a limb with a Woman ! But I can understand what you’re trying to teach.

  • @HayleyQuinn says:

    Of course some of you watching this video will just “know” if you have a “vibe” with a woman you’re talking to — and asking for her number will feel easy and natural. This video is for men who don’t have that level of confidence (yet) and who need a framework to help them navigate conversations with women more successfully. I hope this provides a useful system to help you meet more women, and show them that you’re out there!

  • @deanburney says:

    YOU never just wade in when the lady’s with her friends actively engaging. You can make eye contact and call her to you during a lull or a break though. You can tell her it’s really great to meet her and give her your card. She’ll call you if your game is tight, meaning you’re looking good and feeling good, Brothers! Deanie

  • @deanburney says:

    Never offer your name. Absolutely never. Just talk to her! All the names and digits can come later! ENJOY the conversation! Never demand – or offer – your name and bio! Vibe! Feel! Respect! Then later love enters!

  • @initiatorhater0688 says:

    yup nothing new here

  • @maskedman5657 says:

    Nah cold approaching is Dead. It’s best to get your looks in and then keep it moving.

  • @Roel922 says:

    Althrough I was’nt into dating because I needed I house, I wanted to elevate my social/aproaching skills so I succesfully started some conversations with woman only without asking her number on the streets in Netherlands using your tips. Now I have moved to Croatia and there are plenty of beautyfull women. So my question is: Will these tips work out here as well? Are they universal or culturally influenced?

  • @harryflash5202 says:

    Thanks Hayley. Good tips.

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