10 Clues She’s Already Chosen You Over Other Guys
Text Messages that Women LOVE to receive!- HOW TO FLIRT OVER TEXTS
This Is What Happens When You Approach 2,000 Women
Want her? STOP Asking Questions and Start Making Statements
Why Do Women Lie? 🤔
Black Women Really Wanna Be White! 👩🏿👩🏻
Are You Using The WRONG Pickup Lines on Her?
How We Kept Our Romance Private Until the Big Reveal ❤️
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In Greece in Creta and Kalamata men think if they say i love you it’s gay
I was told a lot of Greek men are not heterosexual.
@@RoseCotswolds1999 well it’s cultural if they are top they think its heterosexual
Greek ladies make men blush
Most men in Greece are old fashioned, this probably means they won’t say “i love you” very often, but they will definitely show you that they love you.
Englishmen, German men, and Russian men, are my favourite gentlemen
Balkan is better than Russia
At least Russian/Balkan women will say thank you & be appreciative if you do those things it’s why we’ve stopped in the west, no appreciation, no gratitude, we’re more likely to get attitude for them being the “wrong” flowers. Nothing we do is good enough hence why the passport bro movement is growing.
this video tells more about Slav woman. Wow, that’s she wants and be dependent.
Instead of doing the same things again why not dwell into the other side of dating. Like passport bros.
So in Serbia you only get the man and that’s it. No add ons or accessories 😁