How to make her want you


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World’s leading female dating expert for men. Author of the number one selling book “The Noble Art of Seducing Women”

Kezia Noble is the leading dating and attraction expert for men.

Kezia has been helping men since 2006 to overcome the challenges that they experiences when meeting and attracting women. Her honest insights and straight-talking advice has helped men from across the globe dramatically increase their success rate with women.


  • Pablo Long says:

    Thank you Kezia! Your advice is invaluable. Just the kind of tools I’ve needed to attract women without experiencing rejection. You hit the nail on the hammer (=

  • manofreedom says:

    I’ve been married for 20 years to the same beautiful woman (I mean absolutely drop dead gorgeous woman both physically and personally)…..I still use these techniques on her to keep her interested in us as a couple…it’s all about communication, both verbal and nonverbal. You nailed it. Keep posting.

  • Suntro says:

    This information is actually very useful, breaking rapport is a very important topic covered in communication courses and from what I’ve found is one of the most useful techniques to apply to a real scenario. It really makes you appear confident and attractive to people with little effort if you can execute it well.

  • AMGfan says:

    You’re so right on creating demand. It’s like the stock market, you got to get out on the top leaving everyone wondering why. A guy asserts demand when it breaks or takes a break while things are awesome and finds the courage to walk away for a while. Give a little at a time so she stays hungry. When you really need her, she needs you much less. It’s game but the hottest the girl the more necessary the game.
    Good work babe!

  • Barend Du Toit says:

    I can speak from experience that this is really good advice and works. I met a girl at this party one time and we talked and talked for a long time the conversation was at a peak the whole time and never took any dips, but then i had to go do something so i left her on that good note. the next time i seen her after about two weeks at a party she was so attracted to me the whole night and kept looking for my attention and eventually we hooked up. Great advice! subscribing!! 🙂

  • Ivan Jovanov says:

    I have one question for all this girls-advisers and guys specialists! 
    -Why do I need to pretend and do something “special” to fascinate someone, to get him/her attracted? Aren’t we supposed to be spontaneous, original, unique… instead of being someone else and playing games with people?! 

    • Bengal Kitty's says:

      Same as the description boxes to describe your match, really people are really out there, they just aren’t realistic with their likes and wants.

  • John Bones says:

    This is a tactic that could work well, but you don’t need to leave a girl and come back in order to pick her up. You could just keep the conversation going, and when she begins to show interest, start gradually introducing touch into the interaction, and try to get her to a more intimate location.

  • AfternoonProductions says:

    Step 1: Work out, stay fit, look healthy.
    Step 2: Stop caring so much.

  • Erlih S. says:

    hey kezia. you may not believe me, but this was what I really needed to know about dealing with ladies. This video gives me a clear picture of why the lady I don’t pay much attention to loves me more than anything in the world and why the one I have a crush on rejects me. Thank Q

  • Gregory Nelson says:

    Sound Advice:  An interesting strategy of employing basic NLP Anchoring techniques to build a strong emotional association for yourself in your target audience when you apply it to the meet and greet when first impressions are made (ie. Leave on a High/Peak, Don’t wait too long for the Low/Valley).  Then coupling that with applying this strategy to multiple people in a single setting to further enhance the illusion of value and desirability is in alignment with what other Pick Up Artists have stressed over and over.

  • Brian Hastings says:

    Speech classes, are key too. The one thing, she did say that works, is peeks and valleys, how you communicate, how you show confidence but how you show your insecurities in the right place and time.

  • icawn says:

    the most delightful reaction i ever witnessed from a girl seeing me for a 2nd time, was when i ended our first encounter telling her i wouldn’t remember her name.  i lead into it a bit of course, i didn’t just flat out shock her with that line… i didn’t do it on purpose to get her attracted to me, i was simply honest and not really attracted to her, so i didn’t have to be a “good actor” tempting another potential point of failure.

  • hypershadow87 says:

    First person who’s advice is 150,000% true and accurate! I know because this is exactly the way I get women’s attentions! And all I’ve done over the years has been observe and listen to them, add some basic common sense and it’s simple: I’ve come up with the same exact answer to getting women as Kezia. Obviously she’s a woman, so she should know how to give advice on getting women’s attentions, but even they can be wrong about their own gender. So, Kezia Noble, you’ve got a permanent fan and subscriber in me since I know for myself that you know what you’re talking about!👌👍👏

  • skfj67 says:

    Dealing with ANYBODY is partly a learned trate, you learn from an early age, but it’s also up to the individual own personal how they use the brain’s power(personality).As this young lady talks ….I’m thinking about my past experiences with girls I’ve known in the past.

  • says:

    Made my own pickup line, seems to be quite good actually. If you find it useful, please let me know, and if you got one hell of a slap, then make sure to let me know as well. Not only because I find it incredible funny, but also because that means that I have to work more on making the pickup line sliding. //

    “Hey girl, are you from the Sun? – Because the closer I get to you, the hotter you become.”

    – I do hope that it worked for you guys, it certainly did for me. 🙂

  • Jason Hart says:

    Thanks for the advice. I am having trouble with my marriage (married for 20 years, with two teenage children); and I think this is part of my problem. So this video is not just for dating; but it’s also useful for husbands. Especially when the relationship is going sour, our natural response is to try harder, which based on what you’re saying, may actually be the wrong thing to do.

    • Jason Hart says:

      Thank you VERY much…I can use all the help I can get. I really do love my wife and children. I will do everything in my power to hold things together. I will definitely read that book. Thanks again!

    • Jason Hart says:

      +dreamgetter13 We are living separately at this time, as she left the state with my children. It was looking pretty hopeless; but she is already beginning to come around.

      Technically, what she did is illegal; but I don’t believe in government intervention (i.e. the legal system). I am an adult, and I prefer to take care of my own problems, like a man. Besides, my wife is Chinese; and she really doesn’t know the law. I do not wish to get her into any trouble.

      She has come around a lot already. We call each other; and I am going to visit her in a couple of weeks.

      Thanks for reaching out to me. I really do appreciate it. This is the internet at its best, when people can reach out and help one another. I will let you know how things go; and I am going to get that book you recommended. Thanks again.

    • Jason Hart says:

      +dreamgetter13 I just got my book yesterday, from Amazon. I have already gotten into the book; and I can see that it relates to some of the problems we are having.

      Also, I just visited with my wife and children a few days ago; and I would say it went pretty well. Believe me our marriage is very close to the edge of being over. In fact, it is over in her mind; but when I kiss her goodbye, I can still see a small glimmer of light in her eyes. It’s funny, there’s an old song by Aretha Franklin titled “It’s in his kiss;” and that is so true. It goes for women, too.

      You can have sex and all that heavy stuff; but that doesn’t really show love. Sex is so enjoyable that you can practically have sex with anyone; and it’s going to be good. However, a kiss tells you a lot more about a person’s true emotional state. Kissing is not so good that it overrides your emotions. Therefore, you can still get a real feel for what the other person is thinking. I agree with the song’s lyrics that if you want to know if she loves you, it’s all in her kiss.

  • omico100 says:

    Only and only this tip is gonna change my dating world ! Thank you Kezia !

  • Jeff Zhou says:

    Kezia you are a perfect example of a sexy woman who is smart and helping people to succeed and it is great cause that you are helping men like us to improve our relationships with women and getting the girl we really want in our life. I really like the tips you give, they are intelligent and real. Keep posting more great videos!

  • caliboy8345 says:

    I think she’s right. From what I’ve seen It’s pretty much all about making the girl feel special and comfortable without coming on too strong and revealing too much about yourself..they like the thrill of a chase and they like mystery. its a delicate balance and can get frustrating for men, and that’s why I think you’re seeing so many more people now with dating/relationship problems. You just gotta suck it up and keep improving your game until it becomes natural and habitual

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