
  • VPX4 says:

    Geez dude this is gold! I figured this out a while ago after a couple of rejections. I decided to stop flirting, and stop pursuing when I realized woman are the ones doing the hunting and I was completely wasting my time telling them how I felt.

  • xVENOMx97 says:

    “You dont need her. You need food, water and shelter.” LOL

  • guy Dicarlo says:

    Jim, I enjoy your down to earth approach. Based on reality and the insight of a women’s perspective. Thank you.

  • Alexander Herrera says:

    Lotta eye-opening things you mentioned in this video my dude. Good stuff. The “pizza awareness”, “I’d rather know now”, and “a girl rescheduling a date with specifics” are all amazing points 👍🏻

  • Michael Grace says:

    Wow , this is the most detailed description of solving my main problem. The funny part is the video started playing automatically after some other related topic. Thank you for putting it out here. I didn’t know what to do with myself anymore because I’m way too friendly with women and I just can’t tell if they are interested or just being nice and after so many rejections and not being able to gauge the interest I kind of started thinking there was a problem with the way I talked or I did something else .. SO after seeing this video I realized that I should take chances and just be okay with whatever the outcome is, and play it cool. Thanks!!

  • zig zag says:

    I’ve always said this . And you can use it. IT ISN’T WHO YOU LOVE . IT’S WHO LOVES YOU.

  • Blacksmith_44 says:

    The jealousy thing was always my problem. I ended up realizing that most of them were using me to make someone else jealous…

  • Scott Oh says:

    One thing to remember is that differences do exist between cultures. I have been in countries where women can be pretty direct in their interest in you. And I have dated women in cultures where kissing on a second date is definitely not the norm.

  • JustSoYouKnow says:

    If she is really interested in you (it is in her eyes and smile). Nothing else will show you but her eyes and her smile. If she lights up and is only focused on you when you enter the room she is interested. If she lights up when someone else enters the room. It’s not you, it’s him. Period.

  • Web says:

    EITHER #1) Nothing amazes me about this presentation, because I already knew everything that was said.
    OR #2) Everything amazes me about this presentation because I already knew everything said.
    Regardless of which, I am most definitely impressed by the creator’s ability to organize and articulate such a complicated subject. I also appreciate his efforts and agree with him 100%>

  • daniel gutierrez says:

    Now that was an awesome presentation!!! Very good job, it’s what I been looking for, so simple and on the point lol. Just the right way to go with women and to find out if they do want to be with you. It’s the MAIN KEY 🔑TO CARRY AT ALL TIMES. WONDERFUL AND THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

  • Yasmin habibti says:

    We want to feel safe, secure, and respected. Some of us make prolonged eye contact to show the man we’re interested. Further, women generally want to establish an emotional connection prior to engaging in anything physical.

    • Ibrahim hamada says:

      I admire for your comment

    • Annklein Hplar says:

      If you think is rigth your always good for everyone becous you are not bad you good😅 I like you but you don’t like me👅 joke😅🙌👍love your family stay safe focus your goal right and good.thank you very much we love you god bless you and all ..💋🙌🙏💞👍😊


      you are the fish not the fisherman , why are u trying to give advices lmao ?

    • BRETT ANDERSON says:

      So if a guy follows you around to make sure you’re ok, that’s a good thing and kind of romantic? 🙂

  • Joel Maners says:

    I’m a widower entering the dating world after 30 years. The world has changed drastically. Thanks for helping me navigate through it.

  • Theodora Kimmel says:

    The thing that I would want to make clear, is the majority of women take it upon themselves to create a pleasant social atmosphere when it comes to interactions with men. This means being polite and nice top the list of attitudinal responses. Another thing is that some women may not want to upset you, so consider where you are, if you’re completely sober, and if you are indeed being a bit predatory and she’s vulnerable and/or does not want to rock the boat. What to do then? Check in on how to not be predatory (chances are, if you care and aren’t bothered by this idea, you already have a good idea of what this means) and do not expect the woman you most desire to be alone when you approach her. A lot goes on about lone wolf women being good catches, but they are also in a vulnerable position, so don’t play into the idea of you being special and allowed into her corner. Give her lots of space, and keep it as public as you can. Men typically move way too quickly in terms of making things private. Current lore from men like Jordan Peterson is that women who are loners are the best kind. The problem with this argument is women who are withdrawn, introverted, or possibly healing from something, are the ones who are alone. You should want women who don’t follow the crowd, I think is his true idea. Anyway, predatory behavior begins with you thinking if you like a woman, that she also likes you. You should not ever entertain the idea that you know how a woman feels, or will love your attention and will respond positively. Are you attracted to women who you know are more likely to appreciate your attention because you know they don’t get it often, or not from people like you? You should really examine why you feel that way. If anything, that’s a very good indicator that men can also entertain unreal romantic – esque fantasies like women do. That’s putting it nicely in some cases. Anyway, women often take it upon themselves, for whatever reason, to be nice and polite, congenial and even soothing to your ego if you make them nervous or playing into your ego to hold onto some control because she feels threatened. If I were you, find a reason to talk to her other than your own personal physical and emotional interest for sex or something more. If a man asks me my name, I’d probably tell him. If a man asks me for my number right afterward, I would probably say no. Actually, I definitely would. Introducing yourself and then doing something nice for her that has nothing to do with you and what you want or how you feel, including paying her a compliment on her appearance, because not all women like that and it is intense. Introduce yourself and then ask why she is here, or who she knows, or better yet, complain about something as a way to end pretentious airs, and make what you complain about make you look a little foolish. Self-effacing joking is the best way to start talking to a woman, even before you ask her her name. You’re not telling a joke, you’re not using someone else to make a joke, and you are not teasing her. You. Look, Foolish. If it does right, it’s endearing and will produce genuine laughter of some kind. The end. Good luck.

  • Dixie Hernandez says:

    I can tell you,I enjoyed this,as a woman,and yes,you gave very good advise. A man must be sensual but without coming off as being creepy or a stalker type. Also, the more confident and at ease you are,the more you will gain a woman’s trust. Women are very intuitive. We already know when a man is being real and exactly what he has in mind. So congrats ! From a woman’s point of view. And one other thing,remember to actually act and look interested,if you are,because sometimes you only get one chance. If we feel you are not sincere,we may not think it’s worth another try. Also actually listen and join into the conversation,so you show who you are. Just my take!

  • James Glenn says:

    My experience is to be wary of women (mature age) who come up and introduce themselves to you or women who seemed particularly pleased to meet you. I’ve found that they just do that to get a bit of male attention and reassure themselves as they haven’t had a man for a long while but don’t want to take it any further and by doing the latter they use you a practice for the real thing. In other words they use you as a rehearsal for when the man that they really want comes along.

  • Equality Forall says:

    I love this. As a woman, guys always just assumed I’m interested in them. So this is very refreshing – that any guy would be even bright enough to think about this. Guys just seem to think that if a woman is the least bit friendly to them, we must be interested in them. Big turnoff!

    • Steve Lenores says:

      As a guy everything here is spot on. Right up to the point when she asks you to do things with her. There is one I would add. If she wants to talk to you on the phone to hear your voice in the age of texting this is a very big plus. I’m over 40 and I found if she is calling you (not texting) it will lead to a relationship well over 90% of the time.

  • Marc M says:

    Men differ from women so much that this type of info is great. It’s confirmation for me as to what I have already learned, except for a couple tiny pieces. Any little bit helps. The fact that women’s interest level can fluctuate so much, and that we need to know this and recognize it, is a reminder that relationships are work and take some extra effort in certain areas that we may not be aware of, maybe not prioritize. Women need and want lots of attention. It’s not just about being faithful, if you expect any peace, happiness, or any meanigful longevity in the relationship. The average marriage lasts about 8 yrs in the U. S. Most of which go bad way before it ends. Women pretty much run it. When you realize and accept that concept, it is at that point you have reached manhood. Choose someone who is alotta fun to be around most of the time.

  • Ralf J. says:

    Don’t put your interest aside! Make sure you really are interested in her, it’s just as important as her interest in you.

  • Cameron Vaughn says:

    This video is great. I’m interested in a couple of women I know in a social group, but since I’ve been out of the game for a few years, I’ve not been the person I need to be to establish the vibe and test her interest. It’s been about 2 months, so I’m probably already stuck in that friend zone

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