If A Man DOES THIS It’s A Huge RED FLAG… I want you to understand when it's a huge red flag and be able to respond appropriately to avoid getting hurt in the relationship. This dating advice will help you point out both the dating red flags and relationship red flags. Take heed to this dating advice to know how to tell when it’s a huge red flag.

It’s a huge red flag when a man consistently shows a lack of respect for your boundaries, fails to take accountability for his actions, and shifts blame onto others. It would be best to avoid getting further entangled with a man who displays the huge red flags I share. Pay attention to this dating advice to safeguard your emotional well-being and maintain healthy relationships.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Red flag
– Red flags in men
– Red flags in dating
– Dating red flags
– Online dating
– Red flags
– Red flags when dating men
– Dating advice
– Relationship expert
– Love advice
– Relationship red flags
– Relationship advice for women
– Dating advice for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video, " If A Man DOES THIS It’s A Huge RED FLAG "

Watch this dating advice video next, "Men Will RESPECT Your Value When They See THESE 5 Things" 👉


#RedFlags #RedFlagsInDatingMen #DatingRedFlags #RedFlagsInMen #OnlineDating #RelationshipRedFlags #DatingAdviceForWomen #RedFlag #DatingCoach #StephanSpeaks


  • @wealthesther7991 says:

    Thank you Stephan ❤

  • @breakingthemasks says:

    Same for a woman

  • @sarahjeans2930 says:

    Stephan I don’t care about no man let him Go to who he love and want to be with pls and thank u

  • @champachandrika3113 says:

    Yes exactly 💯
    My ex used to take wrong decisions, wrong actions, which brought bad results repeatedly, but he took no accountability for almost anything ever, and was never willing to even listen to any good advice. He was not willing to admit any mistakes, or hurtful behaviors, and take accountability and be and say sorry.. He was simply always right about everything and was in a serious victim mentality.. how everyone was so unfair to him, but what he was doing or not doing properly to create problems, that he ignored, that doesn’t matter… everything was always everyone else’s fault and just unfortunate circumstances…

  • @MzLena2You says:

    I just recently severed ties with someone because of this very issue. I was the type of person to “match energy with energy”, especially if a person was being negative. But I changed my mindset and now I focus on maintaining my energy and peace. A person who lacks accountability and/or deflects can quickly turn into an emotional vampire- draining you. Protect your peace!

  • @DivineIntuitiveMedium says:

    It’s what broke my relationship. A partner who stated always bring up issues so we can always work through and step forward, together.

    The moment I did, I got destroyed, yelled at, put down, and I brought it up very respectfully.

    It’s for the best, for sure, it’s over. I hate people who lie.

    • @Fancypolkadots says:

      Omg that sounds so familiar. I was told to run to him, not from him. He was such a drama king who always kicked it off. He wanted to “talk” with too much aggression, and wouldn’t let it go. It wasn’t just me. Everyone else was always the problem…His parents, his child, the child’s mother, his friends, and even his customers. He was the common denominator, but had no accountability whatsoever.

  • @maryrice5873 says:

    This is one of the first things you’ve ever said that I feel was real

  • @gaytaylor9686 says:

    Yes. It’s a red flag.

  • @britt-marieandersson1341 says:

    ” Apology without change, is manipulation”.

  • @ladylizzaboo says:

    This is one hundred percent true!

  • @royalgoddess3284 says:

    Child like behavior…but they are supposed to be adults 🙄 if they deflect they will lie 😕

  • @JackieS812 says:

    The only true apology is changed behavior!

  • @georgialouisew4152 says:

    Deflection is ego driven. Huge red flag.

  • @machellmcintosh3775 says:

    Geese I wish I had read this three years ago😢

  • @sharieubanks8949 says:

    I have benefited from your teaching. Thank You!
    I’m sure you are confident in those things you teach, and the way you look, You are a very wise and attractive man. The only thing I don’t like is the beard. Less is more.

  • @Leo-lf1bu says:

    My mom does this. She’ll say sorry but she has to say how you made her do what she did or say what she said. I’m sick of it. That’s deflecting.

  • @Badmomsclub says:

    He struggles a lot with this… he automatically shuts me down and invalidates my feelings…. I’m learning a lot about him tho…. He actually thrives on recognition and appreciation!!❤❤❤. I’ve seen a huge change in his demeanor since I’ve changed the way I approach him..❤❤❤

  • @amyj.4992 says:

    Thank you for sharing this video, soulmate 💞🙏🏾

  • @cristysmith3797 says:

    Exactly true 💯

  • @aliciaaustin4030 says:

    Stephan thank you for letting this message become knowledgeable of discernment of individuals that do not revolve around daily life responsibilities. This is apart of allowing deflection to enter if they are not doing their part (which are general responsibilities) of survival to maintain general life responsibilities for living. If you can not take care of yourself, how will you take care of a FAMILY? 🏠💯😞

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