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If You’re Not DEEPLY Into A Man Be Aware Of THESE Things!

If You're Not DEEPLY Into A Man Be Aware Of THESE Things!…In this dating advice video, I breakdown the issue of settling for a man, and what to do when you're not deeply into him. He may be a good guy, but that doesn't mean he's the man God has for you. Take heed of this dating advice, and ensure you watch the entire video.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
Settling for a man
Settling in relationships
Settling in dating
Do you really love him
Do you really like him
Dating help
Dating advice for women
Dating coach for women
Dating expert
Life coach
Relationship advice for women
Relationship coach for women
Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: If You're Not DEEPLY Into A Man Be Aware Of THESE Things!

Watch this dating advice video next: 7 THINGS A Man Needs More Than Sex To Fall DEEPLY For You


#DoYouLoveHim #SettlingInRelationships #TheManGodHasForYou #DatingAdviceforWomen #DatingHelp #DatingExpert #DatingCoachforWomen #OnlineDating #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #LifeCoach #Dating #DatingAdviceForWomen #stephanspeaks

Charlie Page

View Comments

  • 1st comment... Right on!👍🏾
    Never settle ladies. Our best is YET TO COME... in the meantime make sure 1ST that you're GIVING YOURSELF THE BEST you got (pray every morning that the Father shows you how to make better choices). 🙏🏽

  • I have to be deeply into a man to commit. I need the attraction to be unexplainable chemistry. It might not make any sense to anyone but me. I can’t just be with someone to say that I have someone.

  • Settle = giving up something important

    I dated a guy who wasn’t into sex and couldn’t talk about important relationship topics, I wasn’t willing to give those up for the rest of my life.

    And do NOT assume or expect things will change. It is what it is.

  • Sensitivity in a man to me is sweet and sexy..just as long as it doesn’t go beyond a woman’s to the point of feminine energy competition. Having a balance of masculine and feminine energy is best.

  • My ex had made sure I don't talk to anyone. He kept me away from Anyone who could be a friend. And he made sure I stayed in the house 24/7 with my kids and not go out to socialize at all. Now that he left. I realized he did it all so that I only thought I had him to depend on.

  • I would be curious to know if the woman backed up and didn't initiate anything (calls, texts, conversations/didn't ask any questions, dates, didn't make any plans regarding the relationship/marriage), would the man naturally go into his masculine energy? What if most men's masculine energy is dormant because it hasn't been used for so long due to women always doing things for them? The thing men need to understand about women, the stronger their foundation/able to provide for himself and others, and is kind/considerate, they won't have any problem getting and keeping a woman. The more a woman leads, the more a man will automatically/subconsciously become emasculated. As men become more masculine, we women will go into the submissive role since we feel more safe, but not sure if we become more submissive, do the men automatically go into the masculine role?

  • That was me.. and I walked away just this year. I believe that God has helped me during my healing journey.

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