Japanese Women Vs American Women
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I don’t think the girls around that table like him
If you combined all of them, there still wouldn’t be one of those virtues in that room
The truth always hurts
The one in the black shirt beside him agrees she wasn’t my fav person till the day she came out and said she don’t wear makeup bc it covers the insecurities of natural beauty for women and that was the day I liked her a little more
Di see the gril in the white sweater walk out
America has a more individualistic view whereas Asian countries have a more collectivist view
That’s exactly it.
@Dark Salts this is literally a fact do you even know abooujt the idea of face?
And that’s what people claim to love about America, it’s a melting pot of people and ideas etc until it’s actually put in practice
@CallmeZ individualism> collectivism any day.
americas diversity does create tension no society is perfect.
japan might seem like a heaven to some, but theres a reason their suicide rate is so high.
He perfectly described my Japanese teacher. She’s such a sweet lady! One of the kindest people I’ve ever met.
Arab woman are all what he said and more
@Browl marwan they are the bomb
The women around got low key insulted without him even trying to.
They get insulted when you breath in their direction.
Facts demeanor shows it
they get insulted by the truth.
They didn’t get insulted they heard the hard cold truth that there is no way in any universe that men would like them

As a Japanese woman, thank you! But its not just Japan. Pretty much all of Asia are very cultured and they know how to behave.
True..not like western country
Agreed about Asia’s behaviour..
God bless u and all the true woman around
Agreed, Thai women are like that too
Not just women, even we Asian men care a lot about the image of family. Living with parents and caring old.
True, he forgot to mention you can’t have one without the other
Ya that’s why we marry Asian women lol
Yes that’s true…it’s kinda embedded in our culture i think…respect the elderly and gain their insight and knowledge about life, respect your parents and make them proud, respect your teachers and elders…this is what I was taught eversince i was a young child, oh and also when you get older and get married respect your husband…
True but the question was aimed directly at japanese women, so he answered the question
Let’s not forget how respectful and honourable the men are! They have the same mentality
Thank you because, I’ve never been disrespected by one of their men ever.
Oh yeah. All the groping of women on trains that goes on there, very respectful
Its easy to respect respectable women.
Yeah, my Japanese fiance is the type that thinks about others and me before herself. She’s a very caring and extremely beautiful girl that loves when I do things to show her I appreciate and love her just as much as she does me. Compared to when I was in America, it just felt like people just loved drama and were super selfish. I can’t even describe how happy I am living in Japan with my girl.
Good for you. If I were you, I’d NEVER come back
Hell. American man here. Japan, Spain, Italy are all on my radar.
I really wish I could escape into peace away from the us too. Took me till 23 years old to see where I grew up isn’t the best place to necessarily live.
Not to mention the natural beauty , Japanese women are best friends , neighbours , wives , parents – you name it .
Every Asian women are like that. Loving, caring,loyal & Cute…
When you’re not talking to the room….. But….. you really are talking to the room.
Ok this dude isn’t married to a Japanese woman. I am, and I can tell you after that honeymoon she turns into a yakuza boss
Very true and hard to believe. Happened to several men I know off.
My mom is Japanese, and I couldn’t have asked for a better mom.
So do many millions across the world:)
I think almost everyone could say that they couldn’t have asked for a better mom
I would like to hear your dads opinion.
You mean they are THE WOMEN we all need to look for as a partner.
My wife (Japanese) does fit this pretty well, but there are ways that she also differs from the general image of “Japanese women”. Because, of course, all women are unique no matter the culture. The “not trashy” thing is so true though
As far as what they look for in men though, some things are very surprising. Superficially, they like men with “tall” (long) noses, eyelids that fold when they open (not a common feature on Japanese), and well defined eyebrows. Personality wise they appreciate men who are kind, modest, honest, polite, and somewhat soft spoken. Not traits that we traditionally associate with masculinity, but there is definitely a way to be manly while exuding these traits and I think that was a learning experience for me as I lived there for 5 years.
how did you live there
@Berkan Tugsuz I first went over as a teacher for NOVA. Then I went over on the JET program.
Went to Japan and found the loml. The modest mentality is so much better than the western woman’s mentality. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her
“They’re not outspoken”
Thanks to being outspoken, you aren’t afraid to say when you’re upset, angry or disappointed, which means your relationships with loved ones are always very honest and open. At the same time you leave a room for growth.
You heard crickets when he was talking about how Japanese women had honor and respect for family and themselves
“Men want to be alone… but they don’t want to be by themselves.”