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Hi, Im a friend of
Gabbys and I lost her number ! Could you help me out Ty
Yeah, right, me too.
Hey and me three!!!
Being good mother is something like a crime nowadays.
Get with a woman who wants that and leave the carrier orientated ones to their job. Playing houses is boring and for those with no dreams or ambition.
Men are not loyal to their wives. Create a loyal male culture and some women might want to have kids
Make sure you are one.. and when you do..just mind your damn business…don’t dump your fucking garbage wisdom
So is using good grammar
Who spoke about being a good mother ? Do u hear with your arse
She said SHE doesn’t have kids. She didn’t say
– She OPPOSES women having kids
– She will NEVER have kids
There are so many people here getting mad at her for things she never said about motherhood.
Sad seeing young women so disinterested in having children. Ask older women near retirement age who were blessed with a career and a family, which one means more to her. The overwhelming majority of them say family, with little to no hesitation.
blud have you seen what it costs to raise a child in today’s economy where people spend 60% of their income on rent
I’m seeing many that are reaching the age where it’s too late
That’s not a good argument. There are also so many women who never wanted to be mothers, yet who for one reason or another became ones and have hated it.
If a woman doesn’t want to be a mother, then she shouldn’t be one. Children are the ones who end up suffering the most when society or individuals pressure women/men into parenthood when they don’t want it. It’s not fair to anyone.
@@lauraanderson8785we’ll all suffer in the end if birth rates are below replacement, which they are for all of Europe. What do you think happens in the end of that road?
Strong and Independent women are the standards nowadays, but be mother or wife is something that most of the women nowadays don’t want that much
Not only do they not want it, they despise the notion. It’s sad because years later they regret it.
It’s not that they don’t want it but it’s a huge risk for them because there is 0 support for mothers. There is no safety net for women who stayed home with their kids, and a lot of women who chose to do so ended up in poverty.
Modern women were not made to be mothers, wives or girlfriends, they now think about career, work and profession
@@c.b.suriyaprakaash5646Keep it up, strong woman, you rule
Yet yall are still broke l0sers.
@@carlsilver2700 i am a guy
@@c.b.suriyaprakaash5646 you were made to simp and beg to get laid
I’m met some Lithuanians. They were pretty cool.
If the guys in comments want to blame if this women wants children or not blame capitalism, in capitalism the main priority is profit and money making and individualism how does being a mother fit into this??? The cost to benefit analysis doesn’t work here much
I think capitalism has nothing to do with it. Women are more than being moms and wives. Having a family or not is ok as long as the person/couple is doing what they consider better for them.
How abou socialism where there is not inequality???
Everybody lives in misery. Thats proven by economic and data science. Do you trust science??
Then why are birth rates crashing in socialist Nordic countries, but still doing well in capitalist-driven Latin American countries?
@@infosrelevantes7146 typical American brained believing in just binary thoughts, left or right capitalism or socialism unable to go beyond the binary options …… Just look up tribalist states whose best example is Cheran in mexico we must go back to how belonged to tribes and societies
@@infosrelevantes7146 typical American just revelling in binary thoughts of only black and white or left and right or capitalism or socialism …… If you want to know my world view just google cheran mexico or read the history of incas and how they lived
can see the modern women programming spreading to every country. It’s like someone wants them not to have kids.
Someone? You mean satanic )ews
She said SHE doesn’t have kids. She didn’t say
– She OPPOSES women having kids
– She will NEVER have kids
There are so many people here getting mad at her for things she never said about motherhood.
It’s normal to start having children at around 30. It’s been like that since the 90s. Parents are more mature and wealthy. When they need childcare, they can afford it financially. And their parents are more likely to help, as they are retired or very near retiring. You can’t leave your children alone these days, can you?
If you made the world safe and educate the male society not to kidnap/molest children, maybe we could then go back to having children when we are young and poorer.
Wow, many judging comments here

No matter woman or man, live your life, don’t try to meet expectations of others, they won’t ever be a 100% pleased with you anyway nor will they appreciate your efforts.
Gabi, all the best to you and your boyfriend!
We’re not judging “her” for making her individual choice of not having kids, we’re judging the contemporary modernist ideologies that make human nature and family values decline…
@@kelvin19949 if you think that human beings are all about making babies and being married to one person no matter what, I can respect that. You do your part, spreading your genes, everyone else do what they want in life, everyone’s happy, right?
On the side note, don’t you think that “human nature” and family values that were invented much later in the history don’t combine well?
I’ve been living in Germany for 10 years and I still get handshakes from the in-laws instead of hugs
Happy Monday, Marina!
Wishing you a wonderful week 
So many judging comments. Wow! If someone wants no kids or less, or having later in life is their business.
Lithuanian character absorbed a little bit of all neighbors, from Germans it’s kind of no emotion, from Belarusians its humbleness, from Polish and Russians it’s even more then those love to alcohol. Interesting fact that is Lithuania was first ex soviet state whose declare their exit from Soviet Union, Lithuania is one of the highest rate in the world by suicide and Lithuania was one of the most vicious antisemitic helpers of nazis in the time of WW2 and voluntarily eliminated almost all their Jewish population
Well Lithuania like Ukraine, Romania, and most countries were very politically divided at that time (polarized) and whoever won the election (even by a little) dictated if the country was going to be fascist or communist. The 20s, 30s and 40s were a time of ideological extremism across Europe as everyone was waking up out of their fallen empires and embracing unity without knowing where it was going to take them.
Jews fucked the world totaly up. 2008, Sept 11, covid ,Sars Gain Function Resarch and human experiment. All traitors, Lenin, Marx, Zuckerberg, Rotschild, Bill Gates,Soros etc against human race….
Whats up with the anti mom mindset? It’s becoming extremely annoying. To look down on respectable roles.
Are people not appreciative that their parents became a Mom and Dad?
Women who don´t want children but are forced to (husband or family demands) won´t be good mothers anyway. We live in a world where individual perspective gets most attention. Having children before you´re 30 isn´t the norm anymore. Also it´s quite expensive to raise children, many couples only have 1 child instead of 2.
With economic growth birth rates have been going down in every country in the world. Even very conservative countries in the middle East rely on workforce from India, Pakistan, not just Europe and North America. Human population is at its peak because of Asia and some African countries. Once they develop and get richer, they will also decline just like the rest of the world. Decrease of about 2 billion would also be beneficial for the whole human population, there are too many of us and less resources.
You’re stuck in the past, nothing wrong with having children, but it’s not for everyone. Nobody should feel forced to have children.
@@redevilrrrwhat about men? Men are expected to work and be providers. Anything outside of that men are shamed across the world. Women claim they support house husband’s but the stats through domestic abuse, divorces, anonymous opinion clearly show women look down on men like that.
She said SHE doesn’t have kids. She didn’t say
– She OPPOSES women having kids
– She will NEVER have kids
There are so many people here getting mad at her for things she never said about motherhood.
100% not 28
this is why you single
She said SHE doesn’t have kids. She didn’t say
– She OPPOSES women having kids
– She will NEVER have kids
There are so many people here getting mad at her for things she never said about motherhood.
Why people are blaming her? She can get children in her 30s too.
She never ever has children. She is too strong independent woman ..
She has super background but her time in Germany fucked her mind.
She would be great mother but the modern world told her to refuse true human feeling, be picky etc.