Mexican Girl Wants to Date THIS Culture 🇲🇽

Amirany from Cancun, Mexico shares why she is not interested in dating Mexican guys and prefers to date Americans and Canadians instead.


  • @lizelantt says:

    When she mentions that Europeans are 50/50 she basically only means western and northern Europeans. Europe is way too culturally diverse to make such generalisations. It’s weird that sometimes Americans refer to Europe like it’s a country

    • @theboujieproletariat says:

      She is Mexican and these are filmed in Brazil and you call her American, so doesn’t that mean you are also referring to the continents of America as if it’s 1 country?

    • @wintersoldier9957 says:

      Your right she is referencing western and northern, not the French, Spanish, Italian s, none of the Latin based language people. Prove you are different? show me?

    • @user-duygtzi says:

      Those europeans are germans dutches and some others haha

    • @markcoetzee5458 says:

      Imagine how Africans must feel. They don’t know African countries so they proceed by just saying “Africa” 😂

    • @DatingBeyondBorders says:

      These are filmed in Mexico 🙂

  • @danielalbo4994 says:

    she literally said she wants a traditional man if it suits her but not if it creates any inconveniences for her

  • @wintersoldier9957 says:

    This is one gringo that would date her 😊❤🎉

  • @theboujieproletariat says:

    She makes sense to me. She doesnt want too traditional, but she doesnt want too modern. She wants a guy who is in the middle, just a regular one that isnt controlling but also will be able to fix things around the house and pay for some dates. I’d say that is 90% of men tbh.

    • @ah23772 says:

      Oh so she wants to a traditional man but wants to be a modern woman. Got u, this is why u shouldn’t date women like her.

  • @johngonzalez4298 says:

    Have a wonderful Saturday, Marina! Sending ❤ from Miami

  • @MaxAmiri7697 says:

    When a girl says I like my boyfriend to be generous, run.

  • @chrisskywalker6079 says:

    She knows Mexican man too well for someone who never dated one😅✌🏼

  • @Momoa786 says:

    But the better question is, who would like to date her 😂😂😂😂

  • @LJBrown25 says:

    I just understood “I want a rich white man who pays for everything”

  • @user-vs6dx5eu1v says:

    In France the most of the time the guy pay for both, it’s not 50/50.

  • @antonioczeluskin1120 says:

    Polish mens wery good and handsome. Go to Poland lady

  • @zoltanhorvath7454 says:

    She has no clue about European people at all. Especially not about Eastern European men. Anyway! Good luck. 😉

    • @valavila7264 says:

      I think yes! I dated a Hungarian and he was always saying about the 50/50 even though he couldn’t apply it with me (sadly for him) because I earned much less money than him (he’s in Germany and I’m in Mexico)

    • @zoltanhorvath7454 says:

      @valavila7264  50/50 is not always about the money. I think more of the housework or other duties in life. Man and woman need each other to support each other in life. One can’t be selfish in a relationship, whether it’s man or woman.

    • @valavila7264 says:

      I agree about men and women need each other…
      But about the money, I don’t know.
      In my experience I would agree with the woman, I think with Europeans is more 50/50.

  • @ilhuicatlamatini says:

    Lol I feel like she’s contradicting herself but ok

  • @seanmovie9077 says:

    Honestly in the cave days the women were capable enough to take care of themselves… All this changed, when only men were in power… and they started considering their women as part of their prestige, that’s the time when men started domesticating women and started the concept of men protect women…

    But naturally a woman is capable of taking care of herself better than what men can do for her

  • @calfencer says:

    Meh, if you can’t take care of yourself you rely on the man and he can boss you around. That sounds so 1950s. It may work out well for some women, but leaves her too dependant. 😒😕

  • @freddyray6805 says:

    I work all night, I work all day to pay the bills I have to pay
    Ain’t it sad?
    And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
    That’s too bad
    In my dreams I have a plan
    If I got me a wealthy man
    I wouldn’t have to work at all, I’d fool around and have a ball

  • @francescoromito198 says:

    For what she says about 🇲🇽 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 in dating , they are culturally underdeveloped

  • @tainopapi says:

    Bunch of word salad…you want traditional but you want 50/50 but not to much 50/50…okay Goldilocks

  • @robertrock1578 says:

    Typical modern woman. Wants a man to pay for everything but doesn’t want a traditional man

  • @coachhbosoccer says:

    It’s funny how you want everything paid for but don’t want to be traditional lol

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