Make Her Curious About YOU: Smooth Conversation Skill to Prompt Her to ask You Questions!

I love teaching you how to have better conversations with women. Use this slick but surprisingly simple technique to build curiosity within conversations and get her to ask more about you. Remember to be attractive you have to be INTERESTING as well as simply INTERESTED (in her). For a key insight into attraction I’d highly […]

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Why Do Guys NEVER Ask You Out?

Whilst some men will have the confidence to approach you the vast majority won’t. Join my next Secret Place event for women where I teach you how to meet men IRL, Subscribe to my channel HayleyQuinnXx: *** Modern dating advice for men and women *** Find me on Instagram as *** On Facebook: *** […]

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Non Creepy Ways To Approach A Woman Who Is With A Friend

No one wants to feel like they’re socially intruding, so how do you confidently navigate approaching a woman you like, who’s with a friend? Learn my socially smooth, and respectful ways to get that conversation started. If you want more modern, sophisticated dating advice and coaching head to Subscribe to my channel HayleyQuinnXx: *** […]

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Dating is Broken.

So you’ve done the dating app thing, matchmaking, tried going to fitness classes, asked your friends to set you up and you’re still single?! Beware of falling into the trap of believing, “nothing works!” Or “modern dating is impossible!” Just because you’ve tried something a few times and it didn’t “work” (as in deliver an […]

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Losing Your Motivation to Date? Watch this!

Feeling emotionally exhausted by dating? You’re not alone. So many of my coaching clients report that they find dating DRAINING. They’ve had too many interactions that haven’t led anywhere and now they’re struggling to feel MOTIVATED to even try. If this is YOU here are 3 quick tips to rediscover your motivation: 1. Take the […]

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“The Double Tap”: How To Start Twice as Many Conversations with Her.

Did she just reject you? Or didn’t she understand what you were saying? Use my neat conversational technique to ensure your conversation with her gets off to the best start and you create an opportunity for you both to connect. Need more conversational tools in your life to support you in meeting women? Head over […]

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Don’t OVERTHINK Flirting #shorts

If you’re always hesitating before asking for their number, chances are you might need be overthinking flirting. Instead of being a fun part of talking to someone you’re attracted to, so many people I work with feel like flirting is this big, special performance they have to do… and because they don’t yet feel comfortable […]

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