The Perfect Way To Observe and Compliment Women

In this Hayley Quinn video, I'll discuss the perfect way to observe and compliment women. Observe, Assume, Relate is my one stop shop for detailed, specific, unique conversation starters. Let's UNITE to change how we experience dating! Join UNITE now: NOTE – this is a REALLY old video, make sure to check out my new […]

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When Is The Right Time To Hold A Girls Hand?

In this Hayley Quinn video, I'll explain why many guys have no idea when is the right time to hold a woman's hand. Subscribe to my newsletter: Want more videos? Get a free 30 day trial of the Hayley Quinn Club! *** Dating advice that works for the scary modern world at *** Find me […]

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She’s Not Texting You Back? Copy These 3 EXACT Messages

She hasn’t text you back? I have 3 strategies for you to try and exact messages for you to copy that women love. Want to understand women better and get her eager to text you back? Get free videos here FOLLOW ME INSTAGRAM @hayleyquinnx FACEBOOK @HayleyQuinnPage TWITTER @HayleyQuinn ***Want more videos? Check out my Member’s […]

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3 Signs That She Likes You

In this Hayley Quinn video I show you some signs she likes you. Don’t forget to communicate with her though – her attraction to you is a reaction. How to meet and connect with a great girlfriend – NOTE – this is an old video, make sure to check out my new ones! Dating advice […]

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Is “Dadbod” Sexy To Women? (Social Experiment)

In this Hayley Quinn video, I hit the streets of London to ask women if they're attracted to men who have the 'Dadbod.' Let's UNITE to change how we experience dating! Join UNITE now: NOTE – this is a funny video but I want you to know that the women of the world aren’t looking […]

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He Hasn’t Texted In a Few Days – Here’s What You Need To Do

He hasn’t text you back in a few days? Don’t panic here’s what you do! Let's UNITE to change how we experience dating! Join UNITE now: Commanding Love is my top London Dating Workshop For Women: Save your space now! FOLLOW ME INSTAGRAM @hayleyquinnx FACEBOOK @HayleyQuinnPage TWITTER @HayleyQuinn ***Want more videos? Check out my Member’s […]

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Rich girl vs Poor girl (social experiment)

In this Social Experiment I dress myself down to look like a poor girl and see if the public will be willing to help me out compared to me dressing as a successful business women. Let's UNITE to change how we experience dating! Join UNITE now: NOTE – this is a funny video but with […]

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