She’s Not Texting You Back? Copy These 3 EXACT Messages

She hasn’t text you back? I have 3 strategies for you to try and exact messages for you to copy that women love. Want to understand women better and get her eager to text you back? Get free videos here





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Hayley Quinn Bio:

Hey there!

My name is Hayley Quinn, I give modern, progressive and ethical dating advice to men and women. It’s about meeting in real life, breaking free of how you think you should behave and getting a dating life that is both exciting and respects others!

If you're ready to let me change your life for the better, get in contact!

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  • Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta says:

    This advice is extremely helpful. I’m talking to someone overseas and I broke the double text rule. How she reacts will show me whether to continue pursuing her or cut my losses. Thanks Hayley.

  • Sloe Bone says:

    Any girl who shows luke warm interest doesn’t deserve the effort. I’m not going to spend time trying to figure out what she’s thinking. A positive reaction is the only signal I care about.

    • Nathan Crowther says:

      I agree. BUT you know a woman (and her friends) will tell herself in order to protect her ego, “He obviously wasn’t worth it/man enough if he gave up so easily. If he liked me, he’d keep trying.” But why should we be enthusiastic about them if they’re not enthusiastic about us? They don’t realise that. Just go meet another cool girl who won’t play those “chase me” games.

    • tinychamberz says:

      At the end its not about giving up tho, its self-worth. Im not gonna run after her if she shows no reaction. As you said, find someone that does.

    • Sloe Bone says:

      Nathan Crowther – Exactly, there’s plenty of women I’m enthusiastic about that don’t like me and lots of women who’s ego is in tact that end up alone. A woman, of course, wants to feel special and she wants to be desired by as many men as possible, but she’s still going to go for the guy that she is enthusiastic about and the guy she desires. The rest are known as her Facebook friends.

    • Sloe Bone says:

      Fabfour – there’s no harm in going after what you want, but it’s also good to cut your losses quickly if it’s just not happening. Sometimes, giving her attention then withdrawing it can end up sparking her interest in you. I wouldn’t count on it, but it definitely does happen sometimes.

    • The Plagued Raven says:

      SO true, thanks for writing this, I’ve been chasing a lot lately but I want to adopt the same philosophy.

  • Wolfferoni says:

    Women have a lot of options. Especially these days with social media. Strangers are complimenting them and talking to them every day so guys need a way to stand out. Only issue is that what works for some women won’t work for others. With dating sites, the biggest issue I see over and over is guys messaging with a basic greeting or something that looks like they probably copy and pasted the same message to everyone. I don’t know about the voice thing, I might be weirded out a bit if I was sent that if I had only messaged them once or twice. If I’m already not looking at someone favourably, a voice message wouldn’t help. The second point is definitely high risk. Not something I’d really recommend, especially if the woman is someone who likes to plan things in advance because that will lead to a straight up no. Need to get to know her before doing anything risky. I agree with the third point. Genuine interest serves everyone well.

    • L Lance says:

      Sending a voice can only hurt, not help. If she doesn’t like the sound of your voice or you say something she is not interested in or doesn’t like or you sound nervous or unsure it’s over. Let’s face it it’s awkward leaving a voice messgae before ever speaking first with a girl.

  • Daniel says:

    Follow up question: if she doesn’t respond to the first text, and We apply your “stating our intent” suggestion. How many days/weeks should we wait after the no response to text her again?

  • RJ C says:

    It seems like feminisms entitlement has ruined dating not just for men but for women too.

  • Yair Celis says:

    I learned that I text way better when I’m drunk! Because when I’m drunk, I don’t overthink about what I’m going to say and I just say it! Most of the time, I end up waking up the next morning reading the messages I sent and they actually turn out pretty good. As in, I get dates, I get laid, or I just get to developed a better relationship with a woman.

  • Perfidious Albion says:

    If she is being cold or aloof, she doesn’t respect you and is actively looking for another man that she perceives to be of higher value than you.

    The solution? Ghost her and on to the next.

  • TurboSol says:

    Relationships are built on equal respect and friendship, if you don’t get texted back then don’t bother! She or He is not worth your time.

  • Greenlion781 says:

    With all due respect, this is by far the worst advice I’ve ever heard. The actual advice is NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES get into any kind of texting routine with any woman prior to actually dating in person. Maybe do a little bit to establish rapport, and then set up a low-risk low-pressure meet-up. If she doesn’t respond to this, immediately drop her and move onto the next. Period, no exceptions, end of story, that’s it.

  • Luke Davis says:

    I know heaps of women in their late 30’s and 40’s who are like that. They all ask where the good men went. Weeeelllll the good men invested their time in people who didn’t ignore them.

    • isettech says:

      And a lot of good men have no idea where to find good women for a lifetime commitment. Widowers have no idea where to find a quality lady instead of a temporary friend. Most that have had a divorce come with issues and likely to come with lots of baggage. Many older ladies that are single are single for a reason and should remain single.

    • Erfan A says:

      listen to Tate on this hahaha

  • J C says:

    This is the type of advice that women give each other in a group chat…. it involves many intricate steps that rarely hold up in real world applications. Bottom line, if you have to strategize this much, the other person is not into you.
    An unfortunate side effect of this mentality is that many womanizers use these type of strategies to get themselves in “situationships” with women… they get all the benefits of a relationship without the responsibilities. And I know this from first had knowledge… for many years, I went from situationship to situationship, and who gets left out in the cold? The “nice guys.”

    If somebody isn’t taking your seriously, it doesn’t necessarily make them bad people, it just means that they don’t value you in the way that you are looking for. Simply cut your losses and move on.

  • Vladimyr says:

    I think the quality of the content will improve dramatically if you take the time to do two things: 1. Sit and REALLY try and think and simulate what’s it like for the other side (men) and what problems they might have and WHY Really really, academically explore the subject as a scientist would. 2. Interview someone who has had trouble dating, maybe several people, not just pick up artists and other bogus sellers of nothing. Sit down, have discussions, go on forums on which men having trouble getting a date express themselves and really get a feel for what the problem is.

    Edit: Many of the things you suggest don’t really work in actuality and are the things you’d like men to do towards you and women in general (state your intentions clearly for example) which is kind of naive and silly to be honest. How would anyone be able to tell the difference? and why would this work?


  • Mark Wtal says:

    Don’t use dating apps, don’t text.
    Get to know ppl. Be fun and have a lot of friends. Enjoy your life. Women will come around

  • Tom P says:

    If you have a dating “strategy” you’re already set up to lose. Dating should be organic, not some play book. If you want to see the person again after a first date, plan a second date at the end of the first. It always helps if you have an event like a concert or sporting event to invite them to. If they aren’t sure by the end of date one if they want a second date, the chances are they don’t feel the same connection as you.

  • Nova Sky says:

    5:05 cool pic 8:37 be spontaneous 11:36 be straight forward, typical woman 90% listening to her self talk

  • Darth Bateman says:

    What if I legitimately don’t want to? I can’t be the only guy here who thinks there is something inherently shameful about texting some girl and giving her more attention and energy than you have been given.It’s not so much a shame to the people around me, but more of its a shame to me. . . .

  • Paul ClipMaster says:

    Never double text. Ever. If you’re not important enough to respond to, then she is not important enough to matter.

  • Alejandro Rivera says:

    Hey Hayley, this isn’t in response to this video exactly (I forget which one), but I remember you mentioned in one of them that men should have enough self esteem to not just become pen pals. During one of the online dating chats, I did exactly what you said after she made two excuses for being too busy (by the way, this is the last time I’ll ask ;D) and it worked! About ten minutes later, she scheduled a time for us to hang out and we’ll be going out and seeing a movie in a few days after some drinks. Thanks so much! 😀

  • Andy Pacheco says:

    This vid is great, half way through it made me realize how hard a relationship can be and the level of investment feels like a lot! Thank you very much!

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