So Why Are you STILL #single?

“So why are you still single?”

Are you too picky? Not picky enough?

Do you need to hurry up, or be less intense?

People might often choose to see singleness as a problem that requires a solution.

However, when we find joy and meaning in being single, and when we take action steps to meet people that aren’t dependent on an outcome (i.e. “I need to be in a relationship by Christmas!!) we date better…

…and whether you end up meeting someone tomorrow, next month, or in a few years time, loses its relevance.

It sounds incredibly cheesy but the journey to your goal is so important, and we are all on our own time frames.

So next time someone challenges you as to why you’re single, don’t take it to heart (they’re probably just making some socially awkward conversation) and answer confidently:

“I guess I haven’t met the person who really excites me yet.”►►Learn more at

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  • @kc270352 says:

    because it’s my fault 👍

  • @mimbob98 says:

    I’m still single because I have had enough drama, lie’s and general disrespect from the self entitled that can’t be accountable for their own actions?

  • @ShiniGorky187 says:

    The women I really want don’t want me back. I have to approach hordes of women to get a date with one

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