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Tag Archives for " Effective flirting strategies "

When Flirting Becomes Creepy: Avoid These 5 Pitfalls

If you’d like an action plan to get results in your dating life then head here : In this video, I show you how to flirt in a non-creepy way. Flirting is a really important part of communication, without it how can she ever see you as more than just “a really nice guy?” However, […]

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How To Flirt On Your First Date With Her: 5 Expert Tips

Here are 5 expert tips on how to flirt, and when. This is SUPER important, as if you flirt too hard too soon, or too little too late, this is the easiest way to mess up an opportunity on a first date. 💔 Get my free course about how to communicate with women here: You’ll […]

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