The 14 SECRET Ways To Make Him Worry About LOSING You!

The 14 SECRET Ways To Make Him Worry About LOSING You!…In this dating advice for women video, I will breakdown how to make him worry about losing you. It can be during first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process that you exude the value that makes a man fear losing you. Take heed to these dating tips for women, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I want you to experience being cherished, loved, and respected. Learning how to make him fear losing you isn't about tips and tricks that puts fear in his heart. This dating advice will help you tap into your true potential, allow him to see your amazing value, and create a healthy relationship.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
How to make him worry about losing you
Ways to make him worry about losing you
How to make him fear losing you
Make him fear losing you
Online dating
Make him worry about losing you
How to make a man worry about losing you
Relationship coach for women
Dating coach for women
Relationship expert
Dating advice for women
Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: The 14 SECRET Ways To Make Him Worry About LOSING You!

Watch this video next dating advice video: The 7 FASTEST Ways To Expose A Man's INTENTIONS


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  • @rosettacarter7354 says:

    You are right😊

  • @shanellealaing7014 says:

    I know that’s right ‼️

  • @silviamtz8961 says:

    I am peace. I live in a way to give myself a peace of mind so if a man finds peace with me is because it’s pouring out of me and it’s just part of me. Dat’s it and because I am me that is magnetic and I don’t feel resentful. If he doesn’t bring me peace, then I can walk out. Because I know how valuable MY peace is and I know what it took and it takes to be in that space. It is work and it is a conscious CHOICE!!!!!

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      I’m glad to hear that

    • @melbaholloway3412 says:

      I literally was thinking this…this morning. Thank you for writing so well. Using your words to add to my affirmation list. Thank God. I am enjoying peace (47) that I did not have in my teens, 20s and 30s.

    • @melbaholloway3412 says:

      I don’t know if you are a Christ follower. No big deal if not. But after I read your post and began to write my affirmation, I pulled my drawer open and found this scripture about perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3

    • @silviamtz8961 says:

      @@melbaholloway3412 I completely agree with you, I’m a couple of yrs younger and I completely hear you. I just read the verse online and it’s very fitting. I’m glad that my expression of being helped, inspired and confirmed plus validated you sis. ❤️

  • @hannahi9355 says:

    I think part of the reason why some women balk at the idea of being this positive pillar of light to men is that it just makes them seem childish. Like men are these fragile individuals that literally cannot handle anything. It also makes a lot of women feel like what is the point of having a man if they are so delicate? Of course it’s nice to be nice and kind to others but at the end of the day do you have a man or do you have an infant? Whereas women we are constantly told to just take the bare minimum from everyone. It’s annoying.

  • @TishaSuper says:

    Been Following For Over 10yrs….I Found StephanSpeaks At A Breaking Point With The Man Of Life….A Very Dark Time….Listening To Stephan Was A True Blessing….I No Longer Struggle Or Have To Deal With The BS That Can Come With Relationships …Ive Learn To Communicate Healthy Amongst Other Things …. I’m At Peace And Know How To Provide Peace….Thank You StephanSpeaks , Appreciate Your Craft ❤

  • @jennehsmith8170 says:

    This is some good information, this is so true. I am a witness of this because I experienced it very recently…….

  • @Victoria_Loves_Jesus says:

    Love is patient, love is kind… ❤

  • @Disciples-i1q says:

    Hey friend. What did you say about gratitude? You had a practice of writing it every day. I can’t find the video but needed it today so dearly.

  • @RoyalSweetness22 says:

    Thank you for the lengthy video, Stephan. 😊❤

  • @nevaleestone3237 says:

    I don’t think you could talk for too long. Your videos are amazing

  • @SheIsPotential says:

    Thank you for this advice.

  • @VeraCrowDarkWitch378 says:

    “Be your own DAMN peace!” 😅💯

  • @melbaholloway3412 says:

    Preach Stephan

  • @kristinaldridge1712 says:

    My man actually told me last weekend that I bring him peace. Stephan’s videos have helped me greatly in being ready for the last relationship of my life.


    I don’t think it is necessarily an issue with a man being a mama’s boy, but a woman or man should want to speak life into each other. Speaking life is much needed in a relationship. I agree with making your partner a priority, but it is a two-fold cord with this one. The man has to honor his woman, too. When a woman is led by a great, strong, Godly masculine man, then trust me, most women do not mind following that man. I would like to say that when the man leads with great intent, then women will follow. Let’s get to the weight situation. I have no problem with weight loss. I would like for my man to be encouraging in this area. I would also like for us to do things together. I don’t have an issue with getting the weight off, but I need him to work with me, too. I love to work on things together. This is my take.

  • @cytavares says:

    It doesn’t matter what you do, if a man is not emotionally available, he won’t stay.

  • @JanetTuttle-cb3xx says:

    You give me hope Stephan, everyday is a learning curve and I am 68 yrs.

  • @roxymitchell4296 says:

    I have the peace of God. 🕊

  • @Cindy_Love_2025 says:

    Excellent video!
    Loads of fantastic information!
    I love it! 👏🏼💯💯❤️❤️

  • @thobekamantshongo4458 says:

    Thank you Stephan,thank you🇿🇦

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