Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong Guys! The 3 Signs He’s Mr. Right—Finally Revealed!
Is Vienna The Worst City For Making Friends?
Why Women Get Away with Lying MORE Often Than You Think #womanese #datingandrelationships
“Toxic” Men make it hard for women to cheat #womanese #datingandrelationships
Myron calls out a WHALE for f*t fishing her IG audience
When a healthy relationship isn’t so healthy… #womanese #dating #datingandrelationships
Is she lying to you? THE CHEAT CODE #womanese #datingandrelationships #datingmastery
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Excellent video. Thanks for sharing this one!
Thank you xx
A lot of people lose self-confidence during tough times. Even the Alpha males aren’t always 100% confident all the time.
I wanna talk to you privately.
Tests? Never fell for them. If they didn’t like me as who I am, too bad for them. How else to meet a real woman? Met one. Married one. Both have careers. Two sons. 35 years strong. Life is good.
Sons are wonderful blessing! Enjoy!
@@Kezianobledatingexpert I have used your advice, put it into my own “fatherly” terms to help guide my boys in the minefield
of modern women. Both are now married. Waiting for grandkids. 
Kezia; Excellent, detailed, informative presentation! I’ve experienced all the tests you mention, especially when she is late, or is not pleasant to the server in the restaurant. If I do start dating again, I will understand how to respond to these “tests” more effectively.
Thank you xx
Is there such a thing as the Ultimate Beeeyotch?
I wanna talk to you privately.
Dear Kezia, this year is the 10 years mark since I found you on Youtube, masseve thanks for every clever thing you teach us.
I love this
Good advice
Thank you xx
Hello from “tyrannical” New York Kezia!
can you make a video on how to attract and date women in your social circle
Great video Kezia. Thank you very much
You’re welcome xx
It has been a long time but thanks for another great video!
It’s not been a long time, YT have stopped notifying the majority of my subscribers when I release video xx
@@Kezianobledatingexpert but your last videos were interviews… still very interesting… can you do a video on how to speak to girls on an emotional level? Have seen a video on this by marni.. very interesting about how not to use logical persuasion..
Kezia will you convert your DVD products into written form in future? I prefer to read instead of watch/listen.
The DVDs were phased out around 2016. All the products are now available in online format. Some of the material can be ordered in hardcopy form if you prefer.
Hatsoff sir
Thank god my recently deceased wife of 22 years never played these games. She always hated game players, and I couldn’t agree more. Rather be alone than to be with a phony insecure person.
I wanna talk to you privately
kezia what happened to those badass backdrops that you were seen in before. and the book that you say that women dont want you to read have not seen those.
I wanna talk to you privately
I have a couple of video suggestions
The problem with modern women is that they’re too easily influenced by their friends and mainstream media, which makes women too fickle. A woman could get with a good man but end up dumping him if her friends don’t approve of him. As long as women allow themselves to be so easy influenced by society, I feel that dating women will always be a struggle for men.
I wanna talk to you privately
kezia, I would like to request video examples of the things you teach. i mean it’s a bit tricky to picture all these things in my head. I need like, actual conversation examples. thanks.
I wanna talk to you privately