What is the Sexiest BRITISH Accent?

North Americans go crazy for British accents, but have they heard them all? From Scouse to Cockney, Brits battle it out to see which accent is rated the sexiest by the foreigners.

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  • LittleLulubee says:

    Haha, this was entertaining. I’ve always thought of Brits as having a good sense of humor 😄

  • Dating Beyond Borders says:

    Another thing – the flag IS out of date. Unfortunately I didn’t notice when the editor sent it to me as I was too busy scanning the rest. No excuse but it is hard keeping track of everything so certain things do go unnoticed.

  • madkass says:

    That’s so cool!
    I would love to see more of these.
    As a russian speaker myself, I would be extremely happy to see some series with the different russian accents.
    There are some like kazakh, moscow, far east russian, ukrainian, caucasian accents. 🙂

  • JillSandwich131 says:

    If you think Scots have a hard time pronouncing Earl. Just watch us try to pronounce Carl 😂

  • DylanTheeVillain says:

    Most americans think we only have one accent, so I’m glad that this shows all the different accents.

  • Justanotherintrovert says:

    If I open my griffindoor, would you slytherin?


  • Briana Bas says:

    I absolutely adored this video! It was great and one hundred percent entertaining. You should do American Accents next!

  • Sanorii Sangwoo says:

    My boyfriend is British (I’m American) and whenever either of us brings up Yogurt all hell breaks loose 😂😂

  • Molly Elliott says:

    I love how all these accents sound so normal to me because I’ve lived in the UK all my life and moved to so many different cities XD

    • Maria Elena says:

      So did you pick up the accent then? I was there a short time and found meself talking just like a Londoner. I always pick up the accent when I’m in English speaking countries. I love New Zealanders accents.

  • Lonely Dog says:

    30? No way she’d pass as 19 honestly

  • OverKnight 心の鍵 says:

    British dude: I’m no weather-man, but you can expect more than a few inches tonight

    The girl’s mind: Oh yeah yeah

  • Caitlyn Jones says:

    I’m British I have no idea why people are so fascinated with my accent 😂

  • Molly Brown says:

    I think that the fact that they felt uncomfortable saying the pick up lines and I felt uncomfortable hearing them is the most British thing ever

  • The Lord Murray Steel says:

    Americans trying to following british humour is the most saddening thing i’ve ever watched D:

  • B , says:

    Woman: “Would you ever use these on a woman?”
    Mancunian Guy: *”Nah not where I’m from you get punched in the face”*


  • Laura S says:

    Sorry but 2:45 literally breaks all stereotypes the Americans have about us British and I love it 😂

  • Sir_DayDream says:

    Everyone else: British accents are so nice and *sexy*
    British people: I mean… I’m glad but no.

  • Icewalowcome 231 says:

    Okay British people, the reason why we love your accents is because they sound so lovely, and friendly

  • Broken Robot says:

    The Midlands (specifically the Northants and Midlands countryside) accent is under appreciated. I think its because it has no interesting inflections or characteristics to it. But it’s very clear and easy to interpret, without being too posh. And I think it’s a nice accent anyways.

  • will says:

    I’m British, and I’m from a county in the north west called Lancashire. However, many people can’t actually tell where my accent is from since I kinda picked up some American accents growing up from watching and consuming American media. Ive had people tell me I sound Australian, British and American all in one and they cant tell 😂😂 but ill never understand when people say they like my accent.

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