What To Talk About On A Coffee Date: 14 Intriguing Questions To Ask

Coffee dates are low stakes, and often not very exciting. If you want to feel more of a spark on your dates, you need to up your conversation skills and shake it up! In this video I share 14 questions that you can ask to create more intriguing and fun conversations.

Men, if you’d like to get results in your dating life head here:

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Here’s a list of the what to talk about on a coffee date questions:

What’s your best/ favourite ___ ?
What were you like growing up?
What motivated you to ____ ?
What’s your passion in life?
What’s something that would surprise me about you?
Are you a rule follower or a rule breaker?
What’s something you’d never normally tell someone on a coffee date?
What's the worst date you’ve ever been on?
What’s your strangest hidden talent?
Who’s really important to you? Would we get on?
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
If you had a plane ticket to anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?
Where would you live and what would you do if you had no ties?
What do people normally compliment you on?

If you loved this video and want to improve your conversation skills for dates you’ll love these videos:

Charlie Page

  • @HayleyQuinn says:

    Coffee dates are common, easy, and often a bit bland. If your coffee dates all feel a bit “pleasant” or “neutral” and you want to shake things up, use some of my 14 questions to ask on a coffee date. Just use 1 or 2, not all 14…unless you want someone faking a lactose intolerance 20 minutes into your date.

  • @Matlockization says:

    I’m not too sure if I’d go the ‘what is your best’ etc, route on a first date. Instead, I would segway into any highlights of my week or past few months, as long as I am not obviously bragging/boasting as I cover many areas. And I would hope, that she would quid pro quo in return. Although talking about the in’s and outs of relationships, I have no doubt is a topic worth discussing with girls, even though as a guy I would have to ‘fake it until I make it’ on this topic, but it is doable. Once the girl has emotionally settled down then the guy can be more his own charming boring self. I couldn’t resist being cynical. Great video as usual.

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