When Is The Right Time To Hold A Girls Hand?

In this Hayley Quinn video, I'll explain why many guys have no idea when is the right time to hold a woman's hand.
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My name is Hayley Quinn, subscribe to find out and stay up to date on how you can approach & meet women organically wherever and whenever you want! My mission is to help men and women all over the world, find their ideal partners & overall to help them to become a better person!

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  • Ben Brighton says:

    To summarise, do not hold a girls hand unless you want a relationship. Good advice nonetheless.

  • HomieKevTV says:

    If you are at the movies don’t go hold her hand if she has a ticket in her hand



  • Hayley Quinn says:

    I made a video on this as I found a lot of guys I was working with saw the hand holding as a first step in physical touch but I knew lots of women would find that isn’t the first touch they were expecting: too couply if you don’t know someone well!

  • Jaco Bronkhorst says:

    Huh…never knew that. Kiss first. Hand hold second — mind blown

  • Frenchie Towers says:

    an eye poke shows your sense of humor and your self defense ability

  • Albert Giesbrecht says:

    I went for a walk in the park with a lovely lady, I made sure to not hold her hand while walking, but waited until we were on the bus going home to put my arm around the back of her seat, not even touching her shoulders, when she promptly sprang up and moved to the seat opposite me (saying that the Sun was in her eyes). So much for sexy sexy.

  • guitar107 says:

    Good advice. Thanks Hayley!
    Based on my experience: confidence, eye contact and establishing rapport usually lead to physical closeness.
    Then playful/flirty touches as you suggested, which may lead up to a kiss.
    The “couply’ hand-holding usually comes later, in my experience.

  • ItsCxarde - Dixie says:

    who’s watching this because a girl wants you to do this tomorrow and you don’t want to make it awkward. I’m guilty.

  • CellGames2006 says:

    I never really bothered myself stressing too much about holding hands. So I’m not sad to hear it should go out the window. So now when I see couples holding hands that means they’ve already crossed the “dating line” and have progressed into “relationship hell”. Heh heh… Now I know something they don’t. 😉

  • Josue Vejar says:

    She made this sound like sexual harassment or just straight up thirst

  • Slightly Rad MTB says:

    2nd date, I offered her my arm as we walked, she took it, and held onto it 😀 Later that night, I wanted to show her something, and gave her my hand. We held hands most of the night.. it was dreamy…

  • Shane Wilson says:

    Sometimes it may be an at home movie date. In this case reaching for her hand I think is good. It communicates what you want.

  • Clay B. says:

    Just wanted to say I love your accent. Hope you have a great day and keep smiling:).

  • Luke Janis says:

    Sometimes I feel like girls think holding hands is a bigger thing than kissing. One girl freaked out when I tried

  • Neil says:

    Hey Haley, you are always the best
    I am definitely try your techniques wish me luck

  • Superblast177 177 says:

    She just held out her hand and me
    The completely awkward person just tapped it

  • Zoe Soteriou says:

    Based on me
    first comes hey/smiles
    then a casual fun date
    then a date and a hug
    another hug plus holding hands
    and you get my point

  • Fantomas The Elusive says:

    The right answer is when I feel it! 👍

  • Ade Bisi says:

    Its heavenly to hold a girls hand, specially the first time and she squeeze your hand back. I feel sad for all guys (incels) who never have experience this 😪😪😪.

  • Spoppy says:

    thx for the tip, just asked a girl I met on orientation day for dinner, she ultimately say let’s goo, now I know when to hold her hand, thank you for the tips Haley

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