Why Are Men Fleeing the US for Love? The Truth About Passport Bros

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Why are so many Western men leaving their home countries to find love overseas? Is the Passport Bro movement problematic, or is there more to the story? In this video, I share my nuanced take on the movement and feature four men from different Western countries who explain their personal reasons for seeking relationships abroad. I also break down why the Passport Bro trend is rapidly growing and reveal four major reasons why more men are looking for love outside the West.

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0:00 Intro
1:03 How do you spot a passport bro?
2:25 Sponsorship message
3:48 Meet the "passport bros"
4:20 Passport bros on why they prefer to date abroad
6:20 Reason #1: Gender roles
7:07 Social media splitting up men and women
7:54 Reason #2: exotic factor in dating
9:35 Reason #3: The supply vs demand in dating
11:50 Reason #4: Feeling seen, appreciated and wanted
13:40 Why passport bro movement beats the alternative

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  • @henri191 says:

    If you are more conservative person and want a family, being in a liberal and progressive place will make it difficult for you to succeed in this. Leaving your home country to fulfill this dream is valid, the same thing applies the other way around, if you are more liberal and progressive, being in a reserved conservative place.

    • @curtism-w6b says:

      Yeah, because conservative women in the US don’t exist. It’s more likely you want to control someone with less money than you.

    • @AndreiGeorgescu-v8w says:

      ​​@@curtism-w6bthey don’t exist. Not unless your definition of conservative is only has a couple situationships and fwbs and goes to a protestant church that might as well be a night club

    • @Seanonyoutube says:

      Meh. I think it’s more about attraction than anything else.

    • @Josh4soccer15 says:

      I don’t think it’s a really should be a political thing, I have more liberal beliefs but I still like foreign girls better than American girls , but I will say I’m a little more conservative in how women treat men and home life , and I know me personally I get more interest from foreign girls than American

    • @Seanonyoutube says:

      @@Josh4soccer15 the last sentence is your real reason.

  • @AndreiGeorgescu-v8w says:

    The fact that twice as many men are single as women should be telling you something about the culture. It’s a polygamous one. Has nothing to do with being at home

    • @smellypatel5272 says:

      Facts. They get upset at Muslim men for being polygamous, meanwhile the 6’+ ripped guys on tinder are bedding dozens of women per year and they don’t bat an eye

  • @Flbari says:

    I feel more welcome in Mexico, not only from the women but from people in general. And no they don’t want no green card from me (I’m not from USA), they don’t want to leave México they love their country, they don’t want me to pay for everything.

    • @irinaivanovic9792 says:

      As a western woman I felt the same way when I was in Mexico. My husband is from Zacatecas. Trust me, we women are doing the SAME thing you western men are doing. We want a real man who takes charge and wants to take care of us, not be roommates going 50/50.

    • @Flbari says:

      @irinaivanovic9792  mexican people are the best at making you feel welcome and appreciated. Both men as a friend and women as a partner.

    • @AndreiGeorgescu-v8w says:

      @@irinaivanovic9792 nobody in the entire world is interested in Western women, especially not American ones

    • @HyperspaceHoliday says:

      Really? I didn’t get that vibe at all
      As a white American, when i went to mexico it felt like they wanted to kill me.

    • @pixiet7321 says:

      @@irinaivanovic9792 AMEN. American woman who married a European Spaniard 20 years ago. My children are getting towards dating age now and we are getting OUT OF THE USA. Why do people think it’s only the men? We western women don;t want western men either. I broke the mold before it was a “movement”. I would have been a bitter old hag by now. lol. Enjoy your life, but we western women have choices too. Non-western men pull out the “little girl”in us with their PURE MASCULINITY>

  • @kevinmlafleche says:

    My first marriage with a Canadian woman did not last 2 years. I’m now with my second wife who is from Columbia. 11 years and 4 kids later, we’re still going on strong.

  • @frumpysnorfls5088 says:

    I wouldn’t call myself a passport bro per say, but I definitely tend to not like American women personality-wise as much and since I live here that’s a problem. I moved to the US when I was in late elementary school from Europe.

    I’m about to graduate from Uni and have had my fair share of relationships and flings, and while they were fun they were also very superficial. Maybe its the Uni environment, maybe I was just bad at picking partners, but most of the time, I don’t feel like these women ever fully understood me or liked me for who I really was. It was more about them just wanting a boyfriend or what I represented.

    At this point I find it way more attractive when a woman is foreign, they usually are well traveled, know more than just one language, and are indoctrinated with American news and propaganda.

    I still find American women physically attractive, but past that its rare that the conversations we have or the dynamic we have is mentally stimulating. I just prefer foreign women.

  • @biggy5428 says:

    I’m a woman and I don’t think anyone deserves to be criticized just because they look for love in another countries, either man or woman. If this is what they want, let them be. Why they get harsh comments just because they want a woman from different country, I really don’t get it. Choosing one nationality / culture over the other doesn’t mean that the other nationality’s women are less charming. It’s just their choice, taste etc. I wish everyone could meet with someone who is a perfect match for them. I’m just happy for everybody who finds love either within their community or abroad.

    • @AndreiGeorgescu-v8w says:

      @@biggy5428 they get harsh comments because many women are jealous/want to use them. That’s why these women pretend to care about foreign women and construct some oppression narrative while simultaneously saying all these guys arent up to their standards

    • @Csabberfej says:

      Butthurt people are bitter on the internet.

    • @lucys.4695 says:

      Nope. They’re looking for good FX ratę. They’re looking for free labour

  • @ThePhantom712 says:

    Back in 2011 or 2010 the world passport bro was never used we just called ourselves Expats or Travelers. Some of us come from small towns where theres an extreme lack of woman, its obvious to go to a place where the supply is high and the culture is better when it comes to dating and theres nothing wrong with that I have many friends in my home town that are single in there twenties and I feel bad for them because they will probably never take that step to persue woman.

  • @StateFlow-ns4mg says:

    I am a 27 year old Brazilian man and it has been extremely difficult to establish relationships with women. Here in Brazil the hookup culture is very strong and I do not identify with it. I have conservative values ​​and would like to visit countries like Hungary. Thank you for looking at us men. Greetings! 😄

    • @ericktwelve11 says:

      There’s so many good women in Brazil, I don’t know why you wanna find a women in Hungary.

    • @adamnesico says:

      Hungary conservative?
      You know Budapest is the european capitol of pornography?
      More than half of sex actresses of Europe in the nineties were magyars.

    • @TheBrofessor says:

      Dude, you’ll be successful there. Europeans, especially Central/Eastern Eruopeans, find Brazilians really attractive. Meanwhile, lots of Central and Eastern European women have really good values. You’ll find a really nice relationship there.

    • @Flbari says:

      @@StateFlow-ns4mg go to poland

    • @StateFlow-ns4mg says:

      @Flbari  thank you for the recommendation! Are they more focused on serious relationships?

  • @Anthony-n3b3w says:

    Very fair and balanced take in this video.

  • @dyardsale5475 says:

    People trying to fix their problems by going to another country is not a grand solution, it’s a sign that society is going to collapse.

    • @smellypatel5272 says:

      No doubt it’s a sign of societal collapse, but you cannot fault individuals for doing what’s in their best interest. I, as an American doctor for example, had nothing to gain from marrying an American woman. So I married a traditional woman abroad.

    • @dyardsale5475 says:

      ​@@smellypatel5272 You cannot fault people going somewhere to get a higher price, but the empires of Spain, Portugal, Mongolia, Italy, Greece, Assyria, Babylon, etc. eventually all collapsed because those people did the same thing. I hope you are happy, but eventually this will all end in ruins. Dr. can you please give me even one example of a nation where men and women have turned on each other like this and it ended up well? Good luck with your life, mine is barely worth living.

  • @brynjardosonofbear10 says:

    Not really a passport bro but I have had better experiences with foreigners than American girls. I found that I have more in common with Germans, Italians, and other foreigners. Also they are much more upfront about what they want. Bit of a background: I spent most of my childhood around foreigners.

  • @AceAtheist86 says:

    As a 38 year old guy, I just want a loving caring communicative understanding girlfriend who actually wants to be with me and talk to me. I want something real and long term.

  • @HippiePajon says:

    ❤ one of the few people being compassionate toward men

  • @leekshikapinnamneni4835 says:

    I am a conservatively woman. Another big problem that has taken over is the dating apps.
    I found it difficult to find the kind of man that I’m looking for

    • @canchero724 says:

      The temptations of the phone (entertainment, social media, dating apps) has ruined even normal relationships let alone romantic ones. Society is a whole lot less cohesive rn. When the dependence on phones goes society will return to a semblance of what it was pre mid 2000’s.

    • @HyperspaceHoliday says:

      Sorry, but any woman who has ever been on a dating app is immediately undateable.

  • @MXZ-1977 says:

    Dating people from other countries can be lots of fun because you learn from one another (language, culture, etc).

  • @DanH-u3f says:

    American men are far better off overseas. They are actually treated with some respect.

  • @johnvanderheide6079 says:

    Guy from Netherland here. Girls here dont look interested in a guy. They already know plenty of guys. Women here have big friend groups and they meet each other all the time, but when you try to set a date with her they are always busy. Never a girl approach you here. And if you do, you are creepy. Im fed up with it

    • @IvoVandenReek says:

      Hi John, I feel the same. I did much work on myself, improving throughout the years (mentally, spiritually, phyisically) and still I find myself going on mediocre dates. When I was in South America I met such great, feminine, warm and sweet women. It was so refreshing.

    • @susu-gc8tw says:

      I heard the opposite that women approach men there, also in Germany

    • @StefanOploo-c1q says:

      @@IvoVandenReek that makes two of us. Last months I started to give dating another chance. I went on 10+ dates with different women (mostly Dutch). These were all forgettable experiences. What I miss is the feminine energy. It feels like I’m more talking to a dude, a bro. I miss the bubbliness, if that makes sense. The few dates that I do remember are those with expats from abroad. One was a girl from Persia. She was so great, hard working, ambitious ánd feminine. We didn’t click on others levels so we left it as it was. Yet, I remember the great talks we had.

    • @IvoVandenReek says:

      @ I heard that too from someone in Australia, but that is a myth. It happened to me ONCE, it is very rare. Perhaps if you are extremely good-looking, who knows.

    • @StefanOploo-c1q says:

      @ very rare indeed.

  • @willileo2373 says:

    11:15 & 13:45 you said everything Marina! Thank you 🙏🏻

  • @IvoVandenReek says:

    I’m from Holland and man, dating is not so fun here. Girls aren’t terrible, but really mundane ánd extremely picky. For years I tried to improve (gym, meditation, reading books) and I got better as a person, yet the women are mostly the same and may give you a chance, but because of their endless amount of options they call it a day pretty soon. When I visited South America I felt the work I have put into myself finally paid off. I met some amazing women I am still in thouch with today.

    • @StefanOploo-c1q says:

      I had great experiences with women from Eastern Europe. I had the best connection with those that weren’t too conservative, but did retain the femininity. I find that lots of Dutch women have lost that part and are more behaving like men. I am just not attracted to that. And the few Dutch women that are feminine and would make great girlfriends, these are already taken or extremely picky.

  • @StefanOploo-c1q says:

    I believe there is a great match between Western men and East European women. Western men are respectfull and kind and lots of women from Eastern Europe reciprocate and find that attractive.

    I used to date a girl from Ukraine. Her energy was so amazing. Women from my country (Netherlands) don’t even come close to her sweetness and energy. Too bad it didn’t work out. She is now in a happy relationship with an American guy and I am genuinely happy for them. I wish her well and have great memories of our times together.

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