Johnny Depp NEVER Earned Women
Why Women Get Away with Lying MORE Often Than You Think #womanese #datingandrelationships
“Toxic” Men make it hard for women to cheat #womanese #datingandrelationships
Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong Guys! The 3 Signs He’s Mr. Right—Finally Revealed!
Men want to feel desired too #relationship #relationshipcoachforwomen #love
Doing THESE 3 Things With Men Will Not WORK Out Well For You
10 Signs She’s Not Into You (Sorry #1 Sucks)
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Happy Friday/T.G.I.F

I Love You Kezia Noble 
I don’t use apps. I don’t approach women to just pick them up. When I’m in public like running errands, if I see an attractive woman I approach her. It has to be out of the blue.
When nearly 90% of all men are rejected by virtually ALL women. What’s the incentive of going out? Better to suffer loneliness.
I tkink is 98% reject, women dont know what it is to live as a men, they got it so easy.
Cheers kezia
Its a perishable skill , talking to women,
Even if you are in a committed relationship, there is nothing wrong with being friendly with everyone, it helps with mental health and your mind sharp!
I do both, but it’s easier for me to asking date through dating apps
Both is better than just relying on apps xx
Asking out in person wouldn’t be such a big deal if it weren’t for many women’s nasty reactions when they aren’t into the guy. Public humiliation can go beyond just getting your ego hit, it can also get you canceled from your workplace and ostracized from your social groups permanently in today’s culture. In other words, the risks outweigh its benefits. This is why guys would rather use dating apps even though the rewards are close to zero because there are virtually no risks.
@@Ghostrider-ul7xn Exactly! If only Kezia could get this through her thick skull.
Yup talk to girls you don’t fancy to practice. Only problem is when they react same as ones you do it gives you a complex
Try and make the people you meet smile and laugh even… It’s great social skills and applies to erm ‘courting’ eligible ladies also
Which podcast this?
So what’s your advice to men who are on the autistic spectrum like me who have no choice but naturally operate on a black and white level of communication and intelligence instead of grey area communication which is unnatural to at least most AS men, when going up to a woman and engage in a conversation?
Life is survival of the fittest. Nobody is holding your hand and they’re not holding mine, either.
Survival of the fittest supplies to men more than women @@Lex_Lugar
Sure, then why loud and dumb are still alive?
Something that doesn’t get talked often is that lot of people, especially women today are often paranoid when meeting new guys compared to the past. I sense a lot of distrust in them, they seem to be operating on a default state of fear, due to which they might perceive a slight deviation in what’s considered as acceptable behavior as “harassment” or “creepy” behavior. I’ve seen this happen a lot with many guys.
Thanks to all the “True Crime” podcasts they all listen to now. Every man is just a murderer waiting to happen now it seems.
LOL, no thanks
When guys are nice to you it turn you off but as soon as a guy something rude to you it’s considered abuse.
Great video
Excellent points.
The problem is finding women worth approaching these days. They’re all too busy looking at their phones or just give off nasty attitudes. Doesn’t seem worth the trouble just to be ignored.
It makes me depressed but I have to agree.
It is what it is and what it is isn’t worth it.
Guys – don’t torment yourself playing court jester just so they can get off on publicly humiliating you.. Keep your dignity, self-respect, peace-of-mind, and leave them to their cats.
No thanks! Dating apps or dating single events is the option or maybe church. I’m not going up to a girl random, that’s the stupidest idea.