What REJECTION From Women Is Actually Telling You
How To Stop Being Invisible To Women
How Women Weigh Money, Looks, & Status In Men
Why You’re Probably Getting Ignored
The REAL Reason Women Date Certain Guys
The Secret To Making Women Want To Be With You
What Women Want That You Don’t Know
Women Are Biologically Wired To Look For This!
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Guys, remember this!!! Don’t let rejection ruin the next date.
Hey tripp could you suggest the most efficient way to meet women. ???
Why do us as men keep needing to improve if we get rejected. The problem is deeper IMO. It’s the fact that what women want/looking for doesn’t exist.
Rejection also keeps you from waste your time pursuing someone that probably you wouldn’t get along with.
I’ve been focused on the gym, making money, and building my career, but I always felt like I was falling behind when it came to girls. After watching this video and reading some advice in a book called Celestial Soulmate by Lentlish, I feel like I can finally improve in that area too. Now I’m ready to put in the effort, just like I do with everything else in life!