
  • @gabraham12 says:

    Ans Ukranian men also unemployed and drunk.

  • @continentalmilitaria says:

    In Ukraine, woman good-looking, in Canada, nooooo.

  • @lauras1553 says:

    There is feminism in Ukraine actually. There are also women here who don’t want men to pay for them and who want to have enough opportunities to be able to pay for themselves.

  • @Leitis_Fella says:

    The dating dynamic in Ukraine is that the guy pampers the girl when going out, but the girl pampers the guy at home. I’ve heard from guys dating Ukrainian gals that they’ll come home to the girl having fixed a big dinner, followed by a back rub. It’s very traditional, where the man leads outside the house and the woman leads at home.

    • @annasmidova1404 says:

      That is so true, also in czech,slovakia. Its our mentality

    • @benjamingeorge8241 says:

      This sound like the better form of equality lol. Each one taking care of the other in different ways.

    • @SteaksOnSpear says:

      explains why ukraine is such a unsuccesful and poor country

    • @yasmina3999 says:

      The girl in the video is wrong about feminism in Ukraine, since we are post soviet country and many women have been working in factories for decades and it’s considered to be one of the norms.

      But I’m agree with your comment, yeah. It’s pretty common thing in Ukraine. Most women don’t like hesitant guys who don’t know what to do and who don’t treat them like gentlemen. But instead, many Ukrainian women are ready to do “wife things” even during simple dating, like cooking, cleaning and so on.

    • @ericktwelve11 says:

      😂😂😂😂Yeah ok there.

  • @selexie says:

    I wouldn’t exchange education and equal rights for men opening doors and paying for food!

  • @laracroft9079 says:

    canadian men open doors!!

  • @TeacherSuzana says:

    I agree with the Ukrainian girl. In Serbia we also like when a man opens the door, etc.

  • @xxxxxx-ql9he says:

    Opening the door is not exclusive for women from men, it’s also a kind gesture for elder people, someone who’s carrying luggage or a child,so for me it has to do more with education and politeness .

    • @xman9963 says:

      The difference in those cases is opening the door for an elderly person or someone juggling a bunch of kids is those people would have increased difficulty trying to open the door.

      That’s kindness.

      Opening the door for a woman who is fully capable to do it on her own with zero difficulty and would do so without a though if the guy wasn’t standing there is a completely different matter entirely.

      That’s much closer to chivalry and nothing else.

      The two scenario aren’t really comparable.

    • @xxxxxx-ql9he says:

      @@xman9963 For me it’s still education and politeness more than anything else, I think that the root of chivalrous acts is also mostly being educated and polite and if a person was raised like that it shows and there’s a big difference if somebody is just doing it to impress you.
      Of course this is just my opinion

    • @xman9963 says:

      @@xxxxxx-ql9he I promise I don’t mean this to come across as rude in anyway but if you look at the history of chivalry and whom it applied to and whom it didn’t that could be incredibly insulting for an entire section of the population.

      I know that was not your intent but when you said the root of it along with politeness you unintentionally opened am entire can of worms that by some viewpoints could equate to calling the lower class as rude and uneducated which is very shaking ground as I’m sure you are aware.

      I do respect your opinion but I would offer you a couple of different perspective.

      1. How many countries around the world would consider not helping an elderly person or a parent someone struggling as rude. Then think about how many countries around the world would consider letting a woman struggling handle things by herself as rude.

      I think you will find almost every where in the would be OK with helping the first group. Where it is is far more cultural when it comes to the woman.

      Would you say the other cultures (Sweden, Norway, Denmark etc.) as rude and uneducated?

      Even the response from other women around the world has shifted strongly in the last few decades. Now when a man holds a door for a woman he may get a thank you, ignored or yelled at.

      2. Politeness and education isn’t something limited to just men. Why isn’t it incredibly common for women to hold the door for men? Trust that happens in large numbers it actually would make the news. You don’t believe me… look up dating down news reporter. The whole experience is visually entertaining to watch the different body languages and comments.

      As a tall broad shoulder fit man who has traveled the world and studies cultural anthropology I can tell you the amount of women who walk through a door without looking back is staggering in comparison to the ones who actually will hold the door.

      Just some food for thought. 😎

    • @xxxxxx-ql9he says:

      @@xman9963 okay, I admit that you do have a point and of course I didn’t mean to insult anyone. I certainly don’t think that Sweden, Norway and Denmark are rude and uneducated, I’ve been to Sweden and I think people are really nice.
      I occasionally hold the door for women and men both and whenever a guy holds the door for me I always say thank you.

    • @xman9963 says:

      @@xxxxxx-ql9he They are very nice people. As a guy I for one can tell you that the simple thank you goes a long away towards the next several who don’t.

  • @pjma1059 says:

    “Give me the benefits of old social dynamics and new social privileges but always zero obligations from both”

  • @leahflower9924 says:

    They do like some feminism like even the feminism from Soviet times because otherwise they would be married with 5 kids already probably working in the fields

  • @reichen666 says:

    I love that last horror part! So funny!
    But also a little troubling.

  • @James-rm7sr says:

    Eastern Europe isn’t like the west. It is okay to have different cultures in the world.

  • @MichelaRossini says:

    I did the reverse path, western woman with Ukrainian man. I agree, Ukrainian men all the life.

  • @MaliMaslacak526 says:

    You know what’s really nice? Having an opportunity to stay with your child home while the child needs you the most, which is in early childhood. It’s great when your husband can provide for his family so that the wife can take care of the family in other way, by nourishing. Opening doors not important at all. When on our death bed we will think of the times we were present with our children, not about our careers.

  • @adriansumner1412 says:

    I don’t think it’s got anything to do with feminism I think it’s just a lame excuse. Can’t blame everything on feminism you know.

  • @sashamellon822 says:

    In the UK men and women open doors for each other it’s considered polite. Due to the cold weather we have millions of doors everywhere

    • @elkrim8936 says:

      “Due to cold weather in UK”??!!😂😂 UK it’s freaken Jamaica🍹🍻🌊🏝️🏖️🇯🇲 compared to Ukraine broh!

  • @asamicat8323 says:

    I don’t care if a man open the door at first dates if he expects me to serve him after 2 months

  • @ozzyozboy6471 says:

    When the war broke out these women were the first to run and party in europe and the men became canon meat

  • @mallvalim says:

    We do have feminism in Ukraine. That girl left the country in the early 2000s probably. And we are not that entitled oit here

  • @user-ki3js5qm3y says:

    We have feminism in Ukraine. We just require respect from men. We don’t trade our financial independence for disrespect. I have a job, he has a job but it doesn’t mean that we go 50/50. This 50/50 sceme is disrespectful towards girls

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