Woman REGRETS Leaving The Man Of Her Dreams
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“I’m a strong independent woman, what can you offer me?”
“My Condolences.”
This made me laugh so HARD, good one mate.
not even that
“Thoughts and prayers”
bro…LOLOLOL oh man
woman at 20: “dont talk to me!”
woman at 30: “somebody please talk to me!”
woman at 40: “hey! im talking to you!”
woman at 50: “here kitty kitty.”
……but true
Dude! You totally got it.
poor cat.
KS did a show on a woman who left her fiance because her friend, who had gotten divorced, convinced her that she could do better than her CPA fiancé. The man had asked her father for approval, proposed to her in front of 100 people and she listened to a bitter Becky. Single women keep women single
which show was that?
Misery likes company
Do you the know the show?
That’s why I tell women to NEVER listen to your friends or outside opinions
What show was that???
Matt was incredibly fortunate in this case.
He found out who she really was BEFORE signing the marriage contract.
He would have found out about “Tyron, Chad, Francis and Dookie Shoes before long”
Spot on!
Without realizing it at the time, she did him a favor.
She didn’t commit cuz she didn’t want the responsibility and work a marriage requires. She wanted to be young, wild and free. Leaving a good stable guy to be with a musician with an unstable life is hardly good hypergamy no matter what status the musician had.
She got mad at Richard cuz he moved on and refused to be her lifeboat when her bad hypergamy failed. Good on him.
Women want it both ways, the freedom of hypergamy and the safety net of marriage. When they leave…. cut them off.
This story is why women understand women and hate each other.
Married or dating, doesn’t matter. First time a b mentions splitting up, give the bum’s rush out the door then throw her s out on the yard and move on. You can never fix the relationship once she sours on you. And counseling is a joke. Don’t bother. Don’t believe me? Read the research papers on relationship counseling in the psych journals. I have.
Joel The behaviors of hypergamy is what women are suppose to do during dating. Pick the best man then commit to them then.
Not get in a relationship, become stable then want to trade up.
Women want it both ways and don’t know how to do trade off choices anymore.
@Timothy Gibney hate to break it to you but a detective makes about 70,000 a year mayb 85,000 with OT but the they get a killer pension when they retire now they might get really lucky with an awful workload and get 100,000 with OT but trust me most will not try that if they can help it
My ex now lives with her brother, no $, no job, no life. Can’t say I feel sorry for her
Don’t be surprised if she has a kid and suspiciously keeps the mystery father a secret.
It’s a thing.
Me too. Hahaha. Her brother is unemployed as well – mooching off of her. Like Vwap says below, she wanted to have another kid when we were in the middle of a divorce. I’m sure she woulda found someone else to plant the seed, but as it turned out her eggs were rotten. Laughing every day.
I feel sorry for HIM.
My ex BIL blew off warnings I gave him about my sister. I told him: Remember, I grew up with her.
To quote Nelson Muntz. Ha Ha!!!!!
Hey MINE TOO! lol
This story NEVER gets old. I love it.
And it’s repeated over, and over, and over, and over again. . . .
Unlike her
@John Armenta the same old broken record
She didn’t want you in her PRIME… ignore her in her DECLINE.
She didn’t give you her ALL…. Now just watch her hit the WALL.

If she didn’t want you in her prime, don’t pay her bills in her decline.
@Nagasyari These comments . . . lol
in her 40s? well in her decline ..
I’m so sick of women who act like Thier actions should not have any negative consequences, no matter what they do.
@qjtvaddict Narcissistic/unconscientious*
women act like kids. just observe….
Joel – You have terrible judgment in the women you associate with because no, it is not all women.
Amen Brother. They are never held accountable for their bad behavior.
@John Mininger i hope not
My uncle literally went through the same exact thing: married his high school sweetheart at the age of 19. She lost her virginity to another guy and flat out said she wouldn’t walk down the aisle if the guy was there. Still my uncle ignored the red flag and married her having four kids one of whom is my best friend. 25 years later she runs into the guy again and starts having an affair. She and my uncle divorce, and she marries the other guy. Quickly she realizes the guy is a loser and in five years time married and then divorced that guy. Now she’s pleading for my uncle to take her back because she has no money left in her name and refuses to get a job. She’s 55. Don’t ignore red flags
She refuses to get a job? How is that your uncle’s problem? Zero accountability.
@Tom Cain Exactly dude, and that’s exactly what he said. He literally went: if you would’ve stayed with me and loyal to me, I would’ve helped you with everything. Now you’re on your own.
Please tell me what are the red flags!
@Analytical Habitrails Bruh…..
Was there or wasn’t there? Why would they guy who took her virginity even be at the wedding in the first place?
My ex girl friend from college called me 10 years later after I had a good wife and kids to say she made a mistake wtf. I told her don’t call me again and I was happy!!
I feel I had this girl I loved so much. She got a good job and started making more money then and the she started cheating left me. Not even a year she got fired got a DUI all cus she wanted to have friends. 6 years later she looks for me and tells me I’m her soulmate but I had already moved on at the time I had a new girl who was pregnant with my now 5 year old son. Now I’m 34 and she’s 30 and I bet she’s still sleeping around
and what did she say to that??? please tell man
She doesn’t regret her decision, she regrets things didn’t turn out for FOR HER as she expected. Still only thinking about herself.
That’s right that’s why they don’t deserve another opportunity because it’s not repentance it’s remorse based on circumstances.
@Charles Taffe if it had worked out they wouldn’t even think of looking back or reflective fashion.
Wow nice way to put it, so real
The same thing happened to me. 10 years after she divorced me my ex sent me an apology letter telling me that she is sorry and clearly regretted her decision. I told her that I forgave her in my heart but I moved on and I am living a different life now. In the meantime I retired from my old job, became a full time landlord and I am a proud owner of 20 acres with 3 houses on it. I will NEVER EVER marry again.
Respect man. Thanks for sharing.
Amen brother, glad to hear it. Stay single but always mingle.
Well done bro
Sorry that happened to you Marc, you deserved better but glad things worked out for you.
Edward Will What helped me move onwards with my life was acknowledging the original woman I married changed to a completely different person. People change with time and it’s not always for the better. The lady of your dreams today can become the witch of your nightmares in the future.
My grandmother once said “Women are their own worst enemies.”
You have a very wise grandmother
Wise woman indeed!!
I’ve dated several women who told me they left their husbands for other men they thought were better. They all got dumped and the former husbands moved on a made a better life for themselves. The regret was in their eyes.
Yes. My wife. Left me. For a. Guy Tried to return after I got even remarried I will never hurt my new wife and I learned from my past mistakes expensive lesson
Yup. Because after a man experiences this betrayal, the only thing on his mind is making himself so valuable that no woman would ever even consider doing this to him again. That’s why alot of times they level up
@fazor mcghee and it makes the women madder because they think why couldn’t he just be ambitious to level up on his own. Why did he get better after and now I lose out on it. Lmao
Pump and dump!? Attaboy!
I must have intuited this early on. Married a great guy in my 20s and just weathered through the hard times. Sure I sometimes longed to be single, but then I thought about the perks of having a long term loyal partner. I never wanted kids either, but did have one in my 30s. Best thing I ever did – married long term (48 years now) and had a child. Every single woman I know now without exception (a lot!) is still alone, many childless. They just have dogs and cats as company. Every one bitter and isolated with resentment.
Society is going to crash because of this this is unprecedented for this many women to be single
A very nice testimony. Wishing you continued many happy years together… All those childless w; m subconsciously consider that to be theft from m and society. Lived their entire lives succubus’ing from m, and never contributed anything – theft.
Good job! My wife and I married very young, she weathered it with me until I found my niche. We had 3 beautiful daughters and been married 36 years and counting. I couldn’t imagine going through what these people go through.
Good story, thanks for sharing it, young women need to hear this. And some older ones, so they can repent of what they’ve done to some good men, I’m sure.
I recently had my ex wife , whom I haven’t spoken to in years, call me to tell me that I was the best thing that ever happened to her and she made a huge mistake and was so sorry etc etc missed me bla bla bla… I thanked her for her courage in admitting this to me and hung up the phone. I must admit that hearing that affirmation from her made me feel better.
If she knew what you would do she wouldn’t have called. She just had no other options.
You did the right thing. Hope you are happy now Mark.
That’s the oldest trick in the book. Glad you didn’t fall for it

@Jonis Strods you’re
% right. They always want back when the pool of options dry up. In short, this is only a confirmation that when they do this you weren’t their first choice. What I do then is to treat them like the way that they treated me. I let them know that the door is locked and they are a non option to me. I told one of those women that left me to “have a nice life, have a nice death and goodbye”
Was this a confession on her part, wanting forgiveness from you? In the hopes of you taking her back? You played it right, bro.
I was drilled by my parents to respect women & talk to them with dignity. This got me nowhere in a relationship, nor did it get me a date. The more I talked down to a woman / talked trash the more dates & sex I got.
If you don’t mind, can you tell me more about that? I am not trying to be necessarily evil but I have the same issues. Late 20s and struggling with the same issue TBH cuz I was raised up with similar values + I grew up in a religious background which conditioned me in the old traditional way. Now I realize I don’t know anything literally about dating nor how to play the game. What I was taught had no application in the real world…kina like a college degree lol. I would love to talk to you in some length to learn what I am doing wrong.
@Yahia Mohamed I wish you all the best, friend. I grew up similar as you, in a Christian household with two loving parents. I envisioned becoming a family man at one point and that never happened. And I’ve made peace with that. It’s not so bad though. I’m responsible, financially stable, debt free and free to do whatever I want. Hobbies are very important.
@Yahia Mohamed And NEVER let her have her way with you. You must ALWAYS put yourself first. Never let her make decisions for you, you be the leader. She might think you’re a jerk, but I can guarantee she will have more respect for you when you do this. You trust a woman’s actions not her words. You might think this sounds cruel, but what kind of guys do you see women knocking down doors to be with, dudes who worship them, or dudes who keep them in the back burner? Case and point.
Dude, this one hits close! This story LITERALLY happened to me! Married my HS sweetheart at 19. Three years in I wasn’t “progressing” fast enough, so she left me for a guy she was banging. I ran into her 5 years after we’d split up. I discovered she was now TWICE divorced. She said to me, “It’s too bad we didn’t meet later in life. We probably would have made it.” I looked at her, downed my beer and said, “Don’t count on it” and walked away.
That was the last time I ever saw her.
I remarried when I was 31 to a woman a year older than me who is an amazing woman and exceptional mom. 20 years on, we’re still going.
Had a similar experience was dating a girl after a year really pressuring me to get married but I wasn’t ready or willing to get married
She first found then left me for another guy older and far less fit than me
I actually saw them together in a restaurant I was at with a friend
I took one look at him and said to myself buddy she’s gonna take you to the cleaners AKAA D-gRaping better you than I
Sure enough she got married to him had a kid and divorced him.
Seams we both dodged a bullet
you re the man
“The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra
Ol’ Blue Eyes would be so proud of you Bro!
Good man!! A lot of weak males would have jumped on the chance to try again..congrats on a real woman and a real love!!
My son who is 23 doesn’t date, he says girls are just a waste of time and money. He is focusing on himself, currently his career. He is adamant that he will not marry, says it is just a bad deal all around. All of his buddies are the same way.
I was spending the day at the range with them and they all are against the idea of marriage. These are well put together guys, all of them fit, educated, hard working, well off. None of them want marriage, they say why risk it for the type of woman that are available. I was shocked by this as I never felt this way when I was young like them. So I spoke to my wife of 23 years and she was in agreement with them! I was taken back, but she said woman aren’t like they were anymore. They abuse men, they look at men differently now, they look at what they can get, they aren’t loyal. She told me woman know they can get everything a man has, then move to the next one and so on. She said there is a reason young men feel this way, they aren’t making it up.
She just feels sad for our daughter who isn’t that way. She has been raised with good principles and morals. She thinks that our daughter is going to have a hard time finding a man that will trust her. Because the current breed of woman are untrustworthy.
With your guidance I’m sure she will find a quality man. There are a lot of men who feel the same way as your son. Men of worth are becoming more discerning with whom they share their attention and love to.