You Know You’re Dating a Russian Woman When…

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"It is not a revenge drama. It is a comedy." What you need to know before dating that Russian woman.

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Lucifex Productions
Jacqueline Payne

Alina McLeod:

John Marcucci
Gabriel Shaughnessy

Music by:

Amazing Plan – Distressed Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Happy Alley Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Filmed in:
Toronto, Canada


  • Captain Clutch says:

    Very true. I’m Hispanic/American, but I met my Russian girlfriend during my stay for the World Cup, and being a class gentleman is definitely REQUIRED. We’ll soon get to be married this upcoming New Year!

  • Blue Blues says:

    I expected some stupid stereotips about my country but it’s all true😂 “It’s a comedy” killed me. I cannot understand why we call such films “comedies” too

  • Jiffyyoyo says:

    That was a very funny video that I can relate to. I enjoyed it.
    I’m a Russian woman living in the U.S. My two sons always laugh about how much food, I prepared for four people. They would say something like, are you inviting the entire Army Regimen? LOL!
    Yes, most Russian ladies are very traditional. We do not like small talk. We do not like going around the bush, just get to the point. Remove your shoes before entering the house. We like men to be gentlemen to open the car doors and door entrances. Be honest, no shading the truth.

    • Iasmina Alexandra says:

      Are we one and the same person? I’m exactly the same! I am from Romania and I can say that many women here are like this, I noticed that we have many things in common with Russian women. Many women who are married to Russian men say that they are gentlemen, I would like more men in Romania to be like this, I do not say they are not, but not as I have heard about the Russians. I want to visit Russia, it’s like an untouched land. Greetings to all!🙂🖤

    • Mickaël M. says:

      2 years after the legend told she was divorced !

    • Egg says:

      Hello, I’m Canadian and I hate how North-Americans take forever to say a simple thing. I wish people here were more direct.

    • Egg says:

      Also the honesty and traditional parts would be nice, that’s not really a North American thing

    • Ryan Reis says:

      @Egg I know dude, girls nowadays are all about feminism and stuff like that … Here in Brazil they make a big deal out of nothing, so I can’t even imagine how it is in Canada …

  • Neceal Neakte says:

    – Это драма о мести?
    – Нет! Это комедия!
    Не могу сдержать угар, учитывая сюжет фильма! 😂🤣

    • Sophie Timofeeva says:

      Ну это правда комедия)

    • Neceal Neakte says:

      @Sophie Timofeeva, поэтому и смешно, что в какой-то степени абсурдно)

    • jsbedu says:

      @Neceal Neakte Вот почему и завоевала премию Оскар 😂

    • Neceal Neakte says:

      @jsbedu, я слышал, некоторые иностранцы возмущались этому факту…

    • Jurmasch:Games says:

      Та это драмеди обычная по ихнему или как у нас говорят мелодрама. Вуди Аллен всю карьеру такие фильмы снимал 🙄

  • Tom Kelly says:

    American with Russian wife here. Never forget to bring a small present (flowers, chocolates, bottle) when you visit her home, or her parents’ home, or her friends’ home. Always open doors for her. Be prepared for conversation, as she’s well-educated. Don’t give her anything purple (funeral color) or an even number of flowers (bad luck). Da svedaniya!

    • Andres Ni says:

      It’s so interesting to know about other countries “bad luck,” traditions, they rarely make true sense.

      Thank you for sharing Tom!

    • Nazi Rita says:

      Please share more tips because I want a russian wife

    • xiaoyishaa says:

      but purple thinngs is okay,
      don’t give an even number of flowers is really so important

    • varvaarikas🍓 says:

      @Nazi Rita your shoes are very important, they always need to be clean (even if you are punk) and the most expensive part of your wardrobe. my mom agreed to go on a date w my dad when he first asked her out just because he had really good shoes on, she immediately thought “he has good taste which means he is smart”

    • varvaarikas🍓 says:

      @Nazi Rita aaaand you might want to change your username here since historically we all are aggressive towards nazis lmao don’t even mention them

  • Matthew Smith says:

    Missed opportunity:
    She’s smarter than you, but she’ll never let you know that.

  • Andrea Martina says:

    Russian girls are so funny to me 😀 It’s so fun the way they look so serious and cold at the beginning but when they eventually trust you they get sooo nice and talkative 🙂

  • Michael Ferguson says:

    20 years ago I married a Russian woman. I’m American. This video made me laugh. It was so right on.

  • InkerNoir says:

    As a Russian, I must say that her accent and struggling with speaking English are absolutely spot on.

    • Subutay Noyan says:

      It’s usually caused by the fact that Russians do not touch their teeth with their tounges most of the time.

      The place where the language is spoken doesn’t fit with Russian tendencies. That’s why a lot of them struggle with th sounds and all.

    • InkerNoir says:

      @Subutay Noyan yes, undoubtedly, some of us do struggle with th sounds as they don’t exist in Slavic languages, but that problem can be fixed (perhaps this is partially because of the way we have been taught English at schools but that’s another story.) What I thought of, though, was more about that natural melody of Russian speech which sounds really “out of tune” if English sentences are built on it. Don’t know if people who don’t speak Russian can spot this Russian thing so easily but for us it’s obvious. Though I do not say it’s something bad at all, it is how it is and I think it’s wonderful 🙂

    • Helegis Feldman says:

      As an actual Russian, this accent is completely wrong and the whole portrayal is racist. We don’t sound and don’t behave like this. And 99% of us also don’t look like this

    • Helegis Feldman says:

      @Subutay Noyan you’re clearly an expert on how WE speak our languages. *We* do touch the teeth with our tongues when we speak, only all the fucking time. We don’t have INTERdental consonants though. But it poses no problem when we speak English. And no, we don’t sound like this woman in the video

    • Andy Nixon says:

      @Helegis Feldman I have a friend who is Russian and she does sound exactly like the woman in the video .

  • Ashley Moore says:

    Been dating my Russian born girlfriend for 5 years this year.

    Would’ve been great seeing this 5 years ago when we first started dating. Would’ve made getting past the cultural differences much easier.

  • miguelkab says:

    Best line is “no it’s a comedy” Russian comedies are tragic 😂

    • Инна Юдакова says:

      No, it is very good films! My favourite is ‘Kavkazska plenitza’. Ы

    • miguelkab says:

      @Инна Юдакова they just don’t make films like that anymore.

    • Мааааааасковский Зуммерок says:

      The genre of tragedy and comedy is very intertwined in many of our films. It seems like a film about sad things, but with a huge number of funny and heartfelt jokes. But we also have a lot of just funny comedies and sad tragedies.

    • Pablo Perez says:


  • B Leroy says:

    French guy here, and I also love “Moscow Does not Believe in Tears”! I think it’s of the best Soviet films. It’s actually a straight up existentialist film, using the easily relatable phenomenon of midlife crisis to illustrate the overcoming of the human condition (in this case, midlife crisis). One of my favourite part of the film is when they had this dinner party in the Moscow apartment, and the old guy said: ‘Life begins at 40!’. That foreshadowing was just so artful.

    In general I think Russian art is just so genuine and sophisticated, unsurprising given its rich tradition of having the best composers, painters, and ballet schools. In western Europe for example, art schools focus primarily on conceptual stuff. There’s a lot of emphasis on inventing new stuff merely for the sake of it. There’s no content. It’s mostly limited to mere ‘self-expressions’, simply because nothing else is left (but also because of pop influence where it’s all just about ‘self-expression’. But that was never the point of art. You can express yourself in other ways too). We also had a great ballet tradition in Paris, but alas it’s been neglected nowadays. The great thing about Russia is that they’ve kept these artistic traditions and people still love them, while here children are brought up on American pop media. I hope that the Paris opera and ballet can revitalise but I know that it’s a slim hope. I hope that Russia would hold onto its rich cultural scene and that parents would continue to expose their children to high culture from an early age, to treat it as part of their usual entertainment.

    • Hart Getzen says:

      Beautifully said! Right on point.

    • K. C says:

      I’m Bulgarian and our culture is very similar to Russians, and I’ve noticed I’m very attracted to Russian movies and books, and so on, but I only like a handful of American stuff, and I can’t stand the rest. American art is so over the top and fake to me. You perfectly put into words why I love Russian art so much!!!

    • salsa dip says:

      Same in Vienna, unfortunately. German and Austrian Youth (don’t know about the Suisse and German speaking minorities in other countries) take a lot from English and forget to speak the over 200 German dialects. It’s called Denglish and it’s horrible.
      Also coffee house culture seems to die. Vienna’s coffee culture is part of UNESCO and a lot of people go to Starbucks, for what.
      It’s hard to find a middle ground between change that’s needed (equality for example) and change that lets you forget your culture and heritage.

    • Missis Moon says:

      Хочется написать всем и каждому – пожалуйста, старайтесь сохранять свою уникальную культуру, тогда мир будет интересен. Всех люблю♥️

  • Slavic Girl says:

    Я 50% Русский и 50% Серб потому что мой папа из России а моя мама из Сербии.Красиво быть Сербом и Русским

  • Dr. Ihtam Netu says:

    As a guy married to a Russian girl for 7 years, i can confirm this video is 100% true. Since i come from Slavic country it wasn’t hard to find a common language 🙂

  • DirtCat says:

    I had a Russian friend a long time ago, lost contact due to her moving and getting busy with life. We had no relationship but a nice friendship as she was married. I knew her husband too, very wonderful man. She gave me the rundown if I ever did date a Russian or anyone European as this hit the nail on the head exactly all these years later!

    I do miss that friendship and hope she and her husband are doing well where ever they’re at!

    • Alena Kroshechkina says:

      Try to find your friends and reconnect with them again, I swear they will be heartily happy to hear you again <3

  • chdev77 says:

    I’m (American 44) newly dating (3 months) a Russian woman and I agree with the opening of doors and that she keeps herself well put together….she always has snacks too and knows how to cook just about anything. She’s also the most educated person I’ve ever been with…super smart. She’s also extremely assertive…we’re going here, we’re going there. There is no “I’ll think about it” or “maybe”…it’s either YES or NO. And when she says NO, its very blunt and direct like you just stepped on her cat. And if I tell her “Maybe” she’s like “NO, NO, NO…there is no MAYBE bullshiz!” I’ve never been more obsessed with a female…

  • Billowman24 says:

    As an American man dating a Russian woman, I can confirm at 3:26 that this is 100% true. She would talk forever about a topic and I barley get a word out. 😂 She is super lovey and supportive of anything that I do in life! I love her dearly. ❤️

  • Iso Majava says:

    Russian people are quite traditionalists and have some point about family values and respect to elderly. It’s OK if Russian girl wants you to meet her family, including grandmother and grandfather. When I was dating a girl who lived in Rostov-on-Don suburb we often spend evenings at dinner with her relatives because it’s just the way it is. For Russians it’s OK for adult people to live with their parents, or, truth to tell, Russian can see those eager to move to live on their own as bad sondaughter who don’t care about their family. Show that you care about your parents and pay them attention, and a Russian girl would really appreciate it, as that’s the sign of a decent man in Russia. Also, in controversy to common stereotype, not all Russians love drinking alcohol, in fact, there’s a good chance to meet a Russian girl that will be cautious with somebody who drinks booze not at celebrations. On the other hand, tea is very popular in Russia, and sitting together in a kitchen or living room with mugs of tea having long chats is a Russian habbit. Tea quality is not that important, a big mug of tea makes feel cosy and helps the talk flow.

    • russkayaimperiya says:

      Most of what you said is right-on Alex, good man

    • Tea Lover says:

      I’m Russian girl and I wouldn’t say that people are always for grown children living with parents. Most girls generally don’t care if you live with your mom or not, especially Piter and Moscow citizens cause our real estate is expensive and most people under 25 CANNOT afford it (and me too). BUT! If you’re a man older than 30 and you still live with your parents, you can receive very judgemental looks NOT only from women but also from other men. Because men are usually expected from Russian society to be providers for the family, it’s expected from men to buy their own flat or house so their future spouse and children can move in. Many will call you “lazy” and “infantile” and these people don’t care do you have big degrees or decent job, if you don’t pay for your own living in 30s, Russian women will ignore you.

      Also, because most of Russian young people had experienced generational trauma of different levels of abuse, many girls after they get close to you will talk about problems in their relationship with their parents. My advice is: NEVER minimise the experience of your girlfriend and ALWAYS listen to her. When a Russian girl talks about her abusive mother/father, she’s very serious about it. Many of girls are generally afraid to talk about domestical abuse with strangers cause it’s a big chance they receive judgement and even shaming from close minded people. Talking with you about negative experience is a huge sign she DOES trust you and it’s your role to not dissapoint your love ones.

    • Amber Chickadee says:

      Finally! Someone remembers we like tea!!

  • Dating Beyond Borders says:

    Want to know the inns and outs of dating women around the world?

  • Ameer Ahmed says:

    Really classy and traditional. A complete picture of beauty & brains, rapped in emotions. Russian girls are the best.

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